Roxanne somehow felt unease about all the things happening in her house, in her birthday party, in her life. Her (almost the) brightest hazel eyes in school filled with tears. Some are joyful tears, but most of it was the tears of pain. Her boyfriend, Keith, was beside her all the time but he couldn’t see her suffering soul as she covered it quite well with her smile. Mr. and Mrs. Payne, on the other hand, were wondering what happened to her daughter and Izzy. The guy Roxanne should be in his arm right now was supposed to be Izzy, not Keith. The Paynes doesn’t even know who that kid is. Mrs. Payne pulled both of the kids to the kitchen, as she really needs the truth. Mr. Payne doesn’t really like the idea but have to cope anyways since he is the father. As Roxanne and Keith being pulled to the kitchen, the I-want-to-know-everything girl, Ely, saw them. She pulled Natasha’s hands and –as if Natasha had no other choice –she followed her.
“Roxanne, I want to know right now! What happened to you and Izzy,” Mrs. Payne raised her voice. If she raised it higher, it is as loud as the stereo in the living hall. Mr. Payne leaned on the cabinet; looking so pathetically sorry to Keith for doing this to him He couldn’t do anything other than listen to her spine-chilling wife. “Mom, he moved on. I moved on and met Keith. That’s what happened! We grew up, mom!” Roxanne said, breathing unsteadily. She really didn’t want to pick a fight with her mom especially in front of her sweetheart. “I meant, what happened till you both are not as close as before? And don’t tell me that both of you grew up. That is so absurd.You are still listening to Justin for god sake!” Mrs. Payne still doubted her daughter. Roxanne is also a die-hard fan of Justin Bieber. This makes her even more childish than her sister, Joan, who loves to stuff her ears with Lady Gaga’s songs.
“Izzy turned gay. Roxanne hurt. Keith came to the rescue,” Ely jumped to the kitchen door. Natasha stunned. The Paynes turned to her with glaring eyes. The Paynes had something in between, they are all tiny, blonde–even though Mr. Payne is half-bald, and they have such beautiful pair of hazel brown eyes. “Could you repeat my dear?” Mrs. Payne wanted to check what she heard before it’s the same as what Ely said. Natasha cleared her burning throat and got next to Ely. Both of them looked at each other, hoping someone will utter a word.
“The truth is yes, Izzy is gay now,” Keith spoke up and told the truth. He looked down to his shoes and Roxanne squeezed his hand. Mr. Payne straightened up himself and fixed his sleeves. “Be careful with the words you use, young man!” He didn’t like the way Keith speaks. He believes Izzy is somehow still naïve and an upright boy. “Mom, dad, someone is pissing in our pond,” Joan shouted, running to the kitchen. All of them shocked to hear that. Ely and Natasha couldn’t help themselves from laughing. “We’ll talk about this at night,” Mrs. Payne warned Roxanne and pulled Mr. Payne out to the pond.
Keith, Ely and Natasha turned to Roxanne. She looked so depressed. “Let’s go to the real party, this is such a tragedy,” Ely got to Roxanne and soothed her. All of them faced Ely with narrowed eyebrows. “Tonight, at the beach, there’s always a party over there. Let’s shake our sorrow off!” Roxanne looked at her for a second and smiled. “Let’s go!” Four of them ran out from the house using the backdoor. For Roxanne, it’s a big sin to sneak out to some random party but she doesn’t really care about it right now. She wants to get the heck out of the disaster.
