Monday, November 30, 2009

Chapter 7: Guilty Pleasure

It was so cold that night. I was shivering in the car, waiting for the clock to strike 10. I looked at the mirror and murmured to myself, “Harold, you look absolutely cool! You can do this!” “Oh my god, you are not cool at all!” The ‘girl’ appeared and sat on the passenger seat. “Oh, you again!” Surprisingly, I was not surprise at all. She’s like everywhere.

“Oh. Can you please tell me your name?” I was totally out of my mind.
“I’m your thought! I’m the one who should ask you this!” She answered.
“Gee, you’re weird,”
“Technically, I’m not the one who’s talking to my thought right now,”
“Oh whatever, Mandy!” I just gave her a name; I’m totally weird, freak and so forth.
“Mandy? Can’t you give me any other cute name? At least Bella, Sydney or something else?”
“NO!” I answered her.
“Mandy, be honest, is my hair okay?”
“No, your hair looked worse than your grandfather’s!” She rolled her eyes.
“How’s my breath?” I asked her. She got closer to me and sniffed.
“Horrible, terrible, vegetable! Did you eat garlic?” She replied me and covered her nose. I knew she was kidding ‘cause I pissed her off.
“You better go now, it’s already ten!” She reminded me.
“Thanks Mandy!” I stopped the engine and got out of car.
“And please, give me some space tonight!” I added and closed the door.
“OK,” She replied me sarcastically.

I walked to Geneva’s house silently. As I reached her house, the lights were all out. I looked at the watch again and asked myself, “What are they? Don’t they have a life?” At this time, most human in this world will be watching their favourite TV show but they’d already slept. Geneva’s family is one of a kind. I walked to her back door and Geneva was already expecting me.

“Shh…” She put her fingers on her red lips.
“Hello, beauty,” I greeted her softly.
“I can’t do this, sneaking out at night is a serious crime for me” She replied me.
“Huh?” I sounded disappointed.
“Are you kidding me? You fell for that?” She giggled.
“Don’t do it again,” I was so relieved.
“I count till three and we run,” I added.
“Sure… “
“1… 2…3…” We counted down and ran hand in hand.

We were giggling as we were running. Even though it is a crime, to bring someone’s daughter out at night, I felt so right to do so. It is now one of my GUILTY PLEASURES. We got into the car and we were still laughing. I started the engine and drove to the ‘special’ place. I was heading to a hill, to the special hill near my house. Cameo loves to bring me to the hill and classified it as a ‘private property’. I promised him that I’ll never bring any human up there, or even talked about it but since, Geneva is now someone special in my heart, I should bring her there. Cameo wouldn’t mind at all ( I think )

“Geneva, we’re here,” I stopped the car and got out. I walked to the door and opened it for her. I pulled her out. She was amazed by the view. We could see the entire Nottingham from up here (NOTTINGHAM is the name of the small town we all live in).

“Harold, how on earth you know this place?”
“My brother brought me here. He said, we can talk to mom here,”
“Your mom?”
“Yea, she’s one of those stars at the sky,” I pointed at the sky. It was full with stars tonight.
“Which one am I?” She looked at me and smiled.
“There, the brightest one, next to mom,” I pointed to the brightest star.
“You are funny… but sweet,” She giggled.

Then, I lay down on the grass and she followed. She put her head on my chest.

“I like your heartbeats. It’s pounding very fast,”
“Only when I’m with you,” I added and she gave me the smile, the one I love the most.
“Let’s play a game,” I suggested her. “A game I used to play with Cameo,”
“Sure…” Her head was still on my chest.
“Since you don’t want to get up, we can play it like this, in this position,”
“What game is this?” She giggled again.
“Brother called it ‘I SPOT’,”
“Oh I know how to play this! Let me start,” She sounded excited.
“I SPOT something,” She paused a second. “shining,” she continued.
“The stars!” I answered.
“You’re fast!” She replied.
“My turn, I SPOT something blinking,”
“I know… The STARS,”
“You are fast too!” I praised her.
“Thank you, my turn, I SPOT…”
“STARS,” I interrupted her.
“How you know that? Are you psychic or something? Wait a minute. Are you a vampire? Like Edward Cullen?” She asked me.
“Honey, all we can see in this position is the stars,”
“Oh, you’re right!” We both laughed.

Suddenly I felt something touched my face. It was the raindrop.

“Shoot! It’s going to rain,” I shouted.
“Oh my, we should get into the car,” She lifted her head up and grabbed my hand. We ran to the car hurriedly. We don’t want to get wet.

We were lucky. We got into the car just before the rain.

“Pheww..” She felt so relieved. I smiled at her.
“Aww… That was so sweet of you,” Mandy was back!
“Give me a second,” I turned to the backseat and saw Mandy with her funny outfit. She was wearing a rain suit.
“What are you doing here?” I whispered,
“Honey, who are you talking to,” Geneva wondered.
“Hmm… There’s a fly inside the car!” I answered her. STUPID ME, I should have just ignored Mandy.
“And you are asking the fly to get out?”
“Yes,” I replied her. She laughed at me.
“You are one great charming funny guy,”
“Thank you,” I turned to her and saw Mandy dancing outside, in the rain.
“Shall we dance?” I asked Geneva. WHAT WAS I THINKING!
“Are you serious? It’s raining,”
“Are you scared?” I got out of the car and went to her door. I opened it and asked again, “Shall we?”
“Sure… You are already wet, so, why not,” She grabbed my hand and got out.

I put my left hand on her waist and my right hand was still holding hers. She put her hand on my shoulder and we started dancing. We were so close. I could feel our heartbeats beat as one. I took the lead and she followed every step of mine. I turned her around again and again and she smiled at me each turn. Despite the fact that we were soaking wet, we kept dancing to the sound made by mother nature, the crickets, and the chirping birds.

As I pulled her body closer to mine, she held my hands tighter. Then, I moved my face closer to her and stopped dancing. She stopped her steps as well. “KISS HER!” Mandy yelled at me. And so our lips touched. She replied my kiss. Our souls were like one, and I can’t feel my legs on the ground anymore. I was floating, we were DEFYING GRAVITY! I felt my body getting warmer and warmer every second when we were kissing. It’s like nothing else in the world matters anymore. The time passed slowly and the world seemed to be so wide and bright. AM I IN HEAVEN?
“I love you, Miss Byron,”
“I love you more, Mr. Cruz,”
“I love you more than a human could possibly love you,” I exaggerated.
“If you say so, means, my love is the greatest now,” She gave me a smile and kissed my cheek.
“How about Aaron?” I spoiled the romantic scene.
“Tonight, it’s all about you and me, can we just forget about him and…”
“We should,” I turned her around and we continued dancing.

That night, we danced as one. Four lips touched and our souls connected and became one. SHE IS THE ONE, I’m definitely right this time. She is greater than the gravity. She could push me out and lift me higher, she could pull me down and hold me tight in her arms. She’s the new version of Juliet, Rose from ‘Titanic’ and Talia from ‘The Notebook’. She is GENEVA.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Chapter 6: Ferris Wheel

“Wake up,” Cameo shook me.
“What time is it now?” I yawned.
“It’s already 8 in the morning. You got class at 9 isn’t it?” He asked, sounded so not like him.
“Cameo, Wake up, what?” I looked at him.
“Dumbo!” He cracked a smile and hugged me.
“Have you taken your bath yet? You stink!” I teased and pushed him off me.
“No, its been three days I lived without taking a shower,”
“That explains why you don’t have a girlfriend,”
“Dad made breakfast for us, your favourite, pancake!” He changed the topic. His voice changed back to the way it used to be.
“Oh,” That is the best word I can reply him with now.

