Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Chapter 5 (part 2): Sex..

How am I going to reach home? I don’t even have a car. Should I call Cameo now? Nah. I’d rather take a cab. So, I walked to the taxi stand. As my eyes focusing on the steps I’m taking, I overheard a conversation. There’s two people talking behind the tree.

“You cheated on me!”
“I didn’t! How many time must I say?” his voice sounds so familiar to me.
“They’ve told me everything about you!”
“Everything like?”
“You had sex with them in so many places, even in the store room in school!” She yelled at him.
“Who told you that?”

Oh my, that name is so familiar. I tried to look at both faces but failed cause the tree is blocking my view. I moved nearer, I was so eager to know who are they and I saw a car. DAB10- the car plate looks so familiar. DYLAN ANDREW BRADSHAW and his favourite number, 10! “Oh My God!” I shouted. It’s Dylan’s! No wonder he’s not in the room with me and Ryan, he’s arguing with his girlfriend, right in front of the hospital. Good timing, Christine!

“I’m breaking up with you!”
“It was before I’m with you honey!”
“Eww. Don’t call me that!” She felt disgusted by Dylan’s choice of words.
“Send us back!”

US? What does she mean by ‘us’? I looked inside the car and again, I was electrocuted. (Including this, technically, I was electrocuted 5 times today!) Geneva was inside the car, at the backseat. She gave me strength to approach them right now. So, I ran to the car and greeted them.

“Hey, guys!” I was trying to be innocent.
“What’s up?” Dylan replied me like nothing happened.
“Harold, what you doing here?” Geneva got out from the car and went by my side.
“You’re not mad at me?” I asked Geneva.
“I forgave you, but you have to know, Aaron has the right to put his hand on my shoulder,”
“And why is that?”
“He’s my boyfriend!” Including this, I electrocuted six times today.
“Can we go and visit Ryan now?” Christine annoyed by our conversation.
“Honey, there’s a thing called ‘excuse me’” Dylan raised his voice.
“ ‘Excuse me’ for being rude. But you and me, it’s now..” She stopped.
“Say it!” Dylan was pushing her way too far. I held his shoulder and tried to calm him down.
“We are over! I’m taking a cab!” She slapped Dylan and walked away.

Geneva and I was ‘lucky’ to be there. We had just witnessed a break-up ‘scene’ between the cool-soccer-captain and the hot-cheer-captain. We looked at each other and the situation was so so so( 90 times more than that) awkward.

“Chill, bro,” I tried to comfort him.
“She’s just the type of girl that comes and goes in my life,” Dylan murmured.
“She just wants the fame, not love,” He added.
“Let me drive you guys home,” I went into his car, to the driver seat. For the first time ever, I changed the topic like he always does.
“Thank you, I might hit a tree or even that old lady, if I drive,” He pointed at an old lady walking at the pavement. Even though he was in pain, he certainly knows how to make people laugh. Geneva cracked a smile and I laughed out loud.
“So, is it true you had sex in the store room? With Adele?” I asked him.
“She pulled me in. I couldn’t resist her. You know how hot that chick is right?” he replied me.
“In the store room?” I emphasized the words.
“Dude, come on, I’m seventeen!”
“Is it nice?” I sarcastically asked him. Geneva can’t control herself, and burst into laughter.

SEX – is this more addictive than drugs? Nah. If you have a great will power, you can resist this, like Dylan himself, he should’ve control his sexual desire. If I were him, school’s store room would be the last place I want to have sex with somebody I love.