Thursday, December 31, 2009

Chapter 9: Lie Hurts but Truth Worse

Title comes from James Morrison’s song, Broken String.

Roxanne somehow felt unease about all the things happening in her house, in her birthday party, in her life. Her (almost the) brightest hazel eyes in school filled with tears. Some are joyful tears, but most of it was the tears of pain. Her boyfriend, Keith, was beside her all the time but he couldn’t see her suffering soul as she covered it quite well with her smile. Mr. and Mrs. Payne, on the other hand, were wondering what happened to her daughter and Izzy. The guy Roxanne should be in his arm right now was supposed to be Izzy, not Keith. The Paynes doesn’t even know who that kid is. Mrs. Payne pulled both of the kids to the kitchen, as she really needs the truth. Mr. Payne doesn’t really like the idea but have to cope anyways since he is the father. As Roxanne and Keith being pulled to the kitchen, the I-want-to-know-everything girl, Ely, saw them. She pulled Natasha’s hands and –as if Natasha had no other choice –she followed her.

“Roxanne, I want to know right now! What happened to you and Izzy,” Mrs. Payne raised her voice. If she raised it higher, it is as loud as the stereo in the living hall. Mr. Payne leaned on the cabinet; looking so pathetically sorry to Keith for doing this to him He couldn’t do anything other than listen to her spine-chilling wife. “Mom, he moved on. I moved on and met Keith. That’s what happened! We grew up, mom!” Roxanne said, breathing unsteadily. She really didn’t want to pick a fight with her mom especially in front of her sweetheart. “I meant, what happened till you both are not as close as before? And don’t tell me that both of you grew up. That is so absurd.You are still listening to Justin for god sake!” Mrs. Payne still doubted her daughter. Roxanne is also a die-hard fan of Justin Bieber. This makes her even more childish than her sister, Joan, who loves to stuff her ears with Lady Gaga’s songs.

“Izzy turned gay. Roxanne hurt. Keith came to the rescue,” Ely jumped to the kitchen door. Natasha stunned. The Paynes turned to her with glaring eyes. The Paynes had something in between, they are all tiny, blonde–even though Mr. Payne is half-bald, and they have such beautiful pair of hazel brown eyes. “Could you repeat my dear?” Mrs. Payne wanted to check what she heard before it’s the same as what Ely said. Natasha cleared her burning throat and got next to Ely. Both of them looked at each other, hoping someone will utter a word.

“The truth is yes, Izzy is gay now,” Keith spoke up and told the truth. He looked down to his shoes and Roxanne squeezed his hand. Mr. Payne straightened up himself and fixed his sleeves. “Be careful with the words you use, young man!” He didn’t like the way Keith speaks. He believes Izzy is somehow still naïve and an upright boy. “Mom, dad, someone is pissing in our pond,” Joan shouted, running to the kitchen. All of them shocked to hear that. Ely and Natasha couldn’t help themselves from laughing. “We’ll talk about this at night,” Mrs. Payne warned Roxanne and pulled Mr. Payne out to the pond.

Keith, Ely and Natasha turned to Roxanne. She looked so depressed. “Let’s go to the real party, this is such a tragedy,” Ely got to Roxanne and soothed her. All of them faced Ely with narrowed eyebrows. “Tonight, at the beach, there’s always a party over there. Let’s shake our sorrow off!” Roxanne looked at her for a second and smiled. “Let’s go!” Four of them ran out from the house using the backdoor. For Roxanne, it’s a big sin to sneak out to some random party but she doesn’t really care about it right now. She wants to get the heck out of the disaster.

But she will soon get caught into another mess. That’s for sure

“Now, you explain to me why you said that Geneva is your cousin?” Harold keened to know what does Dylan meant. Both of them were now in the car. Dylan sat at the passenger seat. He looked thrifty as he’s scared he will say a wrong statement. “Spit it out!” Harold really didn’t know what patient is. "Still remember the day, when you got to run to your brother ‘cause he got some problem? I shouted something didn’t I? I was about to tell you about Geneva but somehow, I forgotten to say it till I met her father just now,” Dylan attempted to stay calm and cool. He stroked his hair and tried not to look at Harold. “Yes,” Harold spoke under his breathe, so soft, so not in the mood. “I saw a picture of Geneva and I when we were four. I asked my father who is the girl but he said she was a cousin of mine who had passed away in an airplane crash. So, I sort of ignored the fact that Geneva and I are cousins. Few minutes ago, Mr. Byron a.k.a my Uncle Embry reminded of the picture and he said Geneva is his daughter. I can’t be wrong this time,” Dylan exhaled, relieved as soon as he finished his story, “But who cares anyway? I’m tired of all people lying to me, and I’m not going to lie to him anymore,” Harold sighed. He didn’t really listened to Dylan. “Him?” Dylan lost there. He wasn’t really sure what is Harold mumbling about. Harold nodded and refused to say the name. “I better get out now,” Dylan opened the door and got out. He sneaked his head back in before he left and said, “Don’t do any reckless stuff, Harold. You know I care. Bye for now,” He left Harold and went to his car.

Harold grabbed his phone and dialed a number. He seemed to be soulless in that car. Hopeless frown carved on his face. He waited for the person to pick it up mutedly.

“Hey, Harold. What’s up? How’s the party?” George Cruz was on the line. He tried to be friendly to his son. He really wanted Harold to forgive him. “George, I want you to get Aunt Cassie and Rheon in the house now. Let’s have a family dinner together,” Harold faked a chirpily voice. He was up to something. Something about the truth. “Son, are you being real?” His dad sounded so happy. He waited for today to come since he changed his irresponsible attitude. “Yes dad! I’ll be home in another 20 minutes,”

GOD! Harold just said the word DAD. He is really hiding something behind him.

He hung up the phone and went back into the house. He left something behind.

“Where’s Harold?” Mrs. Tedder was already in the house but Harold wasn’t there. She wore something motherly and almost all her skin covered with her embroidered cashmere cardigan. There’s golden jewel squares weaved on it’s edge which clearly giving a message: “I’m only supposed to be carried by Miss Rich.” This is her first time in such outfit. She usually let her top button unbutton for the guys to explore her asset but this time, for winning Harold’s heart sake, she dressed up like she is going to an old folk’s farewell party. Rheon was the same, looking like a rich kid from Beverly Hills. His turtleneck sweater matches his James Dean hair. In fact, he really did look like James Dean without the cigarette in his mouth, a bottle of whiskey in his hand and a little bit chubbier. Demetria sort of felt in love with Rheon’s appearance. She blushed every time Rheon turned to her.

“Harold will be back any time soon. He never breaks his promises. Trust me,” Cameo twitched his finger on the table, hoping what he said is true. Clock struck 7.30 but Harold’s car still hasn’t stop at the garage. Cameo stood up, headed to the living hall, grabbed his phone and dialed Harold’s number. He wouldn’t want to embarrass his father. When he was about to press the call button, he heard a car screeched and stopped at the house compound. He turned to the rest in the kitchen and smiled. “He’s back,” He went to the dining table and joined them.

“Hey, I’m back!” Harold shouted and opened the door. He straight away walked into the kitchen as he smelled something delicious coming out from there. When he saw all of them sitting and waiting for him, he grinned. “I’m sorry for being late,” He raised his eyebrows. “You better have a solid reason for this, son,” George spoke like a father. “I do, dad” Harold replied and made Cameo choked. Cameo was surprised to hear the word ‘dad’ coming out from his brother’s mouth. Cameo turned to Harold with his one eyebrow raised up. “And this family isn’t complete without…” Harold said.

“Hi.. Uncle…” Ryan stopped Harold, came out from his back, and stunned. He wasn’t expecting his mom to be there. He turned to Harold furiously. Aunt. Cassie and Rheon were shocked too. “Harold, what is this?” He asked with hatred snowed under his words. “A family gathering,” Harold pretended to be so excited about it. “Ryan, I can explain,” Mrs. Tedder stood up and hit the table. The glass of red whine fell on her luxurious cardigan. George quickly grabbed the cloth behind him and wiped the dirt on her clothe. “There’s nothing to be explain mom. You are just so Dad. You guys don’t really care about me! And you too, Rheon” He yelled. Rheon was render speechless as he was so innocent. He was not the one who asked for all this to happen. Ryan hurriedly ran out from the house, left the rest in shock in the house. Harold somehow relieved as he’s not in conspiracy anymore. He chased after Ryan who was heading to his truck.

Ryan started the engine and reversed the truck. “Ryan, wait for me!” Harold shouted. Ryan slid the window down. He wanted to say something to Harold as well. He got out from his truck and went to Harold. Before Harold could say a word, Ryan’s fist went right to his face. “What is that for?” Harold pushed Ryan. Ryan didn’t move an inch. He’s way too big for Harold to push. “For lying to me! You knew my mom is here but you kept it from me. What kind of friend are you?” He turned and walked to his truck. Harold ran out of words. He held his nose as it was about to explode. He regretted for telling Ryan. It’s the same if he keep it and wait till Mrs. Tedder tells Ryan herself. “But at least, I tell you isn’t it!?” he shouted. Ryan ignored him and drove away.

Ryan’s head was empty. He couldn’t find anyone to talk to already. Her mom, her brother and now, his friend lied to him. I should forget about them. He spoke to himself. He drove the truck heading to the west. He decided to go to the beach to release his anger to the tranquil ocean. “Ocean won’t harm me, will it?” He murmured. He held the steering wheel firmly. He drove as fast as his truck couldn’t reach any higher speed. He drove recklessly. He disobeyed some of the red lights and some slow drivers on his way. Suddenly, a familiar car crashed his truck.

In a blink of an eye, he was already on the road. He fled out from his truck and now, he couldn’t lift himself up. He was bleeding badly. He tried to lift his head up but failed. He was numbed. “Keith…” A familiar voice called. Ryan’s sight was blurring, he wanted to see who called but he couldn’t even move. He couldn’t see the beautiful dark sky anymore. “Let’s go, God is waiting for you…” A guy in dark cloak appeared a foot away from him. “I’m ready,” Ryan answered him, exhaled aloud, closed his eyes and …

“Is there anyone else want to say your last word for this noble young guy?” An old middle age man spoke. Many people had said their last regard and put the roses on the coffin. Harold stood still among the crowd who came for the funeral, for their last goodbyes. He was wearing his black tux, holding a white rose in his hand. He is not ready to say anything just yet. “Harold, go on,” A man put his hand on Harold’s shoulder. Harold turned to him and nodded. “Alright Izzy,” he said, breathing serenely. He stood up and the old man stepped back. “Come here, son. Say your words,” Harold nodded to what he said. On his way to the center, he tried to look at his friends but they wasn’t there, none of them was there. Dylan, Roxanne, Ely and Nat weren’t there to be with him, to stand a chance to say sorry with him. He got to the center and exhaled in dissatisfaction.