I got up and walked to the kitchen, it does smell good. The smell, that had been gone since mom left us, is back. I walked to the table and greeted Demetria,

“Morning, Harold,” She put down her fork and grabbed a cup of water.
“There’s milk inside the refrigerator, you can have them, pancake tastes nothing with plain water!” I suggested her.
“Never mind,” she replied me.
“I insist,” I walked to the refrigerator, grabbed the milk carton and a cup from the cabinet. I poured some milk into the cup and gave her.
“Thanks!” She sounded so happy.
“Your pancake is ready,” George got to the table and put the pancake down.
“Thank you, George.” I thanked him.
“And I’m sorry about yesterday,” I added.
“Son, you can call me dad,” He looked at me.
“When the time comes, I will, George,” I replied him.

He faked a smile and turned around. He looked disappointed.

“Cameo, I need the car today,” I turned to Cameo in the living room, he was watching the news.
“Sure, you can have that freaking old car the whole day, I’m resting at home today,” He teased me; his eyes were still on the TV.
“Thanks Big bro!”
“You are welcome, Dumbo!”
“Hey, it’s rhymed!” Demetria added and everybody laughed.


I was the first one to be in math class. When the bell rang, everyone rushed in. I felt something was missing when I looked at Ryan and Dylan’s tables. Nobody was there. What happened to them, my mind started wondering till Geneva walked in and sat beside me. She was wearing polka dots, a very red one. There’s a big bloody red ribbon on her head. She looked like Snow White plus Cinderella and everything pretty, in her very own way. Polka dots? Who wears them nowadays? But she is so daring to wear them to school today.

Suddenly, someone got into the class and yelled, “Miss Hewitt is absent!” Everyone started cheering. The class is now like the night market. All of the students went out, as we got an hour to rest. WHAT THE HECK! I should stay with Ryan yesterday. I don’t want to waste my time in canteen with Izzy and Roxanne. I should give them some space.

Before Geneva got out from the class, I grabbed her hand I whispered to her, “We need to talk.” She nodded and followed behind me. We headed to the rooftop; I bet no one is there ‘cause they are having their classes right now. As we were rushing there, we saw Aaron. He was leaning on the wall, waiting for somebody (I guess). Geneva quickly hid her face with the books. I turned away and pulled Geneva. We decided to take the longer route to get there, which is through the garden, rather than facing that Godzilla.

There’s so many students from Miss Hewitt’s class hanging out in the garden. Ely was one of them. She was wearing a G.A.P shirt, Levi’s jeans and boots (I got good eyes though). She threw the can she was holding to the bush. I saw that and shouted at her, “E! Pick it up! And where are you going? Shopping mall or something?” “Shut up, you, Granny!” She replied me. She loves to call me that. She loves to call EVERYONE that. Geneva laughed at me. I grabbed her hand and continued our epic journey to the rooftop.

As we reached there, I turned to her and pulled her closer to me.

“I’m sorry about your hand,” I apologized, as I pulled her way too sturdy throughout the journey to get here. I grabbed her hand and kissed it.
“There’s nothing to be sorry about,” She seems to be easy with that.
“Now, why did you kiss me last night?” I asked her.
“I’m…” She was gasping for air.
“I’m sorry,” I moved a step backward.
“To tell you the truth, I hate Aaron so much! Everything must be about him; he gave me no space to talk at all.” She explained to me.
“So, what’s with the kiss?”
“Hello? Are you blind or something Mr. Harold Steven Cruz,”
“Miss Geneva Emmanuelle Byron, I can’t simply jump into conclusions, can I?” I asked her back.
“Pick me up tonight,” She suggested.
“At ten, I’ll bring you to somewhere special,”
“But don’t come with your noisy car. My dad will be in the house tonight,” OUCH! That hurts!
“I’ll park my car somewhere far from your house and walk,”
“I’ll be waiting at my backdoor,”
“That sounds like a plan to me!”
“Oh silly!” The girl from last night appeared out of sudden. She was wearing a light blue gown and one and a half inch heels. I ignored her.

We held hands and sat on the bench. We stared at each other for about more than 5 minutes. There’s nothing prettier than those beautiful eyes. Suddenly, my mind was humming my own song, Lullabee.

There’s nothing pretty as you my honey bee,
There’s nothing sweeter than you my honey bee,

The ‘girl’ was dancing and singing with me. Her voice was totally awful yet cute to me.

“No wonder I smelled a skunk on my way, there’s a dead one over here,” I looked around and saw Aaron standing at the door. His toad-like voice cracked the beautiful melody.

Geneva and I moved away from each other.

“So, Baby G, what are you doing here, with this skunk?”
“We were discussing about history, and now, we are done,” Geneva answered him as she walked to his side.
“We are having sex actually, have you heard of sex on the rooftop?” I stood up and raised my voice.
“How dare you to say that?!” He moved closer to me.
“Knock it off!” Geneva stopped both of us.
“Honey, let’s leave this skunk alone!” She put her hand on his cheek and kissed his lips.
“Let’s go,” He put his hands on her waist and walked her to the door.
“I’m sorry!” She turned to me and mouthed.

I thought she was being real. Phew, she’s a good actor. I should learn from her sometime.

“Ahh, you!” I turned to the ‘girl’.
“What!” She replied.
“You’re scaring me!” I rolled my eyes.
“I’m your imagination, why are you so scared?”
“The gown and the heels are too much!”
“Rooftop is the most romantic place in school. Why can’t I dress up nicely?”
“You‘re a ghost...”
“Your imagination!” She interrupted.
“Fine, whatever!” I closed my eyes. When I opened them back, she was not there.
“Boo!” She gave me a shock from my back.
“I hate you, what can I do to get rid of you?”
“Grow up!” She teased me again.

That fine evening, I visited Dylan at his house. He caught a high fever. He was sleeping when I visited him. I don’t want to wake him up, so I decided to visit Ryan in the hospital. I drove my car there. On my way, I texted Izzy to accompany me since Dylan could not make it.

I walked to the Ryan’s room and called Izzy. “The person you dialed had just passed away! Please leave him a message after the beep, - BEEP-” “Hope you will be happy in hell, Izzy! Pees on you!” I left the message. I laughed at how silly I was. I knocked the door and Izzy opened it. “I thought you’re dead!” I teased Izzy. “I know what you mean,” He laughed. I looked at Ryan, he was so pale and thin. The last time I saw him in this size was when he was a 3rd grader. He grew so much bigger since then. “It’s genetic,” He always gave that reason to whoever asked him about his size. I smiled when those days flashed back in my mind.

Suddenly I saw Ryan’s eyelid and fingers twitching.
“RYAN!” Izzy and I were shocked.
“You are awake, sleeping beauty!” Izzy and his timeless jokes.
“hmm..” Ryan was still groaning.
“Do you remember me?”
“Haa… Izquierdo Ramirez Hernandez…” he answered
“Izzy is much more easier to pronounce isn’t it?” Izzy replied.
“He remembered the weirdest name ever!” I was so happy.
“Harold Steven Cruz…” He grabbed my hand.
“Yes I am,” I hugged him.
“Dylan Andrew Bradshaw…” He lifted his head and looked for Dylan.
“He’s sick, Christine dumped him!” Izzy told Ryan.
“Is he okay now?”
“He will be okay,” I smiled at him.

