The sound of Ely’s stiletto was now like chirping birds in the morning. It is a must. On top of that, Ely and Nat won the Talent Show. They beat the rest in school. Well, if you mix the latte with the cream, wouldn’t it be nicer? The junior year was over and now, it was the time for them to rule the place and have their hands all over the freshmen. You bet, all hail the Queen E. This sorority is only rule by the single ladies, consequently, Chloe is out of the league. She’s with Harold. They made the most sophisticated couple in the school.
Fabulousity much? Not for long, kids.
“Emma… I want you to get me a cup of coffee. Don’t forget the creamer!” Ely ordered the girl. She settled down on the chair, facing the garden where shirtless guys were playing touch rugby. While she was waiting for her coffee, she looked through the crowds at the garden. She scanned the clothing and none of them fit her interest. The only that stick in her mind was the sweat of those guys. “Here you go,” Emma put two cup of coffee on the table and sat next to Ely. “So, are you ready girl?” Ely raised her brows. Emma smiled contentedly. “If you want to be like me, you have to date one of those. But listen,” Ely paused, expecting Emma to look at the guys at the garden. She knew, the boys were looking and talking about them since they both stepped into the cafeteria. Emma took a look at them and turned back at Ely, keeping it not too obvious. “You can’t talk cheap like Christine. You know what happened to her. She’s dating the ugliest man in school. She’s a desperado. Careful with your steps, you might trip over. Understood?” Ely taught Emma to be like her, the most gorgeous yet hottest chick in the school. “Alright, I have some fashion show to attend tonight with Nat. Don’t forget my assignments! Or else…” Ely stood up and walked away.
Did she say ‘fashion show…with Nat’?
She walked graciously out from the cafeteria and to her car. She dug into her Gucci for her phone before dialing Nat’s number. She waited for her to pick up anxiously in her Bentley.
“Babe, will be in your house at seven! I’m in the middle of something right now. Will call you back!” Nat said in less than three or four seconds before hang up on Ely. Ely shocked by the way Nat acted. No one would ever dare to hang up on her. “This must be something,” she murmured. She turned the key over and the engine started.
“Do you know where she is? I’ve not seen her in awhile,” He begged for answer. He’d been searching for her for about six months now. She left nothing behind, just like that. She told no one about it. Comfort never turned out in school after the video of her got all over the school. Dylan searched for her ever since she left. He never stopped. “No, I’m sorry,” The brunette girl at the counter answered sorely. Dylan shifted to the table where comfort and he would spend the night chatting together. It was Comfort’s favorite restaurant. It was their table. It was the sweetest memory of his life.
“Alone? Can I join?” a familiar voice asked. Dylan recognized the voice. He nodded without turning back. “Are you okay, Dylan?” He asked, settling down on the seat. “Actually, Izzy… I am not,” Dylan broke down—literally. Izzy quickly budged next to Dylan and wrapped him up. Dylan’s tears fell on Izzy shirt. He was so upset that she left. He couldn’t accept the fact that she was gone… forever. “Dylan, I know you are strong. You can’t be like this for the rest of your life. You have to move on,” Izzy gave a piece of advice, a very basic one. Dylan freed himself from Izzy’s embrace and wiped his eyes with the back of his hands. He heaved a sigh. Izzy shifted back to his place and called the waiter. “It’s on me,”
They ordered diet coke each and the drinks arrived a minute later. Dylan quickly grabbed his and took a big sip to clear his dry throat. At the other side, Izzy was organizing his thought. He wanted to start a conversation but he didn’t know where to begin.
“Thanks,” Dylan broke the silence. Then, they met another one. It was full of awkwardness. Both of them hadn’t meet in awhile. “So,” Dylan paused. He tried to bring up the how-are-you issue but on the second thought, he knew he’d better not.
“I’m all ear,” Izzy said.
Dylan looked at him, then down to the floor, then to the girl with 5-inch heels at the corner of the restaurant, and then back to Izzy. He was trying not to answer that question. But the eager eyes of Izzy were pinned to his. “You know it’s personal,” his voice trailed off. He tried not to talk or even think about it, and his brows showed how miserable he was. Izzy was a pro in reading body language. He knew there was something wrong.
“Let’s get the hell out of here and hit the bar!” Izzy dropped some cash on the table before walking out from the restaurant. Dylan followed his back. They walked for about 3 blocks from the restaurant and slipped into a bar which was not even a quarter full. It was not even seven and they were in a bar.
Good timing, boy.
“Ok, let’s take a few shots,” Izzy grabbed two glass of red wine and passed one to Dylan. “You know I don’t drink,” Dylan refused to drink. He preferred Cosmo, but he kept that in mind. “When else?” Izzy said. He took a sip as if he were used to it. “Come on!”