“I learned a lesson yesterday. A lesson, which I think, none of us ever experienced it before. I believe God wanted to tell me something; God wants me to change. I thought and I knew the lie hurts one’s heart. But yesterday, this accident taught me something that beyond human’s minds. I realized something you people won’t even can accept it or might think I’m crazy but I strongly believe that… truth is worse. May God be with you,” He looked at the coffin, releasing a big amount of air, which was full of regrets. He put the rose on the coffin. “I’m sorry, Herman,” He whispered and it was barely heard by the others. People who attend were confused. None of Harold’s words made sense at all, none of them connected to Herman.

Harold went back to where he stood. As he reached his place, Izzy tapped his shoulder again and Harold turned to him. “I’m sorry, Izzy. I’m really sorry,” His face looked so apologetic. “It’s not your fault. Let’s go visit them in the hospital. I bet Dylan is waiting for you,”

“Yes, we should go now,”

Harold is right this time. Lie hurts but truth worse. Because of lie, he hurt his best friend. Because of truth, he killed someone innocent.

SOS! Let’s lie even more!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Chapter 8: House Of Pain

Title comes from a movie, House Of Wax

“Welcome to the house of Payne!” Mr. and Mrs. Payne greeted all the guests at the front door. They planned the party so well. It even has a dress code to obey. Mini skirts and all the inappropriate dresses were not allowed to get inside the house. The Payne really doesn’t like sluttish kids. Mr. Payne taught both of his daughters very well. That’s one of the reasons why Roxanne doesn’t really like to wear dress to school.

Harold came with Geneva. He drove his new car and made his friends wondered. He at first declined to use the car but Mrs. Tedder insisted. She said that she would be hurt if he doesn’t use the car. He got no choice but to drive it. “Hey nice wheel!” Dylan praised Harold’s car. Harold smiled and thanked him. “Cameo bought it?” Ryan asked him. Harold nodded and felt guilty. He really didn’t want to lie to his best friend but he had to. Geneva got to Lily and greeted each other. Not long after that, all of them marched to the pool. Roxanne was looking so beautiful in her pink dress, waiting for her friends to wish her. “Hey lookie here, Roxanne is in a dress! That is a one in a lifetime moment!” Dylan teased Roxanne. Everybody giggled. “Happy Birthday Roxy Pixie!” Dylan, Harold and Ryan wished at once. They hugged Roxanne one by one. Geneva and Lily pulled the guys to the back and approached Roxanne. “Happy Birthday Roxy. You look so beautiful today!” Geneva praised her. “You look good in dress. Why don’t you wear it in school?” Lily added, raising her eyebrows. “No way! I won’t!” Roxanne pulled her dress up uncomfortably and giggled.

“Gee! You wear the dress Ely bought for you!” Natasha shouted and ran to the gang. The guys look at each other awkwardly. “Girls…” Dylan whispered. All of them laughed. They wished Roxanne again and left the girls alone. “Happy birthday pretty!” Natasha wished her. Roxanne couldn’t stop smiling looking at her friends. “Hmm… Girls, enjoy the party. Keith is here already. Ciao!” Roxanne waved at them and walked slowly to Keith. The girls were shocked to hear that. “Roxy and Keith? No way!” Geneva giggled. “Let’s get some food,” Lily pulled Geneva and Natasha to the house, haunting for some food to munch.

“Happy Birthday Love!” Keith grabbed Roxanne. He smiled widely. He kissed Roxanne and she replied it this time. “Thanks,” Roxanne said, laughing at the same time.

“Roxy? Your boyfriend?” Joan, her sister, looked at her with a question mark on her face. “Shoo! Go away! This is my spotlight!” Roxanne signaled her to get lost. “Hmm.. Izzy, he wants to see you,” Joan added, voice lowed down. She was afraid of her sister. She knew about the relationship between Izzy and her sister and Roxanne will definitely be mad at her after the party.

“Roxy…” A voice came from Joan’s back. Joan left hurriedly. Roxanne shocked to see Izzy standing a meter away. “Let me get you a drink,” Keith kissed her and left both of them. He didn’t want to interfere them.

“What are you doing here? You weren’t invited,”
“Your parents did,”
“They asked me to come,”
“But this is my party, my rules. Get lost,”
“You really don’t want to talk about it, do you?”

Izzy grabbed her hands. He face was so apologetic. He squeezed the hands tighter, desperately wants the forgiveness from Roxanne. Roxanne turned her face away. She couldn’t give what Izzy wants. “Let go of me, please. Go home,” Roxanne pleaded. She really wants him to go away. She tired of all the drama. And Keith came to the rescue. He brought two glass of cocktail with him. “Do you mind if steal her?” Keith didn’t know what happened to both of them. His voice was so innocent. “She’s all yours,” Izzy let Roxanne go and walked out from the house. He looked disappointed. He really regretted of what he had done.

History cannot be change. So change yourself to make a better tomorrow and it will never too late to do so.

“What happened?” Keith wondered as he saw Roxanne pulled a long face. “Nothing,” She sighed. She grabbed the cocktail from Keith and drank.

If a girl says ‘nothing’, there is always something beneath it.

While the gang is chatting inside the house, Natasha excused herself. She went out for some fresh air. She was actually wondering where her best friend, Ely is. Ely had never been late for a party before. She grabbed her phone and dialed the number. She waited for Ely to pick it up but it went to the voicemail. “Ely, please call me. I’m worried about you,” She felt uneasy, she felt something wrong happened to Ely. Suddenly, she saw Ely walking into the house. She felt relieved and headed back into the house. “Nat!” Ely shouted her name. Natasha turned to her back and saw Ely was running towards her on her high heels, crying. Her cheeks were wet. She hugged Natasha as soon as she got near her. Natasha stunned by Ely’s gesture.

“What’s wrong E?”
“I’m sorry Nat. I should have trust you!”
“What happened?”
“Noah dumped me. He said…”
“Do you think Noah Snyder wants to be with you for the rest of his life? Come on! There’s plenty of balloons have yet to be poke. He’s still young. He don’t want to be stuck with your boring life? Isn’t it?”

Those lines from Noah never faded from Natasha’s head. It’s the main reason Natasha is not hooking up with anybody right now.

“How do you know?”
“He said that to me too. After we slept together,”
“He did the same to me!” Ely grabbed Natasha tighter. Her tears fell on Natasha’s dress.
“Come on, E. I know you are strong,”
“Thanks Nat and I’m really sorry,” She released Nat and wiped her tears.
“Don’t be,”
“You are the greatest friend,”
“I’m glad you’d learnt your lesson, E,”

Eventually, both sank to the bottom of the sea.

Back in the house, the gang was chatting and laughing non-stop. The birthday girl and Keith had joined them. All together, they made a noisy crowd. Mr. and Mrs. Payne were also there, looking at her daughter’s friends and glad that they were perfectly fine. “What goes Zubb-Zubb?” Mr. Payne joked. Everyone lifted their shoulder up. They didn’t know the answer for the question. “It’s a bee flying backward!” Mr. Payne laughed. He told some pretty cold jokes of his to the gang and they have to fake a laugh to not hurt his feeling. “It was hilarious!” Dylan laughed sarcastically. Harold hit his head and everyone laughed at Dylan.

“Roxy dear, where is Izzy?” Roxanne’s mom wondered. Izzy wasn’t in the room with the gang. She suspected something was going between Roxanne and him. “He left early, he said he got a better work to do,” She lied. “Are you serious? He was so excited about today,” Mrs. Payne doubted her daughter. Everyone in the room became statues. They weren’t sure which side are they on. “Can we stop talking about Izzy and…”

“I don’t speak Spanish, Japanese or French, but the way…” Dylan’s phone rang. He picked it up and covered the phone with his hands. “I’m sorry, people. Phone call,” He got up and walked out from the room, as he wants privacy. Others nodded and Ryan brought up a new topic, “Kris or Adam?”

“Hey Ely,” Dylan greeted Ely and paced out quickly.

“Happy birthday Roxy Pixie! Sorry I’m late!” Ely jumped in excitement. She managed to hide her sorrow beneath her mask. Natasha smiled and greeted everyone. They joined the gang and they debated on who’s better between Adam and Kris. Roxanne delighted by the party.


“Dylan’s speaking? Who is this?”
“Hey boyfie!”
“What do you want Christine?”
“I’m waiting for you in front of Roxanne’s house now. Please come, I’m alone,”
“What do you want?”
“It’s about Comfort!”
“What about her?”

Christine hung up the phone. “Damn!” Dylan murmured. Dylan went outside the gate for Comfort’s sake. He wanted to know what Christine was up to. As he reached the house gate, he saw Christine waiting in her Bentley. He rolled his eyes and exhaled aloud.

“Hey, come here!” Christine said with her sluttish voice. Dylan walked to her, feeling disgusted. “What do you want? They all are waiting for me inside!” He said furiously. Christine grabbed her handbag and took out her phone. “There’s something you got to watch,” She gave Dylan the phone. Dylan shocked the heck out of him, as the video was the incident in the storeroom, starring COMFORT.

“Where did you get this and is that Buck in the video?”
“Yes. I was there with him, oops. Me and my big mouth,”

Dylan stopped the video and deleted the file. He turned to Christine with his I-am-so-relieved-look. “I have the file in my notebook, dumb dumb! I know you will delete it!” Christine laughed.

“Let me get this straight. You were behind this all along?”
“Unfortunately, yes! At first, I asked Buck and his gang to teach her some lesson for not listening to me. But now, since you are generously helping her and she’s definitely into you, I changed the plan. Luckily, I recorded the video. Now I can use it to get you, boyfie!”
“I know what are you trying to do! Please don’t!”
“It depends on you,”
“Please don’t send it to others, I’m begging you,”
“Wow. Dylan Andrew Bradshaw is pleading on his knee, well not exactly. That’s so not you, my dear, what happened to the Macho Dylan I knew?”
“You do know that she suffered a lot, don’t you?”
“I do? Who cares about that Comfort anyway? All I want is you and your fame.”
“What you want me to do? Name it! But promise me, you will delete the file,”
“Hurt her to the core and be with me. As simple as that,”
“You are so mean,”
“I will do anything to get you, Dylan. Ciao!”

