Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Chapter 9: The Fuss & The Fur-Riot

Title comes from the 2001 movie, The Fast and The Furious.

Dylan drove the car furiously. His face was so tight. He held the steering wheel so firmly; I can see his veins on his hands. He was cursing Adam’s name in the car. I was quite shocked with this situation ‘cause customarily, I’m the one who will be yelling and cursing. Dylan is the type who holds the situation calm and steady, but now, it’s different from the real him.

As we reached Berk’s, Dylan got out from the car without more ado and left the car engine on. He’s totally pissed with Adam. I switched to the driver seat and stopped the engine. I rushed out from the car and ran into the Berk’s.

Dylan was already pulling Adam’s shirt when I got in. Joe was staring at both of them. Once Joe saw a glimpse of me, he turned to me and mouthed, “Help,” I quickly ran to Dylan and pulled him back. He fell to the floor. Adam pushed my shoulder and my fist went right to his face. He fell on a customer who was sitting alone next to us. As he stood back up, Dylan gave him another punch. Dylan’s knuckle is much bigger than mine, I believe the impact is also much greater. Joe ran to us and pushed us apart.

“What the hell is happening to all of you?” Joe yelled at us. The customers in that restaurant turned to us.
“This fellow lead Ryan to drugs,” Dylan shouted.
“For your information, Mr. Wide Jaw, he came to me!”
“But why you asked him to take that shit!” I fought back.
“Adam… you?” Joe sounded shocked.
“He asked for it, not I introduce to him, you son of the bitch!” Adam cursed. Joe ran to the kitchen out of sudden.
“Can’t you tell us?” I asked him.
“Well, you guys are the ones who should get the blame, not me! When he needed you, you are busy making out with your girlfriend and flirting with the freshman!” Adam defended himself.

Despite the fact he is right, he should not have given the drugs to Ryan. He could have suggested him to the counselor or anything that does not involve drugs.

“And now, you are making a fuss in my workplace! Shame on you people!”

Dylan got pissed off and grabbed Adam’s collar. His hands were shaking; the veins were clearly seen on his arms.

“You better shut it tight, or I’ll give you a BERK’S-SPECIAL-KNUCKLE-SANDWICH?,” Dylan warned him.
“Make me, bastard,” His mouth is full with filthy words.

Dylan gave him another punch. This time, his mouth bled. Dylan felt so relieved and threw him down. I got to Adam and lifted him up. I turned to Dylan and mouthed, “Enough!” Adam suddenly grabbed the plate on the table and hit me with it.

“What’s with you idiot!” I yelled at him. I pushed him away and Dylan got to me. Dylan held my head and asked, “Are you okay?” I was about to answer him but he instantly went to Adam and kicked him. This had now become a big fight. Dylan and Adam were punching and kicking each other. The customers were afraid and some of them left the restaurant. My head was aching, but I was lucky, it was not a glass plate. I fell on my knees and my hands were holding my head. It felt so heavy.

Suddenly, my eyes saw red and blue lights flashing. I focused at it and got shocked. IT WAS THE POLICE CAR. Who called them? I turned my face back to the restaurant and tried to look after Joe. He came out from the kitchen with a phone in his hand. DAMN. Joe called them here. Dylan and Adam stopped the fight and stared at each other. The police officers got out from the car and walked into the restaurant.

“Stop this war, young men!” His voice was so rough. I couldn’t scan the name as my head was going to explode.
“You both, get into the car!” Another officer spoke up. He took out his handcuff and arrested Dylan and Adam.
“I was in the fight too!” I confessed. I’m not letting Dylan get the punishment alone. We both started it, so we are going to end it together.
Ahh, glad we have honest juveniles nowadays,” He teased me. He got to me and grabbed my hand.

The two officers pulled us to the car. They were so rough. As we got into the car, I saw a familiar truck stopped not far from us. It was Ryan’s. His window was tinted, I couldn’t see who was inside. But I can see somehow, behind the window, Ryan was blaming himself for all this. The fact is I had disappointed him. WE disappointed the person we tried to defend. Dylan and I looked at each other with eyes full with regrets.

“Get up, you guys are free!” An annoying officer’s voice woke me up. I can’t believe that I just slept in jail for a night. I opened my eyes and shook Dylan, “Rise and shine, buddy,” He woke up and yelled, “DAD!” I turned to my back and saw, Mr. Derrick glaring at us. And my head was already fine. I can think straight already.

We walked out from the cell with a fat officer escorting us. Mr. Bradshaw narrowed his eyebrows as his son, Dylan is now a juvenile. He was upset; I know what’s he feeling now.

