Monday, December 28, 2009

Chapter 8: House Of Pain

Title comes from a movie, House Of Wax

“Welcome to the house of Payne!” Mr. and Mrs. Payne greeted all the guests at the front door. They planned the party so well. It even has a dress code to obey. Mini skirts and all the inappropriate dresses were not allowed to get inside the house. The Payne really doesn’t like sluttish kids. Mr. Payne taught both of his daughters very well. That’s one of the reasons why Roxanne doesn’t really like to wear dress to school.

Harold came with Geneva. He drove his new car and made his friends wondered. He at first declined to use the car but Mrs. Tedder insisted. She said that she would be hurt if he doesn’t use the car. He got no choice but to drive it. “Hey nice wheel!” Dylan praised Harold’s car. Harold smiled and thanked him. “Cameo bought it?” Ryan asked him. Harold nodded and felt guilty. He really didn’t want to lie to his best friend but he had to. Geneva got to Lily and greeted each other. Not long after that, all of them marched to the pool. Roxanne was looking so beautiful in her pink dress, waiting for her friends to wish her. “Hey lookie here, Roxanne is in a dress! That is a one in a lifetime moment!” Dylan teased Roxanne. Everybody giggled. “Happy Birthday Roxy Pixie!” Dylan, Harold and Ryan wished at once. They hugged Roxanne one by one. Geneva and Lily pulled the guys to the back and approached Roxanne. “Happy Birthday Roxy. You look so beautiful today!” Geneva praised her. “You look good in dress. Why don’t you wear it in school?” Lily added, raising her eyebrows. “No way! I won’t!” Roxanne pulled her dress up uncomfortably and giggled.

“Gee! You wear the dress Ely bought for you!” Natasha shouted and ran to the gang. The guys look at each other awkwardly. “Girls…” Dylan whispered. All of them laughed. They wished Roxanne again and left the girls alone. “Happy birthday pretty!” Natasha wished her. Roxanne couldn’t stop smiling looking at her friends. “Hmm… Girls, enjoy the party. Keith is here already. Ciao!” Roxanne waved at them and walked slowly to Keith. The girls were shocked to hear that. “Roxy and Keith? No way!” Geneva giggled. “Let’s get some food,” Lily pulled Geneva and Natasha to the house, haunting for some food to munch.

“Happy Birthday Love!” Keith grabbed Roxanne. He smiled widely. He kissed Roxanne and she replied it this time. “Thanks,” Roxanne said, laughing at the same time.

“Roxy? Your boyfriend?” Joan, her sister, looked at her with a question mark on her face. “Shoo! Go away! This is my spotlight!” Roxanne signaled her to get lost. “Hmm.. Izzy, he wants to see you,” Joan added, voice lowed down. She was afraid of her sister. She knew about the relationship between Izzy and her sister and Roxanne will definitely be mad at her after the party.

“Roxy…” A voice came from Joan’s back. Joan left hurriedly. Roxanne shocked to see Izzy standing a meter away. “Let me get you a drink,” Keith kissed her and left both of them. He didn’t want to interfere them.

“What are you doing here? You weren’t invited,”
“Your parents did,”
“They asked me to come,”
“But this is my party, my rules. Get lost,”
“You really don’t want to talk about it, do you?”

Izzy grabbed her hands. He face was so apologetic. He squeezed the hands tighter, desperately wants the forgiveness from Roxanne. Roxanne turned her face away. She couldn’t give what Izzy wants. “Let go of me, please. Go home,” Roxanne pleaded. She really wants him to go away. She tired of all the drama. And Keith came to the rescue. He brought two glass of cocktail with him. “Do you mind if steal her?” Keith didn’t know what happened to both of them. His voice was so innocent. “She’s all yours,” Izzy let Roxanne go and walked out from the house. He looked disappointed. He really regretted of what he had done.

History cannot be change. So change yourself to make a better tomorrow and it will never too late to do so.

“What happened?” Keith wondered as he saw Roxanne pulled a long face. “Nothing,” She sighed. She grabbed the cocktail from Keith and drank.