Christine got into her car and left the house. Dylan couldn’t believe what had just happened. He had to choose between hurting his friend and hurting his friend. That’s a tough decision to make.

Looks like someone is in the middle of the road. If he moves, the cars will hit him. But if he don’t, he will get hit sooner or later. So, if you love somebody, let it free. She will come back to you if she’s really meant to be yours. But if she doesn’t, just snap your finger, there’s plenty more waiting in the line.

“Excuse me young man, is this Roxanne’s house?” A car stopped in front of the house gate. Dylan tried to peek who’s inside but it was tinted. It was too dark to see through. Dylan nodded and walked into the house, to get into what he left back.

The man got out from the car and went into the house. As Dylan saw his face, he was stunned. “Uncle Embry?” He asked in shock. The man turned to him and got a shock as well.

“Andrew, what are you doing here?”
“My friends party? How about you? You are not suppose to be in Nottingham,”
“I moved back here. Emma didn’t tell you that?”
“Geneva is your daughter?”
“And she’s in a big trouble,”

Mr. Byron went into the house furiously and left Dylan at the back with a puzzle to solve. He yelled Geneva’s name repeatedly. When he got in, Mr. Payne stopped him at the door. “Who are you and what do you want?”

“Dad!” Geneva ran to Mr. Byron. Mr. Payne moved to the side, giving way to Geneva. “You said you are doing homework with your friends!” Mr. Byron said angrily. Everybody was shocked to hear that. “I can explain it,” Geneva turned to Harold, her eyes filled with regret. “Let’s go home,” Mr. Byron dragged her out. She turned her face to Harold and mouthed, “I’m sorry,” and before both got into the car, Mr. Byron shouted, “You are strictly keeping yourself away from my daughter starting from now Harold!”

Mr. and Mrs. Payne both glared at Harold. “What! She told me, that her parents let her to go to the party! I pick her up from the house for god sake!” Harold stomped to his car. “Well, let’s continue the party… without them,” Roxanne didn’t want her party to turn out a day to remember because of it’s tragedies.

Dylan ran after Harold and shouted his name. Harold ignored him, as he really didn’t have the mood to talk. He had just got cheated by his girlfriend. Geneva used his name to attend the party. That’s so awful of her. “Harold, look at me!” Dylan fed up.

“What is it?” Harold turned reluctantly.
“I think Geneva is my cousin,”

A recipe for a great party is one worthless blind friend, two friends that could accept each other’s flaw, one whore to turn a great man into a monster, a wonderful lie and a disastrous truth. Gather all of them under one roof; you will get a splendid magnificent day to remember for the rest of your life.

SOS! Show them way out from the house of pain before they got lost in it!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Chapter 7: Trouble Is Whose Friends?

Title comes from Lenka’s song, Trouble is a friend.

Trouble is just a word. Or should we call it ‘a wanted haunted spirit’?

Ely was in the hotel room with her hunky heartthrob, Noah Snyder. He is charming sometimes but he’s a total jerk. In other words, he is Aaron Gonzalez the Second. Back then, he was Natasha’s boyfriend. But after that incident, both, Noah and Natasha became perfect strangers to each other.

“Noah, you can’t do this to me. You said you love me!” Natasha was out of her breath. She couldn’t think less than pleaded him to stay with her. “Nat, listen. Do you think Noah Snyder wants to be with you for the rest of his life? Oh come on! There’s plenty of … Balloons have to be poke. I’m still young. I don’t want to be stuck with your boring life!” Noah literally had just given her a tight slap after a tight sleep. He put his jeans and shirt on. He got into his fancy shoes and walked out of the hotel room, leaving Natasha crying alone on the bed.

“So honey, when you want to get on me?” Noah sounded desperate. He was lying on the bed with his shirt off. Ely giggled in the bathroom, fixing her make-up. She was surprisingly nervous to ride the tide. She exhaled. She inhaled. But still looking into the mirror. “Well, just enjoy the show Ely,” She murmured. Somehow, that sentence gave her strength to get out from the bathroom. She saw Noah smiled at her as soon as he saw her glimpse. “You’re hot in that, baby!” Noah praised her beauty. “Well, at least don’t wear your superman boxers next time!” Ely teased Noah.

Ely is summoning trouble even though she couldn’t see what it will cost her.

At the same hotel, Ryan was eating dinner with Lily. Ryan kept it casual to not scare Lily away. He was thinking to bring Lily on a boat, under the shimmering moonlight but that will fright the heck out of Lily for sure. So, he chose his father’s hotel instead. He ordered the food as Lily totally could not pick a dish from the menu. They were too… delicious and mouth watering. Ryan picked its best dish as he eats dinner here for almost a quarter of his life. Lily couldn’t stop smiling the entire time.

“Well, why are you smiling?”
“Ryan Zachary Tedder is eating with me,”
“And what’s so funny about it?”
“A most wanted guy in school, well known, rich, kind and generous, is having his dinner with some plain girl. That’s a brand new expose for the kid in our school,”
“You are not plain. You are some girl. Very rare to be found in here,”
“We are eating in your father’s hotel for God’s sake and I don’t even know how to pronounce some of the food!”
“At least I can feel his presence here. I missed him,” He was out of the topic.
“Oh, that reminds me of… Can I ask you something? It’s about your parents,”
“What about them?”
“Why they… divorce? You know... all that?”

Ryan sighed. He took his spoon and played with it. Lily quickly covered her mouth. She thought he would be fine with that question.

“Well, if you want to know. I’ll tell you,” He smiled. “My father went to Paris to open a franchise over there. For the first month, we thought he really got loads of work to do. But after much waiting for his call, mom got worried. She flew to Paris to look after him herself. Unfortunately, mom came at the wrong time. She met dad with his mistress on the bed in his hotel. She got a nerve break down after that. Therefore, she took my brother, Rheon, to Spain to relax her mind. That case led me to…” He choked. “Drugs. Mom came back here to check on me in the hospital. Dad called her and still insisted to stay in Paris, so she asked for divorce. Dad agreed with her and now, here I am. Alone in the house,”

But in some case, trouble found you. You could not escape from it but have to get it through with lot of strength.

Lily listened to him intensely. She could even feel the sorrow in each word from his mouth. She placed her hand on his. She tried to smile but she felt so bad to do so. “Mr. Tedder, enjoy your meal!” Saved by the waiter. Every worker in the hotel knows his name. That made him goes red in the face. “Thank you…” He scanned the waiter’s nametag. “Jeremy!”

“Ouh, I’m sorry sir. This is not my name. I replaced a friend of mine. You know? Helping is caring,” The waiter joked. “It’s sharing is caring,” Lily corrected him. Three of them laughed. “My name is David, nice to meet you sir. I heard a lot about you in the kitchen!”

“You do? About what?”
“How generous you are,”
“Are you asking for extra tips?”
“God you’re good!”
“But do me a little favour,”
“Name it sir,”
“Could you please ask them to play my favourite song?” Ryan pointed at the violinist.
“And what song is that?”
“When you tell me that you love me,”
“By Diana Ross! My favourite too!” Lily added.
“Oh shut up! Don’t joke!”
“I grew up with that song!”
“I should go ask them now, excuse me,”

The waiter stepped back and went to the violinist. They played the song and made the atmosphere in the hotel even more romantic. Ryan and Lily delighted by the sound and had their dinner peacefully.

Harold came back home with satisfaction. He got want he wanted and he will not lose it this time. He whistled all the way to his house door, seems to be so happy than he usually was. There’s two cars parked in his house compound that made he wonder for little while. But he was too contented to give a damn about it. “Cameo! George! Demi! I’m home!” He greeted everyone as he got into the house. This is a totally different Harold. He smelled something delicious from the kitchen. He walked quickly, still yelling names.

“Ah, son! Glad that you’re home!” His dad was cooking supper for the family. That was definitely Cameo’s request. He’s the only one who can still stuff his stomach at night. “George, where are they?” Harold asked for his brother and sister.

“Harold, check this out!” Cameo shouted from the storeroom. Harold hurriedly ran and saw Demetria and Cameo putting all the things in the storeroom into boxes. He felt lost. “Dude, what is going on?” Cameo threw his Barney to Harold. He used to play with it when he was five. Harold owned one too but he lost it in the park.

“Harold, how are you?” A familiar voice greeted him. He turned his back and found himself in a half-deadly-shock. “Aunt Cassie, what are you doing here?” Harold narrowed his eyebrows, turning his head to his siblings. “You were supposed to be in Spain, aren’t you?” Demetria and Cameo ignored Harold. “Hey Harold, it has been so long!” A guy jumped to him out of sudden. He hugged Harold tightly. He was Harold’s size. Harold couldn’t see his face. He barely can’t breathe too. “Get off me buddy!”

The guy released his grip and hit Harold’s shoulder. “Rheon?” Harold was so surprised to see him. “You recognize me!” Rheon replied in a happy tone. Demetria walked out from the room with Mrs. Tedder and headed to the kitchen.

“What is going on here?” Harold asked Rheon. Rheon giggled. “The food is ready… Come down all!” Cameo pushed Rheon’s back and pulled him to the kitchen. Harold shook his head in disappointment. He needs someone to tell him what was going on. He followed his brother to the kitchen, seeking for the answer.

Everyone sat on the dining table and waited for George to serve them. Mrs. Tedder helped him with the drinks. Demetria sat innocently next to Harold, keeping her voice inside. Rheon and Cameo wouldn’t stop teasing and throwing stuffs to each other. They had been separated for quite a long time. “Grow up guys!” Harold annoyed. Rheon turned to him and grinned.

“Enough everybody. I got an announcement to make,” George stood up. He tapped his glass, which was filled with red wine with his fork. “So those cars are yours, Aunt Cassie?” Harold turned to her and raised his eyebrows. “First thing is; the blue car is yours Harold. It’s from my sweetheart,” George turned to Mrs. Tedder. He rose his glass and thanked her. “Wait a minute, can you repeat it George?” Cameo kicked Harold's legs under the table. Harold turned to him, glaring in confusion. “The second thing is; she is going to walk on the aisle this Monday!” Cameo and Rheon cheered. They drank the wine happily. Demetria looked at them with her green eyes. She can’t drink the wine. George won’t allow.