I rang Ryan’s mother and told her that Ryan is awake. I could feel joy overwhelmed her on the line, as it had the same effect on me. She couldn’t even say anything at that time. All I could hear was sobbing. “I’ll tell Ryan you’re on your way.” I said as I hung up the phone.

Life is like a ferris wheel. There will be a time where we are on top, and there will be a time for us to come down and reach the bottom. The day before I was crying and about to lose somebody – or should I say, my life. But today, I’m on my knees, heads looking up and thanking God for the life he gave me. And so I believe in karma, what goes around comes around.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Chapter 5 (part 4): ... Monsters

I parked the car in Dylan’s garage. His father was waiting for us at the front door. He was smiling. I woke Dylan up and he quickly got into the house. I guess he’s just tired of all the drama that happened today. “Thank you,” His father mouthed. He didn’t want to wake the entire neighborhood with his macho-and-loud voice. I nodded and walked to my house. I took the smallest steps ever to get there. At my house door, I stopped and grabbed my phone. This is the perfect time to read Cameo’s messages.

“Bro, dad is here already, please come back home. -your bro,”
“Where are you now? Dad is so worried! -your bro,”
“Dad is staying! -you-know-who,”

Damn it! I banged the door and shouted, “Why are you here?” That old man and Cameo were holding a bowl pop corn each and watching my favourite show, 90210. Something was wrong there. There’s a girl between them. “Who is she?” I asked them fiercely. “It’s your sister, son,” That old man replied me softly. “Son? I’m not your son. My father passed away a few years ago and I don’t have a sister!” I glared at him. I was seriously sick of him. “You, old man, and you, girl, please remove your filthy body away from my couch!” I yelled at them. Cameo stood up and got to me. He put the bowl down and punched me, on my face. I fell to the ground, as his hand was so strong. I bet he’d been waiting for this for ages. I got up and looked at him. “I’m sorry, bro. I don’t mean it,” He apologized. He moved closer to me and hugged me. I was on fire, I was about to yell at him but the girl, who is most likely a year younger than me, spoke up. “I’m sorry if my present here brings a lot of trouble to your family, I’ll move out, but can you please let me sleep here tonight? I have no other place to go,” I kindly pushed Cameo off me. “Yes, you can have my bedroom,” I felt so bad to the girl.

How can I turn into such a person in front of her? She barely knows me, and yet, she spoke to me nicely, despite the fact that I yelled at her. I was acting so dumb. Even though, that old man is really a MONSTER, I should have not treated him that way. That makes me a monster too.

“I’m sorry, girl, I just had a bad day,” I looked into her dashy blue eyes that looked exactly like my mom’s.
“I understand, the first thing tomorrow, I’ll be gone,”
“Don’t go anywhere, please stay,” I pleaded her. Cameo and that, old man, gave me a weird look.

“But that doesn’t change my feeling towards any of you, brother and …” I paused. I was finding the right title for that old man. “George!” I used his name instead of calling him, dad, cause he don’t deserve it. Cameo got to me and tried to hug me again, this time, I managed to push him away.

I walked to my room immediately. As I reached the stairs, I called the girl to follow me. I brought her to my room. Her hair, her eyes, her lips are definitely like my mom’s. She looks nothing like…that old man.

“What’s your name?” I grabbed my blanket and walked to my closet.
“Demetria Daphne Cruz,” She replied me with a smile. How can she even smile to the person who’d yelled at her father?
“You got a nice name,” I praised her name.
“Thank you, Mr. Cruz,”
“It’s Harold. Call me Harold,”
“Thank you, Harold,”

I smiled at her. I took out a new blanket and gave it to her. She reminds me a lot of my mother. “Goodnight,” I wished her and walked out of the room. “George, you are going to sleep with Cameo in his room, the couch is mine!” I shouted and I bet he could hear me from downstairs. I went to Cameo’s bathroom and took a shower. This was the first bath of mine for the day.


“What a tiring day,” I was on my couch. I rested my head on a pillow, which I grabbed from the store room. Of course, it is not as comfortable as mine. I couldn’t close my eyes. Suddenly, a girl appeared and sat on my chest.

"Hi, I’m your thought!" She greeted me.
"What the hell!" I replied her in shock.
"Don't worry, I will not harm you! Let's take a look at your best friends," The furniture in the room changed all of a sudden. I was in Dylan's room now! ODD ODD ODD, very ODD!
"Will he be okay when the sun comes up?" The 'girl' asked me. I choked, I can't even think of a word right now.
"Are you dumb? Never mind let's move on," The room changed into a ward now. I saw Ryan, he was lying there on the bed.
"Will he survive this battle?" The 'girl' asked me again.
"How would I know! But I think, he will, he's a strong boy," I replied her.
"Yada, Yada! Let's hop to Geneva's room!" everything went dark (BLACKOUT!) and now, I'm in Geneva's room!
"Can you tell me how you did that, girl?" I wondered.
"I'm your thought! Ring a bell! This is not Geneve's real room, I bet it's prettier!" She replied me.
"Why?" I asked her, my own mind. I'm officially a FREAK BABY!
"Oh for God’s sake, boys have shallow minds!" She teased me.
"Who are you to her?" She added.
"Hmm. I have no idea"
"Okok, let's get back to your house. Let's see how your father is doing! Hop hop and awaaayyyy!" she sounded like a five year old girl. AND I was in the Cameo's room now. I saw George sleeping next to Cameo.
"When will you forgive him?" the thought of mine pushed my shoulder.
"I don't know" I replied her.
“You are so so so… ‘I don’t know’, ‘I have no idea’ , don’t you have other things to say?” She sounded annoyed.
“By the way, who are you?”
“Oh, I’m your THOUGHT a.k.a your mind!”
“How did you do all that?”
“Bye bye, gotta go! See you tomorrow!”

“Wait.. wait..” Then, she was out of sight. How odd. I saw and talked to my mind. That was really pathetic of me. Though, ‘she’ is right;I don’t know anything about anything. What if Dylan won’t be OK, Will I lose my best friend? No one’s going to change the topic so frequently like Dylan does! And what if Ryan really couldn’t survive the battle, another best friend, gone? Just like that? And most importantly, Geneva. She’s driving me crazy! That kiss, that one kiss... Something tells me she owed me an explanation.

“Go ask her, you idiot!” The ‘girl' reappeared and yelled.
“I will!” I yelled back. Opps. I shouldn’t have shouted that loud. People might think I’m crazy. I grabbed my pillow and covered my face. I don’t want to get hallucinations again!

Because of drugs, the gentleman fell down to the darkest hole. A voice spoke to my ears and Ryan’s face is all I could see.
Because of sex, he lost the one he loves. This time, Dylan’s laughter was ringing in my head.
Because of love, she had to lie. I saw a glimpse of Geneva’s smile.
Because of your ego, you will not forget the past. All the memory with dad is flashing back.
Drugs… Sex… and Love… Monsters… the voice faded.

Chapter 5 (part 3): And Love...

The atmosphere in the car that night was so one of a kind. For the first time ever, Dylan ignored me. Dylan had just broken up with his hot girlfriend. He needs time and space to heal. I understand his feeling right now. It’s gonna hurt when it heals to, it will all get better in time- Better In Time was on air. I smiled cause this song it’s definitely suits Dylan’s condition right now. “What are you smiling at? This is so out dated!” He hit me and changed the channel. I just can’t believe you’re gone – another song from Leona Lewis; Yesterday. I looked at him and laughed again. “Is today break-up song day?” He wondered. “Nahh, I asked the radio guy to play them,” Geneva finally spoke up. “Funny…” He hit the off button. “Come on, I was just joking,” Geneva switched it on back. Why is loves always feel like a battlefield?! – Battlefield by Jordin Sparks was playing. “One of my favourite songs,” I teased Dylan. “Cut it off!” He switched it off. “Fine,” I replied him.