But she will soon get caught into another mess. That’s for sure
“Now, you explain to me why you said that Geneva is your cousin?” Harold keened to know what does Dylan meant. Both of them were now in the car. Dylan sat at the passenger seat. He looked thrifty as he’s scared he will say a wrong statement. “Spit it out!” Harold really didn’t know what patient is. "Still remember the day, when you got to run to your brother ‘cause he got some problem? I shouted something didn’t I? I was about to tell you about Geneva but somehow, I forgotten to say it till I met her father just now,” Dylan attempted to stay calm and cool. He stroked his hair and tried not to look at Harold. “Yes,” Harold spoke under his breathe, so soft, so not in the mood. “I saw a picture of Geneva and I when we were four. I asked my father who is the girl but he said she was a cousin of mine who had passed away in an airplane crash. So, I sort of ignored the fact that Geneva and I are cousins. Few minutes ago, Mr. Byron a.k.a my Uncle Embry reminded of the picture and he said Geneva is his daughter. I can’t be wrong this time,” Dylan exhaled, relieved as soon as he finished his story, “But who cares anyway? I’m tired of all people lying to me, and I’m not going to lie to him anymore,” Harold sighed. He didn’t really listened to Dylan. “Him?” Dylan lost there. He wasn’t really sure what is Harold mumbling about. Harold nodded and refused to say the name. “I better get out now,” Dylan opened the door and got out. He sneaked his head back in before he left and said, “Don’t do any reckless stuff, Harold. You know I care. Bye for now,” He left Harold and went to his car.
Harold grabbed his phone and dialed a number. He seemed to be soulless in that car. Hopeless frown carved on his face. He waited for the person to pick it up mutedly.
“Hey, Harold. What’s up? How’s the party?” George Cruz was on the line. He tried to be friendly to his son. He really wanted Harold to forgive him. “George, I want you to get Aunt Cassie and Rheon in the house now. Let’s have a family dinner together,” Harold faked a chirpily voice. He was up to something. Something about the truth. “Son, are you being real?” His dad sounded so happy. He waited for today to come since he changed his irresponsible attitude. “Yes dad! I’ll be home in another 20 minutes,”
GOD! Harold just said the word DAD. He is really hiding something behind him.
He hung up the phone and went back into the house. He left something behind.
“Where’s Harold?” Mrs. Tedder was already in the house but Harold wasn’t there. She wore something motherly and almost all her skin covered with her embroidered cashmere cardigan. There’s golden jewel squares weaved on it’s edge which clearly giving a message: “I’m only supposed to be carried by Miss Rich.” This is her first time in such outfit. She usually let her top button unbutton for the guys to explore her asset but this time, for winning Harold’s heart sake, she dressed up like she is going to an old folk’s farewell party. Rheon was the same, looking like a rich kid from Beverly Hills. His turtleneck sweater matches his James Dean hair. In fact, he really did look like James Dean without the cigarette in his mouth, a bottle of whiskey in his hand and a little bit chubbier. Demetria sort of felt in love with Rheon’s appearance. She blushed every time Rheon turned to her.
“Harold will be back any time soon. He never breaks his promises. Trust me,” Cameo twitched his finger on the table, hoping what he said is true. Clock struck 7.30 but Harold’s car still hasn’t stop at the garage. Cameo stood up, headed to the living hall, grabbed his phone and dialed Harold’s number. He wouldn’t want to embarrass his father. When he was about to press the call button, he heard a car screeched and stopped at the house compound. He turned to the rest in the kitchen and smiled. “He’s back,” He went to the dining table and joined them.
“Hey, I’m back!” Harold shouted and opened the door. He straight away walked into the kitchen as he smelled something delicious coming out from there. When he saw all of them sitting and waiting for him, he grinned. “I’m sorry for being late,” He raised his eyebrows. “You better have a solid reason for this, son,” George spoke like a father. “I do, dad” Harold replied and made Cameo choked. Cameo was surprised to hear the word ‘dad’ coming out from his brother’s mouth. Cameo turned to Harold with his one eyebrow raised up. “And this family isn’t complete without…” Harold said.
“Hi.. Uncle…” Ryan stopped Harold, came out from his back, and stunned. He wasn’t expecting his mom to be there. He turned to Harold furiously. Aunt. Cassie and Rheon were shocked too. “Harold, what is this?” He asked with hatred snowed under his words. “A family gathering,” Harold pretended to be so excited about it. “Ryan, I can explain,” Mrs. Tedder stood up and hit the table. The glass of red whine fell on her luxurious cardigan. George quickly grabbed the cloth behind him and wiped the dirt on her clothe. “There’s nothing to be explain mom. You are just so Dad. You guys don’t really care about me! And you too, Rheon” He yelled. Rheon was render speechless as he was so innocent. He was not the one who asked for all this to happen. Ryan hurriedly ran out from the house, left the rest in shock in the house. Harold somehow relieved as he’s not in conspiracy anymore. He chased after Ryan who was heading to his truck.