“That’s it! I’m not a wall! Hello! Answer me please! Car, Boxes, Aisle… By the way, congratulations, Aunt Cassie. Who’s that lucky man?” He changed his tone from angry to a polite kid tone. He is a well-mannered young guy. He stood up and drank a sip of wine. “Are you dumb or something Harold?” Rheon laughed.

“Our parents are getting married!”

What! Harold turned to his father right away. He was so shocked to hear that. “But how?” Mrs. Tedder held George’s shoulder and giggled. “We met last three weeks in my workplace. He was seeking for a job and I hired him,”

“I thought you were in Spain?”
“No. After Rob declared that, we are officially divorced, I’ve decided to stay here. But not in this town. It’s miles away from here. I opened a small business and George came knocking my office door,”
“Ryan knows you are here?”
“Don’t tell him yet!” Rheon butted in.
“I got to call him now. I’m out of the conspiracy!”

Cameo jumped off his chair and stopped Harold from dialing the number. He pulled Harold to the living hall. “Ignore them, let’s eat,” George sat and everyone else followed.

“Harold, why are you throwing scenes? You have to be happy for dad! Not this!” Cameo lowed down his voice.
“Stop crapping Cameo! I wouldn’t mind if he wants to get married. The thing is, Ryan has the right to know that he’s mom is here! And she’s about to marry my father!” Harold emphasized the word FATHER.
“Please Harold. Let’s follow the flow,”

Stop calling stop calling…” Harold’s phone rang. It was a text from Roxanne.

-You are invited to my birthday party tomorrow! XOXO- Roxy Pixie.

“Shoot! Roxy’s birthday!” Harold hit his head. He had totally forgotten about it. Cameo ignored him and went to the kitchen. When he reached the door, Harold called his name.

“Fine. But I don’t want to get involve in this trouble”

And sometimes, the trouble is meant to be your friend. Nothing else you can do other than get use to it.

SOS! Shoo trouble shoo!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Chapter 6: Three Is Bitter Than Two

Title comes from Boys Like Girls’ song, Two Is Better Than One

Clock struck twelve. Everyone was dreaming in his or her sleep but Harold was still awake. He went to Geneva’s house to spend the night with her. One of the agenda he planned to do that night was, counting the stars. It has been his routine since his mom left him. He believes that his mom is one of those stars up there and she is watching over him. He climbed the tree next to Geneva’s house. The tree branches are strong enough to afford him. He jumped from the tree to Geneva’s balcony and managed to do it without making any sound. He peeked into the house and saw Geneva sleeping with poise on her bed. He fell in love with her again instantly. Harold smirked. He tapped the window with some rhythm; one of those songs that he composed. “She ain’t giving any response!” He murmured. Harold took his shoe off and used it to tap the window. BANG! Geneva woke up in a sudden. She turned to Harold and her mouth at once opened wide. “What are you doing here?” She mouthed. She threw her blanket off her and got up. She tiptoed to her window. Harold couldn’t believe what he was looking at. Geneva’s pajamas were too short, shorter than a micro mini skirt. That’s common thing for a girl like her to dress up like that to sleep.

Everybody wants to be pretty in their dreams, don’t they?

“What?” She mouthed. She didn’t want to wake her parents up. Harold pointed to her bottom, giggling under his breath. She looked down at herself and covered it quickly with her hands. She ran to her bed. She grabbed the blanket and wrapped herself with it. Her cheeks were turning red. She was in total embarrassment. She was blushing when she paced to the window. “This thing had never happened in your life!” She slid the window and let Harold in. Harold smiled at her. “You are looking so…” Geneva stopped him, placing her finger at his lips. “You don’t want to forget it, do you?” She whispered, still keeping her voice down.

“Let’s get to the rooftop. Let’s count the stars,” Harold suggested an idea. “There’s a way for us to get up there safely and …” He paused. He looked around and continued, “Silently,” He pulled Geneva to the balcony.

“Harold. Stop! You can’t do this,” She pushed Harold’s arm. She’s afraid her parents will wake up and catch both of them red handed. “They will kill me if they see us now. Go home honey. See you in school,” She felt guilty for chasing him out.

“Come on. Let’s get out from this hell. Let’s have fun, the night is still young!”
“Are you out of your mind! You are being totally absurd. It’s twelve for God sake!”
“So? What’s your point?”
“Dad and mom will get in anytime. Please…”
“Can we go out to dinner tomorrow?”
“You know I will try my best, right?”
“That sounds like a no to me,”
“Honey, as soon as my parents give me freedom. We will do anything we like, anywhere, anytime. But not now,”
“Promise me, my pineapple. As the moon witnesses both of us tonight, I want you to vow.”
“I’ll try my best, you know I will,”

“Please say you promise…” Harold held her shoulder. His face showed how dissatisfied he was. He exhaled aloud and closed his eyes. Geneva’s hands run to his cheeks. “Don’t move,” Geneva closed her eyes as well. Each second, they got closer and closer. Both could feel each other’s breathe on their skin. Head to head, chest to chest, they became one soul that moment. Harold kissed her mouth and she replied it. Both wouldn’t want to be apart that night but they have to. Geneva pulled herself out. “I’m sorry,” She was asking him to get home. Harold nodded and left the house.

The Midnight Romeo has to leave his Juliet with his heart broken into million, billion, trillion pieces. If you think you’re happy and you know it, think again, Romeo. Nothing meant to be constant, even the Luna changes.

The next day
The vibes in the Music class weren’t the same as before. Despite Harold got the chance to sit with Geneva the entire hour, he was looking furiously at Adam. Hatred snowed under his skin. If it wasn’t Adam who led Ryan to drugs, everything will not be the same as now. Few tables away from Harold, another ‘skirmish’ was going on between Ely and Natasha. They were ignoring and treating each other like walls. Both never speak to one another since the catfight in the garden.

While Mr. Abraham was lecturing, Noah took out his notebook and tore a piece of paper. He wrote something on it. He threw it to Ely and it hit her head. Ely held her head and turned to him. “Ouch!” She mouthed. She bended down and took the paper. She read it and smiled. “Ely, what are you doing?” Mr. Abraham glared at her. She shook her head and remained quiet. Mr. Abraham continued his lesson. Ely immediately threw the paper to the rubbish bin once Mr. Abraham got his eyes off her. Natasha who was there the entire time was curious to know what Noah wrote that made her smiled.

The minute the bell rang, everyone rushed out. Harold held Geneva’s hand tightly. He was controlling his temper. He’s afraid he will start a fight with Adam in the class. “Distract me please,” He whispered, heads looking down on the floor. Geneva nodded and pulled him away from the class. She truly understands her hot-pot boyfriend.

Conversely, Noah got to Ely and walked her out from the class. Natasha waited for everyone to get out, so she could read the note Noah gave Ely. As Mr. Abraham, the last person who was supposed to get out, was out of sight, Natasha quickly ran to the rubbish bin. She rummaged through the rubbish bin and took out the note. She wiped her hand with her cloth. She ran to her table and read the note. She was shocked as she finished scanning it.

Meet me at the hotel room tonight at nine

“She’s such an idiot!” Natasha murmured to herself. She left the classroom full of frustration.

On the other block of the school, Dylan was chasing Comfort. “You are just adding more trouble in my life!” Comfort really needs him to get lost. Dylan insisted to help. He is one stubborn man. “Please… One more chance,” He pleaded. Don’t make me fall on my knees, I don’t do that. Dylan was praying inside. Getting on his knees is one major move for him. “Alright. Don’t mess it up this time,” Comfort tried not to look at Dylan’s eyes. They are her favourite in the school. “Great. Thank you,” Dylan hugged her. He’s excited to help her out of her misery. Then, they both walked to the canteen for their lunch. Comfort is not alone anymore; she got Dylan from now on. Everybody on their way whispered to each other. They were quite shock to see Dylan was actually walking with Comfort. “What are you guys looking at? Like she’s the only one not virgin here!” He shouted on the top of his lungs. Comfort grabbed Dylan’s hand. Her head was looking down. She was afraid to look at those condemn people. Dylan pulled her all the way to the canteen, ignoring all the people who were staring at them.

Christine banged her locker as she heard Dylan. Not only because he’s walking with Comfort, it was also because Dylan didn’t notice her at all. Dylan used to kiss her cheek whenever they meet but now, even though she’s wearing a completely whore outfit, he didn’t even wave at her. “Wait till I get in between,” She whispered to herself. She took out her phone and grinned.

A game isn’t complete without the third player. Three is definitely bitter than two. The more the juicier. It will either spice it up or bring you down. Beware!

“You are so lucky Lily,”
“And why is that?”
“Ring a bell! Your boyfriend is waiting for you there!”
“He is?”
“He’s waving at you for God’s sake!”
“I better get him before he run away,”
“Yes, you better be. See you soon! Love ya!

Lily’s friend, Alexia, left her and walked into the school. Lily turned her back and acted like she was surprised to see Ryan. Ryan waved at her contentedly. “Ryan!” Her voice sounded so pleased. Ryan walked to her with his big smile.

“Great weather,”
“You came here just to say that?”
“To see my angel of course,”
“Angel doesn’t belong on earth,”
“What are you doing here then?”
“Well, waiting for somebody actually,”
“For me? That’s so sweet of you!”
“You are so wrong Mister!”
“Alright, alright. Cut this off. Are you free tonight?”
“I was thinking to bring you out for dinner, but since you are…”
“Sure why not!”
“Now you are free?”
“I always am for you,”

They were standing in the middle of the garden when Harold walked pass by them with Geneva. She was blindfolded by a piece of black cloth and Harold was dragging her to the rooftop. Lily and Ryan giggled when they saw Harold. Harold placed his hand on his mouth, asking them to stop laughing. “What is it dear?” Geneva was so curious. “Lily and Ryan are having …” He stopped. “For real?” Geneva knew what he wanted to say. Harold ignored her and continued walking to the rooftop. Her heart pounded very fast, she couldn’t see where was she going to. Don’t worry Geneva, Harold is here. Geneva let herself calm and followed Harold.

When they reached the rooftop, Harold asked her to stand still at the door. She nodded. “When I say open, then you open. Alright sweetie?” Harold whispered to her ear. Geneva nodded again. She waited for the cue patiently. Suddenly, she heard someone strummed the guitar harmoniously.

You know I Can't Smile Without You,
I Can't Smile Without You,
I can't laugh
and I can't sing,
I'm findin' it hard to do anything.