The situation went back to being awkward. Nobody spoke a word. I looked at the mirror and saw Geneva playing with her hair at the back; she rolled and rolled and rolled it. That’s when Harold the Silent Breaker broke the silence.

“You love to play with your hair, huh?”
“Who? Me?” She answered me.
“Who else is playing their hair right now? Right Dy?” I shoved his shoulder. Dylan ignored me, still.
“It is just a habit of mine,”
“You look cute when you do that,”
“Thank you.” She gave me her warmest smile.
“Mind if I ask you something?”
“Why are you with Aaron?” I’ve been wondering about this since she told me.
“You really want to know? It’s a long story,”
“Dylan? Is it okay with you?” I looked at Dylan and he nodded. HE IS STILL IGNORING ME.
“Hmmm, it’s family stuff. Our fathers had been best friends since pre-school. They grew up together in the same neighborhood,”
“So they are gays?” I stopped her.
“Excuse me, you are talking about my father,”
“I’m sorry,”
“My father loves Aaron just like his own son,”
“So why don’t he marry him?” Dylan spiced up the conversation.
“Nice one, bro,” Dylan and I high-fived.
“Guys, please, stop it. You want to listen to me or what?” She sounded annoyed.
“Yeah. Sorry,”
“He sort of planned my future already. I’m going to marry Aaron in about 10 more years,”
“Do you love him?” Once again, I stopped her.
“Hmmm…” She paused there. She’s like seeking for the right answer. It seemed so hard for her to find one.
“Yes… No?” I was keen to know.

She remained quiet. Did I say something that hurt her feelings? Should I say something to her right now? I looked around to find another topic to talk. I got it!

“You love Gaga?” That’s the best I can get right now.
“Uh huh, who doesn’t?”
“I love Bad Romance, Speechless..”
“Hey, my house is at the corner, You can stop me here,” She stopped me from listing all of Lady GaGa’s songs.
“Are you sure?”I asked and she nodded.

I pulled the car to the side. I got out from the car and opened the door for her.

“It’s very sweet of you to do so,” She smiled at me.
“My pleasure,” I used the words Roxanne loves to use, she taught me this.
“Goodnight,” She kissed my cheek and turned away. She quickly walked to her door.

Goodnight kiss? Heaven should’ve sent me a warning about this beautiful angel. I stood there for about a minute and I was like on cloud nine. I walked to the car and got in.

“You saw that, Mr. Bradshaw?” I teased him. I looked at him as he’s not responding to me. He was sleeping. “Oh My God, you heavy head!” I murmured. As I drove practically ‘alone’ back home, I was smiling all the way. How nice if Dylan witnessed that moment. My mind wasn’t on the road. I kept asking myself; why did she kiss me? Is that her routine? Kiss all the guys who send her back home? Or she was saying thank you to me? But, for what? I did nothing. It was odd, really odd. I put it aside and turned on the radio. Hey, you got me lovestruck! – V Factory was on the radio. I think, nowadays, radios can detect someone’s feelings and play the song that suited them. I laughed by myself and sang all the way back home.

LOVE – The most addictive of all. At least to me, it is. Maybe because I never experienced great sex and I’m pretty sure, I never take any drugs (except for medicine of course) before. People can change when they are in love. Like Dylan, he wasn’t that responsible before he met Christine. Another great example is Izzy; he’s different when he’s with his so-called-friend, Roxanne. In short, Love does change people.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Chapter 5 (part 2): Sex..

How am I going to reach home? I don’t even have a car. Should I call Cameo now? Nah. I’d rather take a cab. So, I walked to the taxi stand. As my eyes focusing on the steps I’m taking, I overheard a conversation. There’s two people talking behind the tree.

“You cheated on me!”
“I didn’t! How many time must I say?” his voice sounds so familiar to me.
“They’ve told me everything about you!”
“Everything like?”
“You had sex with them in so many places, even in the store room in school!” She yelled at him.
“Who told you that?”

Oh my, that name is so familiar. I tried to look at both faces but failed cause the tree is blocking my view. I moved nearer, I was so eager to know who are they and I saw a car. DAB10- the car plate looks so familiar. DYLAN ANDREW BRADSHAW and his favourite number, 10! “Oh My God!” I shouted. It’s Dylan’s! No wonder he’s not in the room with me and Ryan, he’s arguing with his girlfriend, right in front of the hospital. Good timing, Christine!

“I’m breaking up with you!”
“It was before I’m with you honey!”
“Eww. Don’t call me that!” She felt disgusted by Dylan’s choice of words.
“Send us back!”

US? What does she mean by ‘us’? I looked inside the car and again, I was electrocuted. (Including this, technically, I was electrocuted 5 times today!) Geneva was inside the car, at the backseat. She gave me strength to approach them right now. So, I ran to the car and greeted them.

“Hey, guys!” I was trying to be innocent.
“What’s up?” Dylan replied me like nothing happened.
“Harold, what you doing here?” Geneva got out from the car and went by my side.
“You’re not mad at me?” I asked Geneva.
“I forgave you, but you have to know, Aaron has the right to put his hand on my shoulder,”
“And why is that?”
“He’s my boyfriend!” Including this, I electrocuted six times today.
“Can we go and visit Ryan now?” Christine annoyed by our conversation.
“Honey, there’s a thing called ‘excuse me’” Dylan raised his voice.
“ ‘Excuse me’ for being rude. But you and me, it’s now..” She stopped.
“Say it!” Dylan was pushing her way too far. I held his shoulder and tried to calm him down.
“We are over! I’m taking a cab!” She slapped Dylan and walked away.

Geneva and I was ‘lucky’ to be there. We had just witnessed a break-up ‘scene’ between the cool-soccer-captain and the hot-cheer-captain. We looked at each other and the situation was so so so( 90 times more than that) awkward.

“Chill, bro,” I tried to comfort him.
“She’s just the type of girl that comes and goes in my life,” Dylan murmured.
“She just wants the fame, not love,” He added.
“Let me drive you guys home,” I went into his car, to the driver seat. For the first time ever, I changed the topic like he always does.
“Thank you, I might hit a tree or even that old lady, if I drive,” He pointed at an old lady walking at the pavement. Even though he was in pain, he certainly knows how to make people laugh. Geneva cracked a smile and I laughed out loud.
“So, is it true you had sex in the store room? With Adele?” I asked him.
“She pulled me in. I couldn’t resist her. You know how hot that chick is right?” he replied me.
“In the store room?” I emphasized the words.
“Dude, come on, I’m seventeen!”
“Is it nice?” I sarcastically asked him. Geneva can’t control herself, and burst into laughter.

SEX – is this more addictive than drugs? Nah. If you have a great will power, you can resist this, like Dylan himself, he should’ve control his sexual desire. If I were him, school’s store room would be the last place I want to have sex with somebody I love.


Chapter 5 (part 1): Drugs...

Watching Ryan unconscious on the bed is making me worried. I felt like I had just lost a friend. RYAN ZACHARY TEDDER is always there by my side. He helped me a lot. He’s the kindest humankind. He’ll offer his hand if he sees you sobbing at the corner. He’ll put you out of your misery and throw you to the land where everything’s fine. Now, I have to be here alone keeping my eyes on him, although I know this is nothing compared to what he had done to me-giving me life. “I’ll be here, Ryan,” I whispered to him. Even though he is not cognizant, I felt like he is listening to me and replying me by smiling.