If a girl says ‘nothing’, there is always something beneath it.

While the gang is chatting inside the house, Natasha excused herself. She went out for some fresh air. She was actually wondering where her best friend, Ely is. Ely had never been late for a party before. She grabbed her phone and dialed the number. She waited for Ely to pick it up but it went to the voicemail. “Ely, please call me. I’m worried about you,” She felt uneasy, she felt something wrong happened to Ely. Suddenly, she saw Ely walking into the house. She felt relieved and headed back into the house. “Nat!” Ely shouted her name. Natasha turned to her back and saw Ely was running towards her on her high heels, crying. Her cheeks were wet. She hugged Natasha as soon as she got near her. Natasha stunned by Ely’s gesture.

“What’s wrong E?”
“I’m sorry Nat. I should have trust you!”
“What happened?”
“Noah dumped me. He said…”
“Do you think Noah Snyder wants to be with you for the rest of his life? Come on! There’s plenty of balloons have yet to be poke. He’s still young. He don’t want to be stuck with your boring life? Isn’t it?”

Those lines from Noah never faded from Natasha’s head. It’s the main reason Natasha is not hooking up with anybody right now.

“How do you know?”
“He said that to me too. After we slept together,”
“He did the same to me!” Ely grabbed Natasha tighter. Her tears fell on Natasha’s dress.
“Come on, E. I know you are strong,”
“Thanks Nat and I’m really sorry,” She released Nat and wiped her tears.
“Don’t be,”
“You are the greatest friend,”
“I’m glad you’d learnt your lesson, E,”

Eventually, both sank to the bottom of the sea.

Back in the house, the gang was chatting and laughing non-stop. The birthday girl and Keith had joined them. All together, they made a noisy crowd. Mr. and Mrs. Payne were also there, looking at her daughter’s friends and glad that they were perfectly fine. “What goes Zubb-Zubb?” Mr. Payne joked. Everyone lifted their shoulder up. They didn’t know the answer for the question. “It’s a bee flying backward!” Mr. Payne laughed. He told some pretty cold jokes of his to the gang and they have to fake a laugh to not hurt his feeling. “It was hilarious!” Dylan laughed sarcastically. Harold hit his head and everyone laughed at Dylan.

“Roxy dear, where is Izzy?” Roxanne’s mom wondered. Izzy wasn’t in the room with the gang. She suspected something was going between Roxanne and him. “He left early, he said he got a better work to do,” She lied. “Are you serious? He was so excited about today,” Mrs. Payne doubted her daughter. Everyone in the room became statues. They weren’t sure which side are they on. “Can we stop talking about Izzy and…”

“I don’t speak Spanish, Japanese or French, but the way…” Dylan’s phone rang. He picked it up and covered the phone with his hands. “I’m sorry, people. Phone call,” He got up and walked out from the room, as he wants privacy. Others nodded and Ryan brought up a new topic, “Kris or Adam?”

“Hey Ely,” Dylan greeted Ely and paced out quickly.

“Happy birthday Roxy Pixie! Sorry I’m late!” Ely jumped in excitement. She managed to hide her sorrow beneath her mask. Natasha smiled and greeted everyone. They joined the gang and they debated on who’s better between Adam and Kris. Roxanne delighted by the party.


“Dylan’s speaking? Who is this?”
“Hey boyfie!”
“What do you want Christine?”
“I’m waiting for you in front of Roxanne’s house now. Please come, I’m alone,”
“What do you want?”
“It’s about Comfort!”
“What about her?”

Christine hung up the phone. “Damn!” Dylan murmured. Dylan went outside the gate for Comfort’s sake. He wanted to know what Christine was up to. As he reached the house gate, he saw Christine waiting in her Bentley. He rolled his eyes and exhaled aloud.

“Hey, come here!” Christine said with her sluttish voice. Dylan walked to her, feeling disgusted. “What do you want? They all are waiting for me inside!” He said furiously. Christine grabbed her handbag and took out her phone. “There’s something you got to watch,” She gave Dylan the phone. Dylan shocked the heck out of him, as the video was the incident in the storeroom, starring COMFORT.