It was Harold who was playing the guitar and singing I Can’t Smile Without You By Barry Manilow. There’s a table full with food next to him. There’s vase with white roses too. A candle were lit even though the sun was already enough to shine the whole rooftop.

“Open your eyes dear,”.

You see, I feel sad when you're sad,
I feel glad when you're glad,
If You only knew what I'm going through,
I just Can't Smile Without You

You came along just like a song
and brightened my day,
Who'd've believe that you were part of a dream
Now it all seems light years away.

Geneva couldn’t believe what she saw. A ‘candlelight’ lunch at school’s rooftop? She was out of words. She was so speechless to see Harold who was strumming his black guitar in front of her. Harold ignored her reaction and continued singing.

And now you know I Can't Smile WIthout You,
I Can't Smile Without You,
I can't laugh and I can't sing,
I'm finding it hard to do anything.
You see, I feel sad when you're sad,
I feel glad when you're glad,
If you only knew what I"m going through,
I just can't smile.

“Without you…”

Geneva was still in shock. Harold smiled at her and called her name. She walked slowly to him. She grabbed Harold hands, eyes lock to his. She ran out of words, all she could do was smiled back at him. “I can’t bring you out, so I bring out to you,” Harold’s tender voice melted her heart. He pulled the chair for her and let her sit. She rubbed her eyes as she thought she was daydreaming. “You are not dreaming, honey,” Harold teased her and smirked. “Dig in”

Her mouth locked tightly. Not even a word came out from her mouth yet. Harold somehow didn’t like the atmosphere. He took out his phone and played Thunder by boys like girls (acoustic version). He felt much comfortable with music around. He ate what’s on his plate and tried to ignore the speechless Geneva. I should say something now. Geneva just couldn’t utter a word. She wanted to thank him for all this but she can’t even open her mouth. She felt guilty to see Harold’s eyebrows narrowed. She took the food on her plate with her fork and bit it piece by piece.

“That’s it! We shall dance!”
“We should!” Geneva finally spoke up.

Harold smiled as he heard her voice. He played Living to love you by Sarah Connor. He pulled her in and they started dancing. At first, it was a little bit awkward than the dance they did before. They were dancing in some sort of geometrical shape. Both of them laughed, looking how silly they are.

“I’m sorry for the silence,”
“There’s nothing to be sorry about, pancake,”
“So, what led you to this?”
“Hmm… Just to flavor up my boring week,”
“I was shocked to see you with the guitar, the candle, the vase, the food. Everything was absurd!”
“Not in my world,”
“That’s the line from…”
“Ah, take it as my line now. Hold on,”

Harold ran to his bag and took a small box out of it. He got back to Geneva and grabbed her hands. She smiled. Harold opened the box and stunned her. There’s a beautiful necklace inside the box. He took it and put it on Geneva’s neck. She was again shocked by Harold’s weird manners. Harold couldn’t stop smiling; he loves the way Geneva reacted when she got the surprises.

“This is mom’s. She gave me when she was about to…” His voice trailed off. Melancholy plagued him. Geneva got closer to him, trying to calm him down. “But it’s alright, it’s yours now,” Geneva smiled when he said that with a big smile. Then, they continued dancing in an exquisite atmosphere.

“Well... Well… Well… Look who’s here,” Aaron appeared out of nowhere.

Romeo finally got the chance to have a private moment with Juliet. However, Paris positively wants to get them down. A person like him is the bad kind of third party. Cross his name out if you want to find a person to complete your threesome.

He dragged Mrs. Jenny, the discipline teacher, along with him. Mrs. Jenny wasn’t really happy to see Geneva and Harold who were intimating on the rooftop. “Tomorrow, I’ll see in you in detention class at three. Don’t be late, or you know what will happen!” She sounded so furious. But a detention class? Oh come on, Harold and Geneva would love it; especially when they can actually spend more time together.

“Clean up this… Well Harold, it’s very smart of you to do so but please next time, not on my rooftop,” She said firmly, walking to the door and heading to her office.

“Well alright Madam!” Harold giggled. Aaron stomped out from the place, leaving Harold and Geneva alone. He is certainly having some horrendous plan to bring them down to the core. He smirked all the way down to his Lacrosse practice.

“Well, that sounds like a good thing, isn’t it?” Harold’s nose touched Geneva’s. Both giggled.

SOS! Somebody has to stop the wacky Aaron Gonzalez!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Chapter 5: Love Drown

Title form Boys Like Girls’ song, Love Drunk

Keith was holding a basket. He was wearing a v-neck plain grey shirt and black shorts. There was a shade on his head. He looked like he was going to a sunny place. He struck a pose and Roxanne laughed. He gave Roxanne his cutest smile and greeted her.

“So, what are you trying to do? Kill a bunny or something? Oh… oh… I know, you want to go to the market, right?” Roxanne teased his outfit. She was extremely happy, no one knows why. She went to Keith’s side and walked with him. She was still laughing at Keith. She wondered why on earth would Keith bring a basket to school.

“I was thinking to bring you to the lake. But killing a bunny sounds like a better plan,” He faked a smile and pushed himself to Roxanne. Both giggled. Keith put down the basket and grabbed Roxanne’s hands. “So, what do you think?”

“Well, I’m pretty free today. Why not?” She pressed his hands tighter. She’s excited, as the lake is her favourite place to hang out in Nottingham. She used to hang out with Izzy, but those days were history now.

“But how about my car?”
“Leave it here,”
“Can you fetch me tomorrow to school?”
“I never thought of that but that’s sounds good to me!”
“So, let’s go, shall we?”

Roxanne wrapped Keith’s arm and walked to his car. Keith left his basket and ran back to get them as soon as he realized he’d forgotten the rose. Roxanne chuckled in the car, waiting for Keith to come back. As Keith reached Roxanne’s door, he knocked the window. Roxanne pressed the button to slide it down.

“What now?” She opened her window.
“Roxanne Bianca Payne,” He was on his knee. Why do guys in this high school love to get to their knees?
“Will you… Go out with me today?”
“I thought I said yes already?”
“That was not the same with this time. I got rose now!”
“The answer is still the same, Mr. Cooper,”
“Well, how you know my surname?”
“If you haven’t notice I’m your boss. Now, get up and drive me to the lake.”
“Your wish is my command Madam!” He stood up and got into the car.

Roxanne held Keith’s hand while he drove the car. They really looked so cute together, in fact, they are cutter than Izzy-Roxy Incorporation.

The sun was up, shining magnificently in the sky. The cloud arranged itself layer-by-layer accordingly like it was made for the sweet ‘little’ couple. No one was at the lake except them. Keith somehow managed to ‘book’ the whole lake that evening for only two of them. Keith also brought homemade cookies that smelled so tempting.

“You brought something in there?” Roxanne pointed to the basket Keith was holding. Keith unrolled the mat and pulled her down. He looked at Roxanne with his not-so-wide smile. He laid down on the mat, looking so calm and cool with his hair blown away by the wind even though it is short. “Roxy, I got something to tell you,” He spoke softly. His tender voice made Roxanne’s lips curved upward a little bit at the edge.

“Spit it out, Keith,”
“There’s two things; One, my hobby is making cookies. I know this sounds silly but, I love it to the max!”
“Well, that’s cute!” Roxanne patted Keith’s shoulder and grabbed a cookie from the basket. She bit a small piece and licked her lips.
“So how is it?”
“You know something? You are better than me!” Both of them burst into laughter.
“Second thing is…” He paused.

Roxanne finished her first cookie and grabbed her second one. Keith shook his head, as he loves the way she eats it. She makes a crunchy noise while eating the cookies.

“Your Izzy is with that Herman over there,” he continued with a sighed. He pointed at both of the guys who were sitting under a shady tree.

As soon as she heard Izzy’s name, she frowned. She put her hand on her chest and pressed it securely. Keith felt guilty for bringing up the topic and went to her side. He took the hand off her chest and wrapped her with his arms from her back. He put his head next to her, breathing serenely. Roxanne felt her body getting warmer and she could feel the pain was not there already. She smiled. Keith kissed her cheek and whispered to her under his breath, “Sorry,” Roxanne’s heartbeat started speeding, she felt the sparkles as he left his lips off her cheek. She braced herself to look at Izzy. She was acting beyond idiotic. She should have replied Keith’s kiss. Looks like Rapunzel preferred a rotten green than the raped juicy red apple.

She turned her face to Izzy. She saw him talking with Herman at their favourite spot on the lake. The shady tree where they carved their name and where they vowed that they would look after each other was now owned by Izzy and his new sweetheart… Herman. She felt disgusted looking at them. Suddenly, Izzy caught her eyes. A current connected them somehow. Both minds were then flashing back those memories together.

“Izzy, stop it. Stop chasing me,” They were running around the tree naively. Chasing each other like little kids and laughing chirpily as if tomorrow will never come. They were 15 but still, acting like they are new born babies. “You ate my chocolate bar! I’m not letting you go this time,” He caught Roxanne and lifted her up. She giggled as the chocolate bar finished eaten by her. Izzy let her go and made funny faces. Roxanne laughed at each faces he was making. Out of the blue, Roxanne stopped and stared at the lake. “What if I fall into the lake and drown?” She got closer to Izzy and asked him. She raised her eyebrows and waited anxiously for the answer from Izzy.

“Easy. I’ll swim to you and save you,” Izzy smirked
“But, everybody knows that you don’t know how to swim,”
“For you, I will even swim the lava lake,”
“For real?”
“I will run to Mount Everest if you want me to. Anything, for our friendship,”

“Yes, Roxy. Why? You don’t trust me?”
“I believe each and every word from you, Izzy,”

Roxanne set herself back in reality. She was still in Keith’s arms. She felt like it had been so long dreaming about the past but time paced slowly. Keith was smiling looking at Roxanne who was staring far to nowhere. “Let’s get to the bridge,” Roxanne got up and pulled Keith. Keith couldn’t stop her, he’s afraid he will be a dream-crasher if he do so. They ran to the bridge, holding one another’s hands.