“Bbzz.. Bbzz..” My phone vibrated. I took my phone out from my pocket and saw 5 unread messages.
“Bro, I’m coming right away! -Dy”
“Is he okay now? -Rox”
and three others are from my brother and I ignored them.

“Bbzz.. Bbzz..” This time it was a call from Ryan’s father.
“Hii, Uncle Rob,”
“How’s my son? Is he doing okay? What happened to him?”
“He’s still unconscious. The doctor said he needs some rest.”
“Harold, can you do me a big favor? I can’t come back home right now, I’m in a middle of something important, it’s dead and live matter,”
“You want me to be here with him?”
“Hmm… Well, can you skip your class for tomorrow?” He begged me.
“Yes, tomorrow is math, Miss Hewitt will understand this,”
“Thanks a lot son, alright I got to go, boss is yelling at me,”
“Uncle rob..”
“tut… tut… tut…” Why do they love to hang up on me?

Dead and live matter, huh? Your son is battling with death over here and you still there chasing the paper. Sometimes, I’m so glad to have no father. For me it is much better than hoping your father will stop making money and be there for you, to guide you when you need him the most. “Where’s Aunt Cassie? Isn’t she worry about his son? Or she haven’t got the news? I better call her now,” I murmured to myself. I was feeling odd, what kind of mother doesn’t care about his son? I looked for her number in my phonebook and she was right below cameo.

“Aunt Cassie, I was just about to call you,” I was so surprised.
“Oh boy, what happened to him?” She went to Ryan’s side.
“He fainted in school, and it was all…”

“Knock knock,” Someone knocked the door and went in. It was the doctor, Dr. Theodore.
“What happened to my son?” Aunt Cassie asked him worriedly.
“He had an overdose,” Doctor replied her.
“He drank only a few sip that night,” I blurted out and Aunt Cassie glared at me.
“No. it’s drugs!” the doctor pressed.

“WHAT!” Aunt Cassie and I looked at each other. Both of us were like electrocuted. It is so impossible; Ryan won’t even touch the cigarette. “Are you sure, Doc?” I was still in shock. “I’m a doctor and I’ve been facing this problem for 20 years, do not question me!” He sounded annoyed by my question and went out. “20 years? How old are you now? 70?” I said behind his back. My voice is too soft, I was lucky that he didn’t hear me. Pheww, I should control my temper.

“Son, go home! I’ll take care of him from here,” Aunt. Cassie sounded so disappointed.
“But I promised him,”
“You have class tomorrow don’t you?”
“I do, but I’m willing to..”
“To skip? Don’t be stupid,” I bet her feeling now is mixed up. I’d better go now.
“Alright, make sure I’m the first one to know when he wakes up,” She nodded. I grabbed my bag and walked out of the room.

DRUGS - people say it is so addictive, but, I think it is more to seductive. Even someone like Ryan fell for it, I bet drug has some kind of power. Even so, what on earth was Ryan thinking? Why he chose drugs? There’s must be something behind this.

To be continue...

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Chapter 4: Godzilla

I opened my eyes and yawned. “What a great weather!” I whispered to myself. WAIT A MINUTE, where’s Ryan? He was supposed to wake me up. I tried to find a clock in the room, but the wall was full of his art and none of them can tell me what is the time now. So, I grabbed my phone and I was shocked. IT IS ALREADY NINE O’CLOCK, we are having biology class in five minutes! I jumped off the bed and ran to Ryan’s room. I knocked the door but nobody answered me. I opened the door and saw Ryan, still sleeping. He was snoring like a pig. I went to the bedside and shook him. Still, no response. “Wake up sunshine,” I whispered to his ear. This works with my brother, as he would chase me after that. Ryan is still not giving any reaction. And so, I slapped him.

“Ouch!” He shouted.
“Thanks for waking me up, Ryan!” I teased him.
“No problem. Can I get back to sleep now? I had a wonderful dream with Li…”
“We are late you imbecile! It’s already nine,” I stopped him.

“WHAT?” He was as shocked as I was. He looked at his alarm clock next to him. He threw his blanket off of him and walked to his closet. “What are you still waiting for? Put on your clothes!” He yelled at me. I ran to “my” room and grabbed my shirt and jeans. I put them on and combed my messy hair. “There’s no time for you to be a metrosexual now!” He shouted from downstairs (he knows me too well). That was fast, he usually takes 15 minutes on his already-bloody-cool hair. I grabbed my bag and went downstairs.

“Now what?! We have no time for breakfast already; we’ll take brunch in school,”
“What?” He raised his voice and stopped at the front door.
“Are you aware that… you are still in your boxers?” Now, that explained how he got ready that fast. He looked down and quickly ran upstairs. “Wait for me in the car, Steve!” “Don’t call me by middle name!” I replied him, I really hate my middle name. Stevie, Steve, Steven; they sounds like STOVE to me. I got out from his house and laughed by myself.

We reached the school 20 minutes after the class started. Ryan and I ran to the lab, we know we will get a detention class if we don’t have a solid reason for all this. When we got into the class, we got a shock from hell again. It was empty, only then Ryan hit my back and shouted, “Today is Wednesday! It is literature you, smart ass!” I was so innocent. I was not the one who lead the way just now. We hurriedly ran to the other building, to where Mrs. Darbus a.k.a Darbuspeare teaches us some of the dull poems written by the well-known William Shakespeare. On the way to the room, I kept thinking whether William is really a gay or not. I believe only girls can write such poem, the romantic one. Should I compare thee to the summer…- this is the main reason why I think he is definitely a gay.

When we had reached the classroom, everyone had already started reading one Shakespeare’s poems. That’s when Mrs. Darbus shouted at both of us, “Why are you both late? Your cat died or something?” Everyone in the class laughed at us. “No! They were busy making out in the lab!” Aaron added. Once again, everyone laughed.

AARON GARRICK GONZALEZ – another human in my burn book. He’s always proud of his macho name which meant SPEAR KING or something knightly. He’s the smartest in the class but yet the dumbest of all! Both of us cannot get along since the first day we were here. He’s the fire (the lame one) and I’m the ice (the cool one). We can’t barely communicate with each other because of his PROUD-OF-HIMSELF-ACCENT. He thinks he is better than I am, which he truly isn’t. He spent most of his time on flirting with girls, and dumping them. WHAT AN ASS!

“Shut it!” I replied him. Suddenly, my eyes caught something unpleasant. Geneva is sitting next to him, next to the LAME KING. I mouthed, “Watch out!” and he purposely put his filthy hand on the angel’s holy shoulder. “Put your dirty hands away from my lady!” I blurted out. “Guys, stop this war! I don’t want my classroom to be a battlefield between The Gonzalez and The Cruz!” Darbuspeare stood up and shouted at us. “Both of you stay here after the class!” She added. Ryan was so relieved because he could escape detention class. “And you, Mr. Tedder!” and there goes Ryan’s happiness.

The school bell rang and everyone was out in a split second. “I am not your lady!” Geneva looked at me and walked away. Damn it! Thanks to the Godzilla, now she officially hates me.

“What’s with both of you?”
“He started it first,” Aaron pushed the blame to me.
“He teased me! You were there, Mrs. Darbus!” I fought back.
“Aaron, it’s your fault!” Ryan added from the back.
“All of you, SHUT IT!” She once again yelled at my ears. I could feel my eardrum exploding in any second.
“Do you mind?” The words suddenly came out from my mouth.

She glared at me for a second.
“All of you are punished to clean up the school’s garden everyday till the end of this month!”