“Where did you get this and is that Buck in the video?”
“Yes. I was there with him, oops. Me and my big mouth,”

Dylan stopped the video and deleted the file. He turned to Christine with his I-am-so-relieved-look. “I have the file in my notebook, dumb dumb! I know you will delete it!” Christine laughed.

“Let me get this straight. You were behind this all along?”
“Unfortunately, yes! At first, I asked Buck and his gang to teach her some lesson for not listening to me. But now, since you are generously helping her and she’s definitely into you, I changed the plan. Luckily, I recorded the video. Now I can use it to get you, boyfie!”
“I know what are you trying to do! Please don’t!”
“It depends on you,”
“Please don’t send it to others, I’m begging you,”
“Wow. Dylan Andrew Bradshaw is pleading on his knee, well not exactly. That’s so not you, my dear, what happened to the Macho Dylan I knew?”
“You do know that she suffered a lot, don’t you?”
“I do? Who cares about that Comfort anyway? All I want is you and your fame.”
“What you want me to do? Name it! But promise me, you will delete the file,”
“Hurt her to the core and be with me. As simple as that,”
“You are so mean,”
“I will do anything to get you, Dylan. Ciao!”

Christine got into her car and left the house. Dylan couldn’t believe what had just happened. He had to choose between hurting his friend and hurting his friend. That’s a tough decision to make.

Looks like someone is in the middle of the road. If he moves, the cars will hit him. But if he don’t, he will get hit sooner or later. So, if you love somebody, let it free. She will come back to you if she’s really meant to be yours. But if she doesn’t, just snap your finger, there’s plenty more waiting in the line.

“Excuse me young man, is this Roxanne’s house?” A car stopped in front of the house gate. Dylan tried to peek who’s inside but it was tinted. It was too dark to see through. Dylan nodded and walked into the house, to get into what he left back.

The man got out from the car and went into the house. As Dylan saw his face, he was stunned. “Uncle Embry?” He asked in shock. The man turned to him and got a shock as well.

“Andrew, what are you doing here?”
“My friends party? How about you? You are not suppose to be in Nottingham,”
“I moved back here. Emma didn’t tell you that?”
“Geneva is your daughter?”
“And she’s in a big trouble,”

Mr. Byron went into the house furiously and left Dylan at the back with a puzzle to solve. He yelled Geneva’s name repeatedly. When he got in, Mr. Payne stopped him at the door. “Who are you and what do you want?”

“Dad!” Geneva ran to Mr. Byron. Mr. Payne moved to the side, giving way to Geneva. “You said you are doing homework with your friends!” Mr. Byron said angrily. Everybody was shocked to hear that. “I can explain it,” Geneva turned to Harold, her eyes filled with regret. “Let’s go home,” Mr. Byron dragged her out. She turned her face to Harold and mouthed, “I’m sorry,” and before both got into the car, Mr. Byron shouted, “You are strictly keeping yourself away from my daughter starting from now Harold!”

Mr. and Mrs. Payne both glared at Harold. “What! She told me, that her parents let her to go to the party! I pick her up from the house for god sake!” Harold stomped to his car. “Well, let’s continue the party… without them,” Roxanne didn’t want her party to turn out a day to remember because of it’s tragedies.

Dylan ran after Harold and shouted his name. Harold ignored him, as he really didn’t have the mood to talk. He had just got cheated by his girlfriend. Geneva used his name to attend the party. That’s so awful of her. “Harold, look at me!” Dylan fed up.

“What is it?” Harold turned reluctantly.
“I think Geneva is my cousin,”

A recipe for a great party is one worthless blind friend, two friends that could accept each other’s flaw, one whore to turn a great man into a monster, a wonderful lie and a disastrous truth. Gather all of them under one roof; you will get a splendid magnificent day to remember for the rest of your life.

SOS! Show them way out from the house of pain before they got lost in it!