As they reached the bridge, Roxanne tried to sit on the bridge but she was not strong enough to get herself up. She narrowed her eyebrows, signaling Keith to lift her up. “Oh…” Keith finally realized after much fake coughs from Roxanne. He got her up there and she was delighted by the view of the lake. She could see her own reflection under her. The water was not really crystal clear but the reflection was visibly seen. He will save me, like he promised. Roxanne was the stupidest girl in the town; she thought Izzy would save her. So, she jumped off the bridge. Keith was indeed in shock and couldn’t reach her hand to save her. Roxanne thought the water was not deep but she was wrong. She couldn’t reach the bottom. The water was cold and numbed Roxanne’s legs. She couldn’t swim back to the land. She was drowning and reaching out for help. Izzy who was looking at her deviously since he caught her eyes got shock too. He ran to the bridge and pushed Keith. “What were you thinking?” He thought Keith pushed her. Keith was speechless and empty-minded. Izzy shouted for help but no one was there. “Move aside,” Keith opened his shirt and pushed Izzy to the side. He jumped into the lake and swam to Roxanne. Izzy was flabbergasted to see Keith who barely knows Roxanne jumped to save her life. I’m the one who should be swimming to her right now, I promised her. His heart spoke and regret was all over his soul.

Ah. Rapunzel drowned herself to find her long lost love. She really needs someone to show her what long lost love really means. It’s gone Roxanne, dead and gone!

Keith swam to Roxanne and managed to pull her to the land. She was half past dead by then. “Breathe Roxanne, Breathe!” He shouted repeatedly as he giving her the CPR. He checked her nerve at every set of the CPR. All Izzy could do that time was looking angrily at Keith.

“Keith!” Roxanne threw up a big amount of water and grabbed Keith’s hands. Izzy pushed Keith’s hand away and held Roxanne’s. He got closer to her and hugged her. Keith stood up and turned away. He felt like she didn’t need him. He took his first step away from Roxanne, a small little tiny step. Suddenly…

“I want Keith, please,”
“But I’m Izzy,”
“You are not the one who saved my life, stranger! Keith, come back here!”

Keith smiled and turned back to Roxanne. Roxanne pushed Izzy off her. “Go, please…” Her voice sounded so desperate to get off Izzy and be in Keith’s arm. Izzy released her unwillingly and stood up. Keith pushed him and got to Roxanne. He hugged her as strong as he could. They both breathe rapidly at the same rate.

“Take my cloth, it will warm you up,” Keith grabbed his cloth and put it on Roxanne. “Do you need my pants?” He looked down at himself. He was bare-chested and was about to get fully naked. Roxanne laughed at him, sickly. She got a thunderstruck and felt so cold. She objected Keith’s idea on giving her his pants by shaking her head. “Well, let’s get back home,” He lifted her up. “Please stay,” her voice was too soft, too mesmerizing till Keith couldn’t reject her wish. Then, Keith brought Roxanne to her shady tree as she commanded him to. He put her down on the grass and leaned on the tree. Roxanne moved to Keith and placed her head on Keith’s chest. She felt warm on his no-string-attached chest. “Look dear, sunset,” Keith was excited as he saw the sun was going to set. This was his first time watching sunset with his lover. “But I love to look at you more,” Roxanne’s hand ran to Keith’s cheek. She blushed.

Finally, the wait is over. Rapunzel doesn’t need a Prince Charming to save her. An ogre, which is much better than Prince Charming, saved her instead. She’s loving someone she thought she never will. However, Prince Charming did come to save her but his timing is off. He should be faster than that. Oh Charming, didn’t your mom tell you that timing is really important? It looks like she didn’t taught you well. Time is what we want the most, but... what we use worst. Poor Charming.

On the other hand, Herman ran to Izzy who was pacing alone back to his car. “Let’s go. Leave them alone. They need more space,” Izzy’s voice was full of sadness. Herman followed him to the car. On their way, Herman curious was to know why he ran to her as if she’s something precious to him. “So, what are you guys actually? You guys were just friend isn’t it?” He asked Izzy, heads looking down on the pavement. “Yes, we are. Nothing more than that!” Izzy replied and sounded annoyed. Why am I not with her in this type of situation? Why do I leave her alone unsecured? Vulnerable? God, I’m such an idiot! Izzy looked at Herman pathetically. They got into the car and Izzy drove them back home.

In the car, both Herman and Izzy kept their mouth closed. They wouldn’t want to break the ice. Herman was so scared to speak up and Izzy really didn’t feel like talking at all. The atmosphere was extraordinary for both of them. They usually can’t stand a second not to talk to each other.

“Okay, that’s enough! You have to tell me why you brought me there?”
“Where? The lake? Isn’t it beautiful?”
“It’s for that girl, right?”
“No… it is for…” Izzy ran out of words.
“I knew it,”

Herman frowned and turned away from Izzy. He stared wretchedly outside the window. He didn’t say any words till reached his house.

Charming regretted of what he chose. He chose a new trend clothing but it didn’t fit his size. There’s a lovely but old one on the other shelf, but he’s too blind to see that the clothing was meant to be his. Now, the clothing is owned by somebody else. Crying is what he needs to get used to now.

S.O.S! Save his soul before it’s too late!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Chapter 4: The Masked Liar

Title comes from TV show, The Masked Rider

Harold and Ryan were sweating waiting for Dylan. He promised them to tell what happened on the Valentine’s night. Dylan was pretty late. He caught something in his way to the school.

“Mom~” He gave such a stupid reason for being late. His mom was back for couple of weeks. She took a rest after touring London. “Okay, let’s hear this,” Dylan managed to shut both Ryan and Harold’s mouth from saying anything about him being late. “That day, when you were busy dancing with Geneva,” He raised his eyebrows and looked at Harold. “And busy … I don’t know –staring? At Lily,” He hit Ryan’s chest and Harold laughed. “I got bored. So… I walked out of the room. You both were pathetic, I couldn’t stand it anymore,”

“Stop teasing and please tell us,” Harold annoyed. “Fine, then I met Christine and we … ,” His voice trailed off. “Skip that and then, I heard a voice asking for help and I ran like a mad person. Suddenly, I saw Comfort on the floor in the storeroom. She was bleeding,” Dylan told them, in a whispering tone. “What happened to her?” Harold was so curious. “Come here,” Dylan grabbed both head. He pulled them closer. “She got raped by a least three boys,” He whispered to their ears.

“AT LEAST!” Harold said, releasing his head off Dylan’s clasp. “In the storeroom? In the place you had sex with Adele?” Harold was shocked, but still managed to tease Dylan. “Dude, are you being real? You saw her naked then? How is she now?” Ryan pushed Dylan.

“Yes. Yes. Yes. And NO! She wasn’t naked and she should be here in the school now, she was released yesterday. Please, don’t tell anyone about this. I trust both of you. Things will get messy if this news is leaked! Only both of you, Comfort and I knew about this! Do not tell the others!” Dylan warned them. “Alright boss!” Harold and Ryan raised their hands and vowed. The school’s bell rang and interrupted them. Everyone rushed to their respective classes.

“Damn it!” Dylan shouted in the middle of the field. He was practicing with his team for the competition in March. He’s one great footballer, the best in the school. But something distracted him today, he couldn’t focus on the training. Comfort was sitting on the bleacher alone. Some students who were passing by teased her. The news about her getting rape was all around the school. All of them whispered to each other even in front of Comfort about it. Comfort looked depressed and Dylan was not easy about it. “I shouldn’t trust them,” Dylan whispered to himself.

It's good to trust others but, not to do so, is much better

“Dylan! Head on the game!” Coach Dane yelled, walking to the center of the field. He got to Dylan and held his shoulder. He pulled Dylan’ shirt, he was so mad. “What are you thinking? Screwing up the last minute huh? You are the captain. Everybody is counting on you. What’s your problem?”

“I’m sorry but for now, I don’t feel like playing” Dylan pushed himself away from Coach Dane. All the footballers stopped passing the ball and turned to him. Dylan ignored them and walked out of the field. “You get back here in three, Dylan!” Coach Dane shouted.

“Or?” Dylan replied and still heading out.

“You will be out from the team!” Dylan stopped. He didn’t want to lose his one and only thing he’s good at, besides on the bed. He turned his back and looked at Coach Dane. Coach Dane’s hands were on his waist, which shows how mad he is now. “Can you please, excuse me for today?” Dylan asked politely. Coach Dane exhaled a big amount of air. “Please coach…” Dylan begged, looking desperately for a rest. Coach Dane nodded and blew the whistle. “Boys, we have to continue without Dylan!” He shouted to his team and they started passing the ball. “Make sure tomorrow you will be better than ever!” He turned half his face to Dylan. Dylan nodded and paced quickly to the shower.

He took a quick shower and ran back to the field. He was looking for Comfort but she was already gone. Dylan is determined to find her in school as he owed her an explanation. He ran class-by-class, to the canteen and the rooftop but Comfort wasn’t there. “Garden!” He murmured to himself. He ran there as fast as he could. He didn’t want to lose her.

Comfort sat alone under the three in the garden. She clutched her head with her hands. She was trying to cover her ears; she couldn’t bare anymore words from the students’ mouths. They wouldn’t stop teasing her. Christine was there with her cheerleader friends, not far away from Comfort. They were also laughing and looking oddly at Comfort. Comfort reached her limit. “Shut up! All of you!” She stood up and shouted. Everyone laughed at her. Psycho! Cuckoo! Lunatic! The students called her repeatedly by those names. They seem to have no heart at all. Comfort ignored them and ran. Out of nowhere, Dylan appeared and glared at Christine. “See, what have you done?” He shouted to Christine. Christine and her friends were acting scared by Dylan’s words and teased him. Dylan ignored those spoiled brats and chased after Comfort.

“Comfort, I will be here with you to get through all this!” Dylan grabbed Comfort’s hand and pulled her closer to him. Comfort fell on his muscular body.
“Let me go! LIAR!” She tried to get off him but failed.
“You think I don’t know that you told all of them huh? I heard everything Dylan! Everything!” She sounded disappointed with Dylan.
“I shouldn’t trust you! I should have seen this coming,” She turned her face away from Dylan.
“God! You were there? You heard us?” Dylan had no idea how she heard the conversation.

Actually, back then, she was right behind them but the wall hid her. She heard everything and couldn't believe herself at first. Now, she learned her lesson. Never ever trust anyone else.

“Harold and Ryan won’t tell the others! They are good friends! They won’t do such thing!”
“Oh yeah? Why Ryan whispered something to Christine and she laughed in the canteen?”
“No way!”
“Yes way!”
“Please give me a chance to make it right,”
“Chances come once, and you had just missed it,” She pulled her body out and walked away.

Trust is like a vase... once it's broken, though you can fix it, the vase will never be same again.