Ryan started the engine and reversed the truck. “Ryan, wait for me!” Harold shouted. Ryan slid the window down. He wanted to say something to Harold as well. He got out from his truck and went to Harold. Before Harold could say a word, Ryan’s fist went right to his face. “What is that for?” Harold pushed Ryan. Ryan didn’t move an inch. He’s way too big for Harold to push. “For lying to me! You knew my mom is here but you kept it from me. What kind of friend are you?” He turned and walked to his truck. Harold ran out of words. He held his nose as it was about to explode. He regretted for telling Ryan. It’s the same if he keep it and wait till Mrs. Tedder tells Ryan herself. “But at least, I tell you isn’t it!?” he shouted. Ryan ignored him and drove away.
Ryan’s head was empty. He couldn’t find anyone to talk to already. Her mom, her brother and now, his friend lied to him. I should forget about them. He spoke to himself. He drove the truck heading to the west. He decided to go to the beach to release his anger to the tranquil ocean. “Ocean won’t harm me, will it?” He murmured. He held the steering wheel firmly. He drove as fast as his truck couldn’t reach any higher speed. He drove recklessly. He disobeyed some of the red lights and some slow drivers on his way. Suddenly, a familiar car crashed his truck.
In a blink of an eye, he was already on the road. He fled out from his truck and now, he couldn’t lift himself up. He was bleeding badly. He tried to lift his head up but failed. He was numbed. “Keith…” A familiar voice called. Ryan’s sight was blurring, he wanted to see who called but he couldn’t even move. He couldn’t see the beautiful dark sky anymore. “Let’s go, God is waiting for you…” A guy in dark cloak appeared a foot away from him. “I’m ready,” Ryan answered him, exhaled aloud, closed his eyes and …
“Is there anyone else want to say your last word for this noble young guy?” An old middle age man spoke. Many people had said their last regard and put the roses on the coffin. Harold stood still among the crowd who came for the funeral, for their last goodbyes. He was wearing his black tux, holding a white rose in his hand. He is not ready to say anything just yet. “Harold, go on,” A man put his hand on Harold’s shoulder. Harold turned to him and nodded. “Alright Izzy,” he said, breathing serenely. He stood up and the old man stepped back. “Come here, son. Say your words,” Harold nodded to what he said. On his way to the center, he tried to look at his friends but they wasn’t there, none of them was there. Dylan, Roxanne, Ely and Nat weren’t there to be with him, to stand a chance to say sorry with him. He got to the center and exhaled in dissatisfaction.
“I learned a lesson yesterday. A lesson, which I think, none of us ever experienced it before. I believe God wanted to tell me something; God wants me to change. I thought and I knew the lie hurts one’s heart. But yesterday, this accident taught me something that beyond human’s minds. I realized something you people won’t even can accept it or might think I’m crazy but I strongly believe that… truth is worse. May God be with you,” He looked at the coffin, releasing a big amount of air, which was full of regrets. He put the rose on the coffin. “I’m sorry, Herman,” He whispered and it was barely heard by the others. People who attend were confused. None of Harold’s words made sense at all, none of them connected to Herman.
Harold went back to where he stood. As he reached his place, Izzy tapped his shoulder again and Harold turned to him. “I’m sorry, Izzy. I’m really sorry,” His face looked so apologetic. “It’s not your fault. Let’s go visit them in the hospital. I bet Dylan is waiting for you,”
“Yes, we should go now,”
Harold is right this time. Lie hurts but truth worse. Because of lie, he hurt his best friend. Because of truth, he killed someone innocent.
SOS! Let’s lie even more!