“Oh. Can you please tell me your name?” I was totally out of my mind.
“I’m your thought! I’m the one who should ask you this!” She answered.
“Gee, you’re weird,”
“Technically, I’m not the one who’s talking to my thought right now,”
“Oh whatever, Mandy!” I just gave her a name; I’m totally weird, freak and so forth.
“Mandy? Can’t you give me any other cute name? At least Bella, Sydney or something else?”
“NO!” I answered her.
“Mandy, be honest, is my hair okay?”
“No, your hair looked worse than your grandfather’s!” She rolled her eyes.
“How’s my breath?” I asked her. She got closer to me and sniffed.
“Horrible, terrible, vegetable! Did you eat garlic?” She replied me and covered her nose. I knew she was kidding ‘cause I pissed her off.
“You better go now, it’s already ten!” She reminded me.
“Thanks Mandy!” I stopped the engine and got out of car.
“And please, give me some space tonight!” I added and closed the door.
“OK,” She replied me sarcastically.

“Shh…” She put her fingers on her red lips.
“Hello, beauty,” I greeted her softly.
“I can’t do this, sneaking out at night is a serious crime for me” She replied me.
“Huh?” I sounded disappointed.
“Are you kidding me? You fell for that?” She giggled.
“Don’t do it again,” I was so relieved.
“I count till three and we run,” I added.
“Sure… “
“1… 2…3…” We counted down and ran hand in hand.

“Geneva, we’re here,” I stopped the car and got out. I walked to the door and opened it for her. I pulled her out. She was amazed by the view. We could see the entire Nottingham from up here (NOTTINGHAM is the name of the small town we all live in).

“Harold, how on earth you know this place?”
“My brother brought me here. He said, we can talk to mom here,”
“Your mom?”
“Yea, she’s one of those stars at the sky,” I pointed at the sky. It was full with stars tonight.
“Which one am I?” She looked at me and smiled.
“There, the brightest one, next to mom,” I pointed to the brightest star.
“You are funny… but sweet,” She giggled.
Then, I lay down on the grass and she followed. She put her head on my chest.
“I like your heartbeats. It’s pounding very fast,”
“Only when I’m with you,” I added and she gave me the smile, the one I love the most.
“Let’s play a game,” I suggested her. “A game I used to play with Cameo,”
“Sure…” Her head was still on my chest.
“Since you don’t want to get up, we can play it like this, in this position,”
“What game is this?” She giggled again.

“Brother called it ‘I SPOT’,”
“Oh I know how to play this! Let me start,” She sounded excited.
“I SPOT something,” She paused a second. “shining,” she continued.
“The stars!” I answered.
“You’re fast!” She replied.
“My turn, I SPOT something blinking,”
“I know… The STARS,”
“You are fast too!” I praised her.
“Thank you, my turn, I SPOT…”
“STARS,” I interrupted her.
“How you know that? Are you psychic or something? Wait a minute. Are you a vampire? Like Edward Cullen?” She asked me.
“Honey, all we can see in this position is the stars,”
“Oh, you’re right!” We both laughed.
Suddenly I felt something touched my face. It was the raindrop.
“Shoot! It’s going to rain,” I shouted.
“Oh my, we should get into the car,” She lifted her head up and grabbed my hand. We ran to the car hurriedly. We don’t want to get wet.
We were lucky. We got into the car just before the rain.

“Aww… That was so sweet of you,” Mandy was back!
“Give me a second,” I turned to the backseat and saw Mandy with her funny outfit. She was wearing a rain suit.
“What are you doing here?” I whispered,
“Honey, who are you talking to,” Geneva wondered.
“Hmm… There’s a fly inside the car!” I answered her. STUPID ME, I should have just ignored Mandy.
“And you are asking the fly to get out?”
“Yes,” I replied her. She laughed at me.
“You are one great charming funny guy,”
“Thank you,” I turned to her and saw Mandy dancing outside, in the rain.
“Shall we dance?” I asked Geneva. WHAT WAS I THINKING!
“Are you serious? It’s raining,”
“Are you scared?” I got out of the car and went to her door. I opened it and asked again, “Shall we?”
“Sure… You are already wet, so, why not,” She grabbed my hand and got out.
I put my left hand on her waist and my right hand was still holding hers. She put her hand on my shoulder and we started dancing. We were so close. I could feel our heartbeats beat as one. I took the lead and she followed every step of mine. I turned her around again and again and she smiled at me each turn. Despite the fact that we were soaking wet, we kept dancing to the sound made by mother nature, the crickets, and the chirping birds.

As I pulled her body closer to mine, she held my hands tighter. Then, I moved my face closer to her and stopped dancing. She stopped her steps as well. “KISS HER!” Mandy yelled at me. And so our lips touched. She replied my kiss. Our souls were like one, and I can’t feel my legs on the ground anymore. I was floating, we were DEFYING GRAVITY! I felt my body getting warmer and warmer every second when we were kissing. It’s like nothing else in the world matters anymore. The time passed slowly and the world seemed to be so wide and bright. AM I IN HEAVEN?

“I love you more, Mr. Cruz,”
“I love you more than a human could possibly love you,” I exaggerated.
“If you say so, means, my love is the greatest now,” She gave me a smile and kissed my cheek.
“How about Aaron?” I spoiled the romantic scene.
“Tonight, it’s all about you and me, can we just forget about him and…”
“We should,” I turned her around and we continued dancing.
That night, we danced as one. Four lips touched and our souls connected and became one. SHE IS THE ONE, I’m definitely right this time. She is greater than the gravity. She could push me out and lift me higher, she could pull me down and hold me tight in her arms. She’s the new version of Juliet, Rose from ‘Titanic’ and Talia from ‘The Notebook’. She is GENEVA.