Dylan terribly disgusted by his friends. He hurriedly went to the canteen, to the ‘7teen table’. The gang will be there and he got something to talk with Ryan. He ignored everything on his way, including his coach. For the first time, he also ignored all the pretty freshman who waved at him. He had no time to flirt; all he wanted was a great solid explanation about what happened from Harold and Ryan.

“Didn’t I tell you guys to shut your mouth!?” He went to the table and yelled. He ambushed the gang and all of them shocked. Ely was there with Harold and Ryan. Roxanne is the chief of editorial board; she had a meeting to run. Natasha was busy practicing for the Talent time without Ely in the music room. Both of them weren’t at the table and they are just so lucky not to be there. “What did you told Christine huh!? I thought I can trust you!” Dylan locked his eyes on Ryan, furiously.

“So do I,” Ryan was disappointed with Dylan. “If you are saying about the whispering incident here just now. It’s about me and Lily. It has nothing to do with Comfort!” Ryan shook his head. “What’s going on?” Ely was again lost. She was completely clueless. “If you can’t put your trust on us, then don’t,” Harold annoyed by the way Dylan treated them. Ryan got up and walked away from the table with Harold. Ely followed them pointlessly. Dylan felt regret for accusing his friends.

“I’m sorry! I thought it’s from you guys,” Dylan said, hands in the pocket with his face looked so apologetic. “I know you are, come on, let’s go!” Harold put his arm on Dylan’s shoulder and walked out from the canteen. “Go where? Tell me! Anyone!” Ely fed up being lost. Three of them laughed at her and ignored the question.

Someone is just so lucky to have such forgiving friends. They forgive and they will definitely forget it.

Nevertheless, the questions of the day are;

A) Who is the masked liar? Who spread the news?
~The answer might be Comfort herself. She got a great motive to do so. It will get her noticed by all the students in high school. Human is willing to do anything and Comfort is not an exception. A naïve person can be shameless, fearless and scary sometimes just to rise and be the star –or in simple English we call,

And B) Will she or he take off the mask and show whom she or he really is?
~SOS! Let’s dig it out!

“Roxy…” Roxanne was stunned to see him waiting for her outside of the meeting room.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Chapter 3: So Close So Bad

Title from Demi Lovato's song, So far so great.

It was another sunny day in Nottingham. It was a bright fine day for a great fight in the breath-taking landscape, the garden.

Natasha walked with her high heels, in a fast forward motion towards Ely who was enjoying her milkshake on the bench in the garden. Ely crossed her legs and put her Dolce & Gabbana handbag on her lap. She loves milkshake with whipped cream on it so much. She didn’t notice the big wave coming to her till Natasha yelled her name.

“Ely, we need to talk,” Natasha pulled Ely’s hand. The milkshake Ely was holding slumped on the grass. Even worse, her handbag fell on the dirt. Natasha showed no regret doing that. “You have to stay away from Noah,”

Ely was so surprise by the sudden attack from her best friend. She let her hand free and grabbed her bag on the grass. She wiped it with her hands. “Look what you have done to my bag, my fingernails… they are ugly now,” Ely frowned. She threw her bag on the bench. She fixed her blouse and put her hair to back of her ears. She wants to look pretty even in a fight.

“You have to end the relationship with Noah. He wants nothing from you. He just wants the one night stand and he will dump you like he did to the others,” Natasha explained with soft tone. She put her hands on her pocket. Her face looked remorseful.

“You said this because he dumped you, right?” Ely defended Noah. “You are just jealous of me. Jealous of what I got. You’ve always been unsupportive since… since forever! You don’t want to see my happy, do you?” Ely looked into Natasha’s eyes. “I want you to be happy…. Always. That is why I’m asking you to call it off. He will hurt you, like he did to me,” Natasha held Ely’s arm. Ely pushed it away and stepped a foot back.

“And… yes, I am jealous of you! You got everything you wished for but I have to work hard to make it real. You got an easy life; I don’t want you to make it hard,”
“Easy life huh?”
“I’ll always be here next to you. Helping you, all the time and today, I am stopping you from making a stupid decision,”
“Buzz off, Nat. I don’t need you to give me your pathetic advice. You, yourself are a failure in relationships,”
“E, please, listen to me,”
“Just… Go away,”
“What kind of best friend are you?” Natasha raised her voice.
“The one who didn’t stopped her friend from having a happy life. Now, get lost!”

Natasha was shocked by the words Ely used. The friendship between both of them cracked. They had been best friends since they entered the school. Now, because of Noah, the ship is sinking just like Titanic. So close but too bad, a small leak can sink a great ship. No matter how strong is the ship, someday it will sink to the bottom of the sea.

Natasha turned and walked away from Ely. She took small steps one by one; she didn’t want to lose her best friend. She was looking to the grass and hoping Ely will come and hug her from the back. “And silver is so last year!” Ely yelled at Natasha. Natasha stopped, she was stunned. She turned back and Ely was already making her way to the rest room, to clean up.

The 7teens are breaking apart, piece by piece.

Roxanne, on the other hand, waited for Keith in the parking lot. She wasn’t really sure whether she’s doing the right thing or it is just another step that will lead her to heartbreak. She was expecting Keith to appear at the front door, but unfortunately, God seems to hate her that day. Instead of Keith, Izzy came out from the door with Herman. They were holding hands, and heading to Izzy’s car. When they got to the car, Herman opened the door for Izzy. Izzy hugged Herman. Herman put his hands on Izzy’s waist and pulled Izzy in. Izzy’s hands ran to Herman’s hair and kissed him, mouth to mouth. Roxanne who was watching them, held her chest. There’s one massive impact hit her chest. She couldn’t breath. Izzy stole her heart and had just eaten it.

That boy is a monster.

Keith hugged Roxanne from back. “Are you okay, Roxy?” He noticed something was wrong with Roxanne. Roxanne released herself from Keith’s hands and nodded. Keith opened the door for Roxanne and let her in. She was still in shock. She couldn’t believe what she’d seen. She turned the radio on and tried not to start a conversation with Keith. Keith understood the situation and remained hushed.

And I'll never love again ,Oh boy you've left me speechless , You've left me speechless, so speechless. Lady Gaga’s song was on the radio. And the song was right, Izzy left Roxanne so speechless. She stared out from the window and ignored Keith. Keith turned to her every time he had to stop for the red lights. The mall was right in front of them, but Keith was fed up. He pulled his car to the side. Roxanne looked at him, pathetically.

“Do you want to go out with me or not?” Keith combed his hair with his finger. He looked disappointed with Roxanne’s cold treatment. He put his hand on Roxanne’s lap. Roxanne put hers on his. “I’m sorry… My head…” she said, she looked down to her converse shoes. “Hush now,” Keith stopped her. “Let’s watch Monsters Vs. Aliens. You will love it,” Keith added with smile carved on his face.

They planned to watch the romantic movie but Keith somehow managed to read her mind. He knew she was not in the mood for a romantic movie right now. So, he chose Monsters Vs. Aliens which will make Roxanne laugh out loud. So, he drove his car to the mall.

Keith went to the ticket counter and bought two tickets. Roxanne followed him, still can’t get over the incident in the parking lot. Keith was so excited about the ‘date’ but Roxanne was not. He got the ticket and pulled Roxanne to buy the popcorn, chirpily.

“So, Roxanne, Caramel or Light?”
“Large” Roxanne’s mouth curved up a little bit.
“One please,”

Keith ordered the pop corn. He was glad to see Roxanne’s smile. He paid for the popcorn and walked to the theater. Roxanne followed his back. He turned to Roxanne and grinned. “You might need an oxygen tank. You will be laughing a lot in there,” he joked. Roxanne giggled and called his name. “Yes?” Keith looked at her. Keith wanted to take her hand but she kept it inside her pocket. So, he put his hand on her shoulder. “Thanks. If I were you, I will leave myself dead in the drain,” She took out her hands from the pocket and grabbed Keith’s hand. He smiled. She smiled. Both of them walked into the theater hand in hand.

During the movie, Roxanne couldn’t stop herself from laughing. She was the loudest in the theater. Keith smiled from the start till the end of the movie. He had watched it before, so now, he didn’t really focus on it. He was staring at Roxanne the whole time. He kept stretching his arms to the sky (the ceiling to be exact) and was about to put it on Roxanne but he dared not to do that. Roxanne did realize what he was trying to do but pretended she was giving hundred percent attention to the movie.

“So how’s the movie?” Keith asked Roxanne as they were going out from the theater. “It was hilarious, awesome, funny, great, entertaining .... funny, bizarre, hillarious. It was a fantastic movie!” Roxanne, answered him. She loves to repeat some words in her sentences and her cheeky voice was back. Keith loves the way she speaks. It is unique to him. “Told you, you would love it!” He said.

“Okay, genius, what else do you think I love?”
“Girl like you surely will love Archie! Don’t you?”
“Gosh! You are good. How you know?”
“Because I like him too,” He blushed.
“The best song from him is…”
“Zero Gravity!” Both of them said it at the same time. Roxanne giggled and clouted Keith’s chest.

Roxanne finally moved on. Did she? At least, she finally found a remedy for the wound Izzy left on her heart. Keith is a reflection of Izzy, perhaps, a better one. They have the same interests and one thing is for sure; they both know how to make Roxanne laugh non-stop.

“Hey Dy!” Harold was on the line with Dylan. Harold still wondered why Dylan left the dance early yesterday and he didn’t see Dylan around in school today. He was worried about his friend, of course. He treated them just like his own brothers, or even better. He dislikes his annoying brother Cameo. “Why you left…”

“I’ll tell you guys in school. One shot!” Dylan answered before Harold finished his sentence. He immediately hung up the phone. He was in the hospital. He went to visit Comfort. As what he promised to himself, he will be more concern. So, he decided to accompany Comfort in the ward. Rufus was with both of them. Mr. and Mrs. Walker had to be in their offices, they got something to settle down.

“Comfort, how are you?” Dylan finally found out her name as he saw it on the ward’s door. He sat next to her. His dashy eyes lock to Comfort’s. He brought some fruit along with him. “I brought you apple, and if you don’t like them, there’s grape, orange and strawberry in the basket,” He pointed his index finger to the basket on the table. “Thank you,” Comfort mouthed. She was glad to see Dylan by her side. She felt better knowing someone is holding her back.

Rufus ignored both of them and switched the TV on. He was a little bit happier than yesterday. The doctor had just told him that his sister was allowed to get back home tomorrow. But, is it really a good thing for her? Can she survive in the high school after what happened to her? Dylan’s heart kept wondering about tomorrow.

