Monday, November 23, 2009

Chapter 3: Mr. Tequila

WHAT DOES HE WANT FROM ME. Should I trust him this time? Is this another false alarm from him? What if he’s being real? Cameo Alexander Cruz was never REAL before. Arrggghhh.

“Guys, I gotta go, brother needs me!”

I ran to my car. Dylan said something but I don’t get him. Got into my car and immediately started the engine. I turned on the radio to calm myself. The Last Song by Rihanna was on air. LAST SONG! – could it be… that… he… The last time he ever speaks like that was when dad left us.

“Dad, why? I know you hate mom so much but… Why you have to leave us?” He pleaded
“Son, marrying your mother is the best thing that happened in my life but it is the one and only thing I ever regretted doing,” Dad explained.

Those words never faded from my mind. It’s like it had just happened yesterday. I was five at that time and didn’t get what they were saying, but after 13 years, I truly understand his feeling. Maybe that is why Cameo was fooling around all the time. He’s trying to forget the past by annoying me every day. My mind totally wasn’t on the road. 70km/h… 85km/h… 120km/h... I drove recklessly ‘cause brother might be in trouble. I pay no heed to the red light. I’M WORRIED SOMEHOW.

Knock knock.

“Bro!” I shouted. He opened the door and hugged me. His eyes were red and… wet!
“Thank you, dumbo!”
“What happened? Look at me! What happened? How you get home?”
“A friend of mine sent me back”
“Can you tell me what happened? And why are you crying?”
“Dad...” He pulled me in.
“What’s with dad?”
“Dad added me in Facebook!”
“Dumbo, do you know how happy I am?”
“Huh? You … You called me for ..?”
“Yeah, he asked me to upload a photo, but I couldn’t. This thing is so complicated!”
“Do you know that… Old man, leave us when I was not even a teenager!”
“The past is the past”
“He is an irresponsible old hag! He left us with mom.”

Cameo ran to his laptop.

“Click photo…” He ignored me.
“Do you hear me? Because of him, mom is dead…“
“He got nothing to do with mom! He didn’t ask mom to drink, did he?” He defended his father
“I know. But because of him, mom… Wait a minute… Are you defending him now?”
“Upload photo… Harold, then what?”
“I hate you so much right now!”
“And by the way, he’s coming tomorrow”
“Send my regards to him… cause I won’t be here tomorrow!” I stomped to my room
“Where are you going…”
“Anywhere but here!”

I went to pack my bag. I’m going to Ryan’s. His parents are at overseas. He wouldn’t mind at all, he will be glad to have me there. Plus, the gang will be in the house… there’s a slumber party!

“Don’t come and find me!” I yelled at my brother
“I need the car!”
“You know what, take this! I don’t need that freaking old car!” I threw the car key at him.

I got out from the house and walked to Dylan’s, which is next to my house. He gave me a ride to Ryan’s. His car is so much better than mine. I’m so jealous of him. He got hot girlfriend, cool car, happy family and BEAUTIFUL LIFE.

Let me tell you about his life. He was born on 9th September and named, Dylan Andrew Bradshaw, He is the only son to Mr. Derrick Bradshaw, the famous retired actor. His mom, Mrs. Kelly Bradshaw – a model who travels a lot – gives him a minimum five hundred every week. He got no siblings who will annoy him like MINE.

How I wish I was him

“What’s up brothers!” Ryan opened the door with a big smile on his face
“Why are you smiling?” Dylan asked him.
“I invited some girls; one of them is your beloved Christine!”
“Oh~ she told me!”
“Who else did you called?” I interrupted them.
“Roxy… Ely… Nat… Alexia… Jo..”
“How about Geneva?”
“Oh... That new girl. She said she can’t make it,”
“And why is that?”
“Mr-want-to-know-it-all, how the hell I know!”
“Harold, what’s with your brother just now?” Dylan looked at me with his weird expression. Once again, he managed to change the scene.

I promised myself that I won’t talk about the “argument” to my friends. So, I created stories in case they will ask me, and Dylan IS asking me now. Should I use: He tripped and broke his leg or he broke up with his girlfriend and need me there to cheer him up?

“He lost his key,” I answered him. What a lie!
“Cheh, I thought he tripped and broke his legs!”
“How I wish that to happen...”