SCHOOL GARDEN? Is she kidding me? Does she know how many people litter in that place? There’s a lot, including my own litters.

It was already three o’clock. I was still picking up the litters. Ryan’s face turned red, as he can’t really be exposed to the sun. I felt so guilty, it was my entire fault. I shouldn’t have brought him in. Our plan to go to Berk’s now canceled due to my ego. I’m a selfish friend.

“Dude, I’m really..”
“Sorry? Nah, it wasn’t your fault,” he was being nice again. He smiled at me.
“That’s really nice of you, buddy. But can I make it up to you? Just name it bro!”
“Can you stay in my house again today?” I was about to ask him this.
“Why not?” I answered him.

“Stop calling… stop calling…” My phone rang.

“You changed your ringtone already?” Ryan asked me.
“Yeap. But it is still from GaGa!”
“She rocks like hell! Why don’t you pick it up?”
“Nah, it’s my bro. Let him die over there,”
“Are you both fighting or something?”
“No we are not. We’re cool,” I lied ‘cause I don’t like to talk about my misery to anybody.
“Okay then,”
“Ryan, are you okay? You seem to be so sick.” I wondered. His face now isn’t red. It’s like tomato already.
“I’m fine... Thanks for asking…” He looked at me.

Five seconds after that, he collapsed to the ground. He fainted. I started panicking; I have no idea what to do! “What’s wrong?” Aaron ran to us and asked me. “What do you think, smart Godzilla?” I answered him. It was so stupid of him to ask me that. “I’m trying to be nice here!” He replied me. I ignored him ‘cause Ryan was still lying on the ground. I lifted him up, even though he’s quite heavy, and ran to his car. I took out his car key and drove to the nearest medical center, which was 10 minutes away from school. I texted Dylan, Izzy and Roxanne; only these three names I can come out with right now. This is just like another drama that I love to watch, my favourtie one, 90210.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Chapter 3: Mr. Tequila

WHAT DOES HE WANT FROM ME. Should I trust him this time? Is this another false alarm from him? What if he’s being real? Cameo Alexander Cruz was never REAL before. Arrggghhh.

“Guys, I gotta go, brother needs me!”

I ran to my car. Dylan said something but I don’t get him. Got into my car and immediately started the engine. I turned on the radio to calm myself. The Last Song by Rihanna was on air. LAST SONG! – could it be… that… he… The last time he ever speaks like that was when dad left us.

“Dad, why? I know you hate mom so much but… Why you have to leave us?” He pleaded
“Son, marrying your mother is the best thing that happened in my life but it is the one and only thing I ever regretted doing,” Dad explained.

Those words never faded from my mind. It’s like it had just happened yesterday. I was five at that time and didn’t get what they were saying, but after 13 years, I truly understand his feeling. Maybe that is why Cameo was fooling around all the time. He’s trying to forget the past by annoying me every day. My mind totally wasn’t on the road. 70km/h… 85km/h… 120km/h... I drove recklessly ‘cause brother might be in trouble. I pay no heed to the red light. I’M WORRIED SOMEHOW.

Knock knock.

“Bro!” I shouted. He opened the door and hugged me. His eyes were red and… wet!
“Thank you, dumbo!”
“What happened? Look at me! What happened? How you get home?”
“A friend of mine sent me back”
“Can you tell me what happened? And why are you crying?”
“Dad...” He pulled me in.
“What’s with dad?”
“Dad added me in Facebook!”
“Dumbo, do you know how happy I am?”
“Huh? You … You called me for ..?”
“Yeah, he asked me to upload a photo, but I couldn’t. This thing is so complicated!”
“Do you know that… Old man, leave us when I was not even a teenager!”
“The past is the past”
“He is an irresponsible old hag! He left us with mom.”

Cameo ran to his laptop.

“Click photo…” He ignored me.
“Do you hear me? Because of him, mom is dead…“
“He got nothing to do with mom! He didn’t ask mom to drink, did he?” He defended his father
“I know. But because of him, mom… Wait a minute… Are you defending him now?”
“Upload photo… Harold, then what?”
“I hate you so much right now!”
“And by the way, he’s coming tomorrow”
“Send my regards to him… cause I won’t be here tomorrow!” I stomped to my room
“Where are you going…”
“Anywhere but here!”

I went to pack my bag. I’m going to Ryan’s. His parents are at overseas. He wouldn’t mind at all, he will be glad to have me there. Plus, the gang will be in the house… there’s a slumber party!

“Don’t come and find me!” I yelled at my brother
“I need the car!”
“You know what, take this! I don’t need that freaking old car!” I threw the car key at him.

I got out from the house and walked to Dylan’s, which is next to my house. He gave me a ride to Ryan’s. His car is so much better than mine. I’m so jealous of him. He got hot girlfriend, cool car, happy family and BEAUTIFUL LIFE.

Let me tell you about his life. He was born on 9th September and named, Dylan Andrew Bradshaw, He is the only son to Mr. Derrick Bradshaw, the famous retired actor. His mom, Mrs. Kelly Bradshaw – a model who travels a lot – gives him a minimum five hundred every week. He got no siblings who will annoy him like MINE.

How I wish I was him

“What’s up brothers!” Ryan opened the door with a big smile on his face
“Why are you smiling?” Dylan asked him.
“I invited some girls; one of them is your beloved Christine!”
“Oh~ she told me!”
“Who else did you called?” I interrupted them.
“Roxy… Ely… Nat… Alexia… Jo..”
“How about Geneva?”
“Oh... That new girl. She said she can’t make it,”
“And why is that?”
“Mr-want-to-know-it-all, how the hell I know!”
“Harold, what’s with your brother just now?” Dylan looked at me with his weird expression. Once again, he managed to change the scene.

I promised myself that I won’t talk about the “argument” to my friends. So, I created stories in case they will ask me, and Dylan IS asking me now. Should I use: He tripped and broke his leg or he broke up with his girlfriend and need me there to cheer him up?

“He lost his key,” I answered him. What a lie!
“Cheh, I thought he tripped and broke his legs!”
“How I wish that to happen...”

Ryan walked to his stereo. He turned it on and played my favourite song. Down Down Down Down Down everybody’s falling down. The living hall is now like a disco-, which will be filled with drunk teenagers.

The doorbell rang. Ryan opened the door and greeted Izzy. They were talking about something but I don’t want to know. I prefer Space Cowboy than Izzy’s nonsense. He kept talking and talking till Roxanne pushed him in. Roxanne brought along Izzy’s favourite drink, Mr. Tequila. About a minute after that, Christine came in with her friend, Lily, another sexy brunette. Dylan kissed Christine and brought her to the sofa as Lily walked to the rest room. Ryan and Izzy were busy watching the hot scene when Joe, Adam, Natasha, Ely and Alexia came in.

“Guys, get a room!” Alexia felt disgusted.
“Shut up, we are trying to watch over here, right guys?” Ryan replied her
“Ely, Nat, Let’s make a scene! Let’s show them who is hotter? Us or them,”
“Come on guys! Stop it. This is not gang-bang party!” I stopped them.
“Let’s watch porn!” Izzy suggested.
“You are right Christine, He IS a sex maniac,” Lily added from the back

Everybody in the room nodded and laughed.

“So, you guys talked about me?” Izzy asked Lily.
“Let’s play ‘I NEVER’!” Dylan changed the topic. He is very good at it.
“Count me in!”
“Me too”
“Me four”
“Me five!”
“What should I say , Me six?”