Can you put your trust on the sinking ship and hold on to what you have? Or, you rather let it sink and hop on the new one. But what if the new one isn’t good as the old? Life is about choices. You better choose the right one ‘cause it might change your whole destiny.

-credit to Suzanne for the picture

Friday, December 11, 2009

Chapter 2: New Leaf

Titles from 2009 movie, New Moon.

“Your beauty is so mesmerizing. Even the sparkles on your dress, can’t beat those beautiful blue eyes of yours,” Harold whispered to Geneva’s ear, hands were on her waist. He was lifting her up halfway to paradise, to where he wished, he could bring her to, together and forever. Geneva laid her head pressing on his chest, firmly. She wouldn’t want to lift it up like she had to on the hill. There won’t be any rain in here, she spoke to herself, deep in her heart. Harold loves the scent of her hair, her black silky long hair. They were dancing like no one was watching them. But in reality, many green eyes were staring at them enviously.

On the other side of the room, at a dim light corner, Ryan was staring at Lily, emotionless. So did Lily. Both of their faces were sculpture-like. Despite Lily was shining brighter than the candle on the table, Ryan had not praised her beauty yet. They were completely keeping their mouth shut really tight. Kiss me. Ryan was keen to know what those red thin lips taste like. He dare not open his mouth and ask her, so he bit his lips. Lily’s soul was screaming inside. She wanted to be in his teddy bear’s arms so badly, so she hugged herself.

What a weird state of affairs between two of them.

Five miles away from the dance, Roxanne was sitting on the bed all alone. Her eyes were soaking wet. Sorrow overwhelmed her. She was indeed in pain that no one between seven of them could understand. She’d waited for him over three years and he just turned over a new leaf in a blink of an eye. She took her pillow and covered her face with it. She screamed out loud; she wished the whole could hear her but no one apparently does. She got off her bed and walked to her drawer. She took a letter out. She wiped her tears with the back of her hand and read the letter.

Dear Roxanne,

I’m Keith, one of your reporters. You might not noticed me ‘cause for a people like you, high class and rich, wouldn’t want to look at me. I have to be somebody to get noticed by you. I’ve been trying to get closer to you, but the only thing that you ever said to me was, “I need the report right now!” You were in a bad mood.
Let’s get to the point. I have been crushing on you since the first day I laid my eyes on you. You are cute, funny and unique. Your smile is so irresistible. But I got a problem with my self-confidence, I am afraid to confront you. Therefore, I wrote this letter. So, can you please give me a chance? 615-883-7893—call me or text me. I love you.

p/s I’ll wait for your answer, no matter how long it takes


Roxanne grabbed her phone. She pressed the numbers one by one. I should give him a chance, I have to move on. Izzy doesn’t want me, what the heck am I still waiting for? Her heart spoke. She pressed the call button and waited for Keith to pick up.

“Hello, may I speak to Keith please?”
“Keith’s speaking, may I know who’s on the line?”
“Its…. Roxanne,”
“Finally! So, can we talk tomorrow?”
“Yeah, after school. Can you … go watch movie with me?”
“I would love to,”
“Great! Thanks,”
“Thanks? I’m the one who should say thanks,”
“See you tomorrow! Goodnight,”
“See you! Sweet dreams!”

Keith’s voice somehow brought Roxanne’s smile back.

Back to the ballroom, to the place where love is oozing out from ones’ hearts. Couples were dancing gracefully under the disco ball. The light in the room were out, the candles were lit, and Endless Love by Danny Gokey was on the stereo. The atmosphere annoyed Dylan who was dateless, still. He put down his drinks and got out from the ballroom.

“What am I doing here?” Dylan whispered to himself as he got out of the room. He pushed the door slowly; he doesn’t want to disturb the rest. He was so relieved to be outside the room. He put his hands on his head and walked like a drunk man. His memories with Christine were back in his mind. Her laughter kept ringing in his head. Out of the blue, he remembered how silly there were back then.

“What you want to be when we graduated?”
“Your housewife,” Christine said vividly. Both of them were under a shady apple tree. Those hugging, kissing moments with Christine were in Dylan’s mind every second since she left him

“Alone tonight?” A familiar voice greeted from Dylan’s back. Dylan turned his body 180 degrees and found himself in a shock. Christine was standing a foot away from him. She looked so red –her long red dress, her red lips and the hair band were eye aching.

“What are you doing here?” Dylan somehow annoyed, disgusted to see her although he really wants to be with her now. “I thought you are having fun with your new puppy?” Dylan teased her.

“Well, I went to the rest room,”
“He suck at kissing?”
“He is one terrible kisser!”
“He stinks?”

Christine got closer to Dylan. “I am sorry about what happened that night,” Her hand ran to his chest. She was trying to get him back. Dylan stepped forward, closer to her. She can feel his breath on her neck. Dylan’s nose ran to her ears. It’s her soft spot and she loves it when he does that. Christine’s lips crushed to his cheek. “Can we start all over again?” She whispered softly to Dylan’s ear.

“I still can’t get over you too,” Dylan said with passion.
“So, can we?”

“Go to hell!” He pushed her off him and laughed. “One more word from your mouth, and it will be your last,” Christine said, furiously. She pulled her long dress and stomped to the ballroom. Her high heels made such an annoying noise, really irritates the ears. “See you in hell, baby,” Dylan yelled under his breath.

Au revoir bâtard,” she turned half of her face to Dylan and frowned.

Dylan who doesn’t understand French ignored her and turned around. He paced slowly away from her without making any sound. He laughed by himself. As if he were enjoying himself with total silence and his mind were running miles away from him, a noise set him back to reality.

“Help…” The voice was barely to be heard. It was too soft. Dylan ignored it. He thought he was dreaming. He paced forward leisurely. He yawned and exhaled aloud. “Please…” The voice is back. Dylan slapped his face twice and realized he was not dreaming. Then, he ran thoughtlessly, seeking for the voice. As he dashed pass by the storeroom, he saw a girl lying on the floor. He stopped and turned back. He went to the storeroom and found a girl bleeding profusely on the floor. He was rather speechless to see that girl. He went to her side and sat. He pulled her to his lap and held her arms tightly. Her purple dress torn into pieces, half of her was out in open. Dylan took off his shirt and put it on the girl. She pressed her legs and screeched. She was definitely in an enormous pain. Dylan wrapped her with his arms.

“What am I doing?” Dylan whispered to himself, he just realized how stupid he was. He lifted her up and ran to his car. He put her at the backseat, started the engine and drove to the hospital.

“So where is Dylan?” Harold asked. Ryan, Ely, Lily and Geneva raised their shoulder. All of them were leaning on Ryan’s big truck, they were waiting for Dylan. None of them knew what had happened to Dylan. Ely’s eyelid was already heavy. She could sleep on the road if she put her head down. Geneva held Harold’s hands tightly. She pressed it and put her head on Harold’s chest. Lily wanted to do the same but Ryan insisted her to get into the car.

“Sweetie, let me send you home,” Noah spoke to Ely as walking to them with his black suit. He hasn’t took it off yet. He went to Ely and combed her hair with his fingers. Ely put her head on him and breathed tiredly. “We should go, his car is not here,” Noah told them. He looked at his Rolex and sighed. It was already late. It is not an appropriate manner to send someone’s daughter by this time. Everybody had left except them. “Let’s go,” Ryan asked us to go back, indirectly. He grabbed his phone and texted Dylan. He looked worried. Harold pulled Geneva to his car and took off. Noah did the same too, he’s fetching Ely back home. The last car to get out from the school was Ryan’s.

It was shivering cold in the waiting room. Dylan rubbed himself to keep himself warm. Ruth Comfort Walker was in the ward with her parents. Mr., Mrs. Walker, and their son were soothing her. She screamed traumatically. The doctor said to them that she lost a lot of blood and she lost her ….. virginity too. “She got raped by at least three men,” The doctor explained. Comfort’s mom collapsed to the ground when she heard that. Her father shook his head; disappointment overwhelmed him. Their one and only daughter just got rape in the storeroom by AT LEAST three men. Comfort’s brother, Rufus, walked quickly to the waiting room. He was so mad. He got to Dylan and pushed him to the wall, roughly.

“Who else did this to my sister?” Rufus asked.
“I don’t know…” Dylan choked.
“You and how many more?”

“I think, there’s a misunderstanding here,” Dylan pushed Rufus’s hands off him. He grasped for oxygen before he continued. “I saw her laying there, her dress was… I gave her my shirt, and then I drove her here. I didn’t do anything to her,”

“Well son, what makes you think he did that? There’s no rapist that will send the girl he raped to the hospital, will they?” Mr. Walker stood up at the door. He threw a piece of cloth to Dylan. Dylan caught and wore it, “Thanks, Mr. Walker,” Dylan thanked Mr. Walker. Rufus nodded and stepped back. Mr. Walker got near both of them. “I’m sorry about your daughter,” Dylan felt sorry. “We will find who did this to her and chop their heads,” Dylan put his hand on Rufus. Rufus kindly pushed it away and walked out of the room. As he reached the door, he turned back and said, “Do not tell your friends about this!” What he meant by this was the incident happened to Comfort. “I’m sorry about Rufus. He is just… He got only one sister to take care of but now, she’s a mess,” Mr. Walker looked down to his Italian shoes. He felt guilty on what happened to Comfort too.

“Sir. It wasn’t totally your fault. If I were there, I could stop them. But I don’t even realize …” Dylan paused. He didn’t know Comfort’s name. He didn’t notice the existence of Comfort in his Chemistry class, the one who sat behind him. “I haven’t seen her around in school before, I should be more concerned,” Dylan confessed.

“She’s the quiet and shy type. Socializing isn’t her thing. Don’t put the blame on you,” Mr. Walker sat on the couch. “Thanks for sending her here,” He combed his short wavy hair. “It was very munificent and thoughtful of you to do so,” He looked at Dylan with his full of regret eyes. Dylan sat next to him and took a deep breath. He promised to himself, that he would lead a new life. And so, he turned over a new leaf. “I will take care of her in school,”

A beautiful romantic Valentine’s night can turn into such a bloody night. In a blink of an eye, anything could happen in Camelot High School. Beware; the sparkles you got, might be a big flame someday.

SOS! 7teens, remember to keep your eyes on each other, things will get a little bit muddier.

-Credit to Suzanne for the picture.