Ryan walked to his stereo. He turned it on and played my favourite song. Down Down Down Down Down everybody’s falling down. The living hall is now like a disco-, which will be filled with drunk teenagers.

The doorbell rang. Ryan opened the door and greeted Izzy. They were talking about something but I don’t want to know. I prefer Space Cowboy than Izzy’s nonsense. He kept talking and talking till Roxanne pushed him in. Roxanne brought along Izzy’s favourite drink, Mr. Tequila. About a minute after that, Christine came in with her friend, Lily, another sexy brunette. Dylan kissed Christine and brought her to the sofa as Lily walked to the rest room. Ryan and Izzy were busy watching the hot scene when Joe, Adam, Natasha, Ely and Alexia came in.

“Guys, get a room!” Alexia felt disgusted.
“Shut up, we are trying to watch over here, right guys?” Ryan replied her
“Ely, Nat, Let’s make a scene! Let’s show them who is hotter? Us or them,”
“Come on guys! Stop it. This is not gang-bang party!” I stopped them.
“Let’s watch porn!” Izzy suggested.
“You are right Christine, He IS a sex maniac,” Lily added from the back

Everybody in the room nodded and laughed.

“So, you guys talked about me?” Izzy asked Lily.
“Let’s play ‘I NEVER’!” Dylan changed the topic. He is very good at it.
“Count me in!”
“Me too”
“Me four”
“Me five!”
“What should I say , Me six?”

“Lemme start! I NEVER DATED A GIRL!” Izzy started the game
“Oh come one! Everybody knows that!” Adam teased him
All the guys drank a sip.

“My turn, My turn, I NEVER DATED A GUY” Roxy Pixie giggled.
“Sad to say, I DATED A GUY,” Izzy confessed.
Everybody laughed, and all the girls plus Izzy drank a sip.

“This is so fun! My turn, I NEVER …”

and the game went on and on and on. Izzy was the drunkest of all. He did so many things that most of us never do, for example picked his nose with his finger and LICKED it. He’s so funny.

While all of them busy playing the game, I stood up and went to the guest room. I was too tired to continue. I opened my shirt and went into the bathroom. I took a shower cause my body was so sticky. And when I came out…

“Wow!” Roxanne was there sitting on the bed, staring at me.
“What are you doing here?” I was blushing, I’m wearing only towel right now.
“I’m sorry! I just want to… ”
“Just let me grab my clothes first, can I?” Both of us laughed.

I put on my singlet and …

“Can you help me?” She asked.
“Name it. I’ll try my best to help,”
“He’s blind!”
“Who are you referring to?”
“Your best friend!”
“Which? Ryan? Dylan or Izzy?”
“Promise me you’ll never tell any breathing human, PINKY SWEAR?”
“Pinky swearrr?? Fine fine!”
“I’m talking about Izzy!”
“Are you serious? I’m going to tell him this!”
“You promised!”
“He is not a breathing human, He’s an animal!” We both laughed
“I’ve been trying to show him, how much I loved him for about 3 years already!”
“Pixie, look at me, we are talking about a serious mental problem guy over here, what do you expect?”
“So, you are asking me to tell him?”
“You want ME to tell him? Pixie, you are a cute little funny girl, he surely likes you,”
“Did he ever mention my name?!”
“Hell ya. LIKE A LOT! Wait a second, this evening, he was about to tell us who is his crush… but then my brother called!”

“Harold, Pixie, what are you guys doing here?” Ryan was standing at the door with a weird look.
“We are …” Pixie paused for about five seconds. “We are talking about math,”
“Math?! Harold is half naked for God’s sake!” Ryan raised his voice.
“Dude, come on! I’m half naked, not NAKED!” I spoke up.
“Alright alright, as long as you guys didn’t do THAT in my house,”
“Do what?” Pixie looked at me with eyes wide open. SHE IS WAY TOO INNOCENT to understand us.
“All of them had left, their parents picked them up,”
“So fast?” I asked Ryan.
“Pixie, your parents are on their way.”
“Thank you for calling them. I’ll wait downstairs,” She walked out of the room.

Ryan stared at me.
“What?!” I asked him.
“You can sleep in this room, and tomorrow I’m gonna wake you up!” He replied me.
“Thank you, Bro!”

Ahh.. Another good friend. I never thought there is such humankind living on earth. RYAN ZACHARY TEDDER is one of the kinds.