“Lemme start! I NEVER DATED A GIRL!” Izzy started the game
“Oh come one! Everybody knows that!” Adam teased him
All the guys drank a sip.

“My turn, My turn, I NEVER DATED A GUY” Roxy Pixie giggled.
“Sad to say, I DATED A GUY,” Izzy confessed.
Everybody laughed, and all the girls plus Izzy drank a sip.

“This is so fun! My turn, I NEVER …”

and the game went on and on and on. Izzy was the drunkest of all. He did so many things that most of us never do, for example picked his nose with his finger and LICKED it. He’s so funny.

While all of them busy playing the game, I stood up and went to the guest room. I was too tired to continue. I opened my shirt and went into the bathroom. I took a shower cause my body was so sticky. And when I came out…

“Wow!” Roxanne was there sitting on the bed, staring at me.
“What are you doing here?” I was blushing, I’m wearing only towel right now.
“I’m sorry! I just want to… ”
“Just let me grab my clothes first, can I?” Both of us laughed.

I put on my singlet and …

“Can you help me?” She asked.
“Name it. I’ll try my best to help,”
“He’s blind!”
“Who are you referring to?”
“Your best friend!”
“Which? Ryan? Dylan or Izzy?”
“Promise me you’ll never tell any breathing human, PINKY SWEAR?”
“Pinky swearrr?? Fine fine!”
“I’m talking about Izzy!”
“Are you serious? I’m going to tell him this!”
“You promised!”
“He is not a breathing human, He’s an animal!” We both laughed
“I’ve been trying to show him, how much I loved him for about 3 years already!”
“Pixie, look at me, we are talking about a serious mental problem guy over here, what do you expect?”
“So, you are asking me to tell him?”
“You want ME to tell him? Pixie, you are a cute little funny girl, he surely likes you,”
“Did he ever mention my name?!”
“Hell ya. LIKE A LOT! Wait a second, this evening, he was about to tell us who is his crush… but then my brother called!”

“Harold, Pixie, what are you guys doing here?” Ryan was standing at the door with a weird look.
“We are …” Pixie paused for about five seconds. “We are talking about math,”
“Math?! Harold is half naked for God’s sake!” Ryan raised his voice.
“Dude, come on! I’m half naked, not NAKED!” I spoke up.
“Alright alright, as long as you guys didn’t do THAT in my house,”
“Do what?” Pixie looked at me with eyes wide open. SHE IS WAY TOO INNOCENT to understand us.
“All of them had left, their parents picked them up,”
“So fast?” I asked Ryan.
“Pixie, your parents are on their way.”
“Thank you for calling them. I’ll wait downstairs,” She walked out of the room.

Ryan stared at me.
“What?!” I asked him.
“You can sleep in this room, and tomorrow I’m gonna wake you up!” He replied me.
“Thank you, Bro!”

Ahh.. Another good friend. I never thought there is such humankind living on earth. RYAN ZACHARY TEDDER is one of the kinds.


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Chapter 2: Happier than Happy

ELY, JOE AND NATASHA were already inside the class, like always. They are my music classmate. Ely is a British girl, who is very good at playing guitar, she is even better than I am sometimes. She is drop dead gorgeous with those up-to-date fashion styles. I cannot even count how many men are watching her when she walks by the canteen. The girls’ jaws will drop on the floor when she got out from her car-Porsche. In short, SHE’S ANOTHER HOT CHICK IN SCHOOL. Joe is another cool drummer. What I meant by another is, this school has many students who loves to play drum and I don’t even know why! Natasha is the best pianist in the school, simply the best!

“Harold, how are you and your brother? I bet you guys are getting along,” Natasha greeted me. I forgot to mention earlier that HER LIFE IS FULL OF SARCASM.
“Yes, we are. By the way, I love him more than ever” I said, trying to be as sarcastic as she is.
“How do I look today?” Ely interrupted.
“As gorgeous as always!” Joe answered.
“You got your answer!” I added.
“Class, I want all of you to sit at your own seat! Oh my, oh my, oh my!!” Mr. Abraham rushed into the classroom and got out immediately.
“What’s with that Santa?” Joe stood up and asked the class
“His big red nose Rudolph is running away!” Ely replied him and laughed.
“Mrs. Clause wants to give birth to Santa Jr. That’s why he needs Rudolph,” someone from back added
“What are you guys crapping? Oh my, oh my! You, come in!”

Everybody stunned as Mr. Abraham, appeared out of nowhere and he brought a guest… who could it be? David Cook? Lady Gaga? Or that kid, Archie?

“Hey, everybody, I’m Geneva Emmanuelle Byron. I’m from France. I’m a …”
“Penis?” Jacky stopped her
“It’s pianist you dummy!” Natasha stood up and threw a book to him
“Oh my, Oh my! Let her finish!”
“I play violin, and I’m a…”
“Can you play with me tonight?” Adam interrupted her.
“Guys, stop it! You want her to get out of this class?” I shouted loudly

Everybody turned their heads facing me. For a second there, it felt like I was in a Britney spears music video. All eyes on me in the center of the ring just like the circus – but this time it is even scarier because Santa was staring at me.

“I’m sorry”
“Nahh, you were just trying to be good, good boy,”
I smiled at Mr. Abraham and looked at her. She was smiling at me, my heart was beating fast, and I could feel the blood rushing in my vein.

“Ginny, you can sit with Stevie...”
“It’s Harold sir.” I corrected him as he always calls his students funny names
“With Harry over there!”
“I’m Geneva not Ginny, and which Hairy. It looks like everyone is…” she’s confused
“That Harry!” Mr. Abraham pointed at me

She laughed and so did the others. She was smiling as she was walking towards me. I was so happy at that time, so happy I could die!

“So guys, this year, the Talent Time is in March” Talent time- the biggest event for the year for us, the musicians. I turned to the back and saw Natasha’s evil smile. She was smiling because she was the two-times-in-a-row –winner. I’M GONNA TAKE THE TITLE FROM HER, as what I promised my buddies last year.

“YOU and YOU!”
“WHAT?!” we both answered. Geneva and I looked at each other.

I was lost there ‘cause I was busy looking at Natasha till I missed what Santa’s trying to say about the Talent Time.

“This year, I want to make it special. As I said just now, there will be no more singles, it’s pairs only this year.” He explained back

There isn’t any word that can describe my feeling at that time. I was happier than happy. Playing guitar is fun, but playing guitar with GENEVA is so much better. I’ll make a song and she will sing it, what a good plan.

“Girl, are you okay with that” I was trying to be sure if she was okay with being my partner.
“Yeah. Why not?! We can have fun together,” Ahh, she shot my brain!
“I’ll write a song and you’re going to sing it. Is that okay?”
“I’ve got a better idea. Why don’t we both sing?”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes I am. I heard you singing at math class yesterday, and it wasn’t that bad”
“Thank you”
“So both of you are gonna compete with us?” Ely jumped into us
“Us?” Geneva asked her.
“Nat and I. We are going to kick some ass!” Ely said proudly.
“You have to be kidding me? Are you telling me you guys are going to win? Joe and Adam are going to take over the night!”
“Bullshit!” Mr. Abraham shouted and everybody laughed at both monkeys-Joe and Adam.

After the music class, I went to my gang’s favourite spot, which is next to the lab. We spent most of our time in school there, besides in class. Sometimes, I’ll bring my guitar, sometimes, Ryan will bring his PSP and sometimes, Dylan will invite us to play football at the field with his team.