“Adam, I’m sorry about my son and Harold’s behaviors, my bad,” He apologized. How does an old man could possibly apologize to a teenager?
“You should ground your son, Mr. Bradshaw,” Adam replied him. He turned to us and gave us a smirk.
“I will, definitely will,” He agreed.
“But dad…” Dylan spoke up.
“You’ll be grounded. No phone, no car, no hanging out!”
“Dad! How could you!”
“Let’s go, we’ll talk about this at home,” He pulled Dylan out from the police station and to the car.
“Dad, I’m seventeen…” Dylan pleaded.
“Harold, you want me to send you back?” He ignored Dylan.
“I’m fine, I’ll call Cameo,” I answered.

Mr. Bradshaw was mumbling to Dylan in the car. I bet he was listing all the things Dylan forbid to do as his punishment. I grabbed my phone and suddenly…

All the right friends in all the right places – My phone rang. This ring tone is for unsaved number. I picked up the phone and a girl was on the line.

“Harold... This is me, Geneva!” I was shocked. How she got my number?
“Yea? I thought you are having class right now?” I answered.
“You’re already out?”
“Yes. Dylan’s father got us out, where are you now?”
“I skipped school, got something more important than that,” I could hear she was breathing rapidly. The background was too noisy.
“Where are you?”
“That’s why I called you! I’m in the riot. We are against the new shop that sells leather and fur items! Can you please come over here?”
“Yes, where are you?” Am I a trouble magnet or something? Without thinking any longer, I answered her.

She gave me the address and I hung up the phone. I ran to the taxi stand. I stopped the taxi and he drove me to where the riot is going on.

As we reached there, I saw many signboards and a really, really big riot. The taxi driver refused to get closer to the crowd and stopped the car. “Son, I’m not going in there.” He turned to me. “Fine…” I grabbed my wallet and gave 10 dollars to him. “Keep the change” I got out and shut the door. “Animals need the fur to live!”
“We are Fur-less. You better shut the shop down,”
FUR-RIOT is gonna bring you guys down”

Those signboards scared me somehow. They are doing this for the sake of animals. Well, I’m a part of it now. I dialed Geneva’s phone and she picked up.

“Where are you?” I asked her.
“Near a taxi stand,” She answered. I lifted my head up and looked for the taxi stand.
“I’ll be there, wait for me. Don’t walk into the crowd!” I hung up the phone.

I ran directionless. I looked for the taxi stands but failed. The chaos blinded me.

“Miss, do you know where is the nearest taxi stand?” I asked a lady holding a huge signboard.
“There!” She pointed at the taxi stand, which was not very, far from where I stood just now.
“Thank you!” I thanked her and ran to the taxi stand. I saw Geneva standing there.
“YOU ARE DEAD! GIVE BACK THE FUR TO THEM!” The lady yelled at my ears.

As I got to Geneva, she hugged me. She looked so happy. She smiled at me and pulled me into the mob. It was so hot. Our body clashed with the people and I hated it. How can they stand this just to save the animals? I bet Geneva is a big fan of the creatures. “SHUT IT DOWN!” she shouted over and over again. She’s a good at this. Is she used to this? She’s one complicated girl but yet it is part of her charm, I guess.

“The POLICE are here!” Someone yelled. Oh my god! Not again… I grabbed Geneva’s hands and ran. To run in the crowd, it is totally impossible. We have to push here and there. A big sized man next to us pushed me, and hit Geneva. She fell to the ground and another man trampled over her. She was static on the road. She’s not moving at all! I shouted for help but no one bothered to look at us.

I got to her and carried her up. Someone knocked into me and ran without saying sorry. “Where’s your manners!” I shouted and ran to the parking lot. I put her down and took the car key out of her purse. I pressed her car key and found out that her car was parked at the corner. I lifted her up and ran to the car. I put her down on the passenger seat and she was still unconscious. I started the engine and drove to her house.

She is still so white and pretty in her ‘sleep’. I should have stopped her from joining the mob. My heart was beating very fast. I was so afraid of losing her. I put my hand on her lap and calmed myself. I turned to her every five minutes to check her. At each turn, I was hoping she would open the eyes and be okay.

What should I tell her father? Should I lie to him? Geneva definitely didn’t tell him about the ‘fur-riot’ and if I do so, I’ll be in a big trouble.

When I reached her house, I parked the car at her garage. I got out from the car and took the house key out from her. I carried her into the house and put her on the couch. She was still oblivious. I decided to stay with her. I sat on the floor, next to her. I played with her hair and grabbed her hands. I put my head next to hers and fell asleep.

“What are you doing here!”

I tried to open my eyes, I was too exhausted. When I opened my lazy eyes, Geneva’s father was standing in front of me. Geneva was …

Credits to Suzanne for the grammar checking.