Dylan pulled the glass closer and thought again about the consequence that may lead him to addiction. He could smell the grape and it urged him to take a sip. “Oh, what the heck!” He drank and felt absolutely great instantly. “Whoa!” He mumbled. His world began to spin around. He took another shot and this time, he felt greater. “That woman is a mess!” he blurted out. He leaned on the counter and look around the bar. It was still empty. Izzy on the hand was still okay—not as drunk as Dylan at least. He walked to the stereo and turned it on loud. The room was earsplitting but they didn’t care. Dylan got himself on the counter and sang along. He wasn’t actually singing, it was more to mumbling some lyrics which you can’t barely hear because the music was a noise.
“She left me alone! Screw that!” Dylan shouted, not knowing what he was saying.
He spent the rest of hours cursing in the bar with Izzy. He let all out, every single thing to Izzy and the rest in the bar. He couldn’t control himself. He’d gone wild.
Good guy gone bad?
It was so hot. Ely fanned herself with her hand. She was waiting for Natasha at the entrance of the club. It was Louie Vasquez, a new club in the town. All people who came dressed in either white or red, mostly white. Ely chose to wear Prada. The one-shoulder-red-little-lace-dress was a stunner. The color made her bared-shoulder looked silky and perfect. It fit her well. The dress was matched with Alexander McQueen sci-fi designed heels, which she bought at Paris. People would turn to her just to look at those futuristic edgy gears. She knew she will be talk about and that was her goal. But waiting for Natasha for almost half an hour wasn’t in the plan. She searched for her phone and dialed Natasha’s number.
“Hey, darling. Sorry I’m late!” Natasha called, emerging out from limousine. A middle-aged guy showed after her. “I was with him,” Natasha wrapped her arm around his. The guy was well suited. He looked rich and masculine for a man at his age. “He’s the owner. I met him at the beach and so we decided to go together. You okay with it?” Natasha asked. She looked so small next to him. “Cool,” Ely replied. She was mesmerized. It was either because Natasha was literally in a dude’s arms or he was too hot. “We got the VIP seats. Let’s go in,” Natasha pulled him and marched to the entrance. Ely followed them at the back. For a second there, Ely looked like a maid who was overdress her boss. Natasha was in a red cocktail dress. It was more suitable for a tea break than a fashion show, like seriously.
As they seated at the front of the stage, the man offered a hand. “I’m Louie... Vasquez,” His voice was husky enough to melt a girl down. Ely accepted his hand and gave him her sweetest smile, yet flirtatious. “Ely,” Ely kept it short. Louie was sandwiched between two young girls that looked like his daughters. Ely and Louie changed a few chat before the runway started. Natasha pretended not to mind them but she was peeping the whole time.
The runway was a blast. Prada new collection was something that Ely would wear, even to school. For the first time, Natasha showed a little interest on the fashion show. Her smile was like the spotlight, bright and dazing. The couple then walked out from the club in hands. Ely felt something on her heart. Something stabbing. Something clawing. She felt sad. She’d been single for so long and it is all because of Noah Snyder.
“We want to go to the beach for some fresh air. You want to join?” Louise asked Ely who was tagging them. “No. You guys need a time alone. So, go ahead. Have fun,” Ely wore a fake smile. She then disappeared back into the club.
The sound of the waves was the only thing that can be heard other than Natasha and Louie. They were hand in hand, enjoying the chilly breeze. There’s something about Louie that Natasha loves. Not just some pretty face with matured-look beard, or the dashy quiet eyes that could pierce through diamonds and captivate lost soul or his well-built body with incredible height. It was something inside that attracted her to get closer to him. “So tell me more about you. You married once, divorced and…” Natasha really wanted to know him more. She quitted her steps and put her arms around his waist.
“Well, it’s like you know everything about me already. Trust me. How about yours? I bet it’s far better than mine,” He assumed.
“No. I want to hear yours,”
“Fine. We were young when we got married. I was twenty-two and she was twenty. Our parents weren’t on the same page with us. So, we went Hawaii and settled down there. We invited only our friends. The first month, we were like the happiest couple in the world. Well, my father has big company. My money lasts. We bought car, house and every thing a couple should have. We were happy. We got every thing. But when a year past, we realized, that a family isn’t just about big house, fancy cars, and those material stuffs. We need children. We tried many times, in all sort of ways…and positions,” He stopped and chuckled. Natasha couldn’t help herself giggling with him. “But it didn’t happen. We got apart as time passed by, there were no jokes, laughter in the house anymore. She busied herself with works, trying not to think about it. I wanted to adopt but before I could even find one. She left me,”
“Why is she so stupid?” Natasha said in an angry tone.
“But you have to be grateful. If god didn’t take her away, you wouldn’t be in arms now,” Louie carved a little smile on his face. “Oh my god. I’m sorry. I didn