“So, you are going to wear a tutu?” Izzy asked.
“Izzy, what are you crapping?! He’s gonna wear leotard!” Dylan was trying to make me laugh but he failed.
“Cut it off guys! Talent time doesn’t mean I have to wear those things, it’s all about talent.”
“Is flirting a talent?” Ryan trying to show off
“I know you got a lot of ex-girlfriends, but do you have to be that mean to Izzy? He doesn’t even have one,”
“You are right, Dy!”
“Well, I got a crush!”
“Who is it, Izzy?”

"can't read my.. can't read my, no he can't ree-" My phone rang. I picked it up and brother was on the line.

"DUMBO! Come home now! I need you right now!"
"I'm hanging with my.."
"tut... tut... tut..." He hang up the phone.

Chapter 1 : Bad Day Goes Good

“Wake up, Dumbo!”
“Can you… Can you stop calling me that?” I opened my eyes and yawn
“It’s your first day of school bro!”
“At last, you…”

I got up from bed and threw a pillow at him, on his face. Well, I did not play baseball every evening for nothing. I walked to the bathroom with only one eye open. I did not realize that I was wearing my boxers till my brother, Cameo, snapped a photo and laughed at me.

“I’m gonna post it in Facebook!”
“I’m gonna post the video we took last month. The one that you acted as batman!”
Nahh.. You’re a good brother, you won’t do that”
“I hate it when you say that!”

I ignored my brother, dashed into the bathroom and took a quick shower. The water was so damn cold! The heater is always on my brother’s side, which is AGAINST me. I put on the coolest shirt ever and my favourite jeans on and marched to the living hall.

“Dude, you look like you are going to a cemetery!”
“Can you just shut up and give me the key! I’ll drive today.”

I’m so glad that he’d shut it. Only God knows how annoying he is. We both got into the car SILENTLY for the very first time. I started the engine and drove OUR car. The situation remains awkward for a few minutes as he was still keeping his mouth shut. “Bro, I’m really…” I murmured. “HAH! I knew you’ll miss my golden voice!” he answered in a split second, or even faster than that. “You need a doctor!” I replied him. He laughed and took out his phone and dialed a number “Doctor James, my brother, Harold, wants to see you today.” He paused for a second, “uh huh”, another pause, “Okay, that would be great! See you this evening then!” He looked at me with his evil smile.

That was one of his old tricks. Doctor James a.k.a Ramos James Wilson, his best friend, who works as a mechanic in the town, always helped him in his mission; his one and only mission, which is to get me out of the house. I promised my late mother to stay in the house till I reach 21 and that’s the only reason why I’m still living in that old eerie freaky creepy and so on house.

“Brother, can I ask you something?” I was trying to ask him something in a well mannered way, David Cook’s Avalanche was on the radio. “I hate this person.” He shouted. I stopped the car, which was 10 meter away from the school’s compound and got out. I grabbed my bag at the back seat and shouted “Go to hell” at him.

I walked to the school’s compound as many eyes watching me. I never thought my first day in school for this year would be this much… FUN.

Hola dude! How are you ?” Ryan jumped out of nowhere. He is the kindest humankind I have ever ever ever known. I knew him since we were 5.
“I’m doing… Besides that damn cold water, stupid old brother’s joke and walking ten meters to the school compound, I’m doing absolutely fine!”
“That’s sounds so freakkkk-ing awww-some!” He and his kiddy accent.
Bonjour!” Dylan approached us. He is another friend of mine, the closest one because he lives next to my house.
“What’s with you guys today? Hola, Bonjour and next what? Konichiwa?”
Kon-niic-chiwa!” Izzy came and slapped my back. The weird one, is finally here. I thought I’d avoid him but I just couldn’t.
“Ouch… That hurts!”
“Why? You changed your name to Hilary already?”
“Let’s go to the canteen” Dylan said, trying to change the scene
“We better be” I pushed Izzy to the side and walked with Dylan.

As we walk through the room, I noticed something beautiful sitting with a bunch of cheerleaders. SHE’S THE NEW GIRL with straight black hair, thin red lips that attract me somehow, and not to forget her hot body figure (oh well, boys will be boys). I kept on walking and…

“Harold, this is Christine” Dylan introduced his hot cheer captain girlfriend
“Christine, Harold” But my eyes were still on the new girl. She’s just a meter away from me.
“Oh, I almost had forgotten about you Geneva! This is my Bee-Eff, Dylan. Dylan, this is my new friend, Geneva” Dylan smiled at her. Ryan, Izzy and I were fake coughing at his back.
“Meet my friends, Izzy, the clumsiest” He winked at Geneva.
“Ryan, the kind one” He kissed her soft, white hand.
“And the hot-pot, Harold”
I grabbed her hand and say,
“I’m Harold Steven Cruz and you are so hot!”
“Pardon me…”
Hmm. I mean, I’m not, hot.. hot-pot.”
“You are funny”
“You are sexy”
“Excuse me?”
“Did I said sexy? I mean, Iz…Izzy. Let’s go!” I pulled Izzy away to cover it up

The crowds were all laughing at me but I still manage to walk alone out of the room without cursing at anybody. Once I stepped out from that room, I heard a giggling voice at my back, and I turned. “Bahhh!” It was Roxanne. Another weird person I met. SHE IS IZZY THE SECOND. She loves to laugh. She was born to laugh! “What do you want?” I asked her. “Yesterday, I did some research about my lovely angel, you-know-who, and he is doing much better than your cookie!” She emphasized on the word “better” and trying to bring the who-is-better-issue up. “Well I know what are you trying to do, Roxy pixie!” and yeah, she is small, and that’s how she got her nickname, Roxy Pixie. “You are trying to say David is better than David! And I’m pretty much agreeing on that!” She giggled and walked away. “This girl will never stop picking up on me! Well, everybody knows COOK is better than ARCHIE” and so I walked to my class.


“Ryan Zachary Tedder
“Yes, Miss Hewitt”

She is excessively old to be called “Miss”. I wonder why is she still single. I just couldn’t get what are they talking about next, I guess it’s about algebra. My mind, my soul is hundred percent on the girl sitting next to Christine, the new girl, Geneva. I love the way she plays with her hair, she will roll it as if it is spaghetti. Suddenly, words popped out on my mind. I grabbed a piece of paper from my bag and wrote it down.

Butterfly flies from the tree,
Showing of her beauty spreading the wings


But everything…

“Harold Steven Cruz! What is the answer?!”
“Huh?” Oh my, why did she ask me?
“Look at the board!” She pointed at the blackboard with some numbers on it.
“Miss Hewitt, I know this maybe sounds rude but your hand writing is way too small for my eyes to see.” I gave her a stupid excuse to run away from it.
“I’ll move you to the front! Christine, do you mind sit at the back? I bet you have healthy eyes, don’t you?”
“Yeah, sure!” She sounded so happy and glad to move to the back because one thing for sure, Dylan is here, next to me.

For a second, my heart stops beating. I AM GOING TO SIT NEXT TO GENEVA. I brought my bag to the front and sat next to her.

Hai” What an old pick up line!
Hai, Harold right?”
“Harold! You haven’t answered my question!”
“It is 23xy square, Miss Hewitt,” Geneva answered for me.
“Thank you, Mrs. Cruz,” She teased her
“Thanks” I whispered to her.

She smiled at me. She is not only pretty and hot, she is smart too. SHE IS PERFECT. For the first time in 3 years, I am so glad to be here, in Miss Hewitt’s class. Now, Kris Allen’s Can’t Stay Away is playing in my head . And I don’t know what you did to me, and I don’t care what the doctors say, cause no matter what you do, I can’t stay away from you. What a great ending for a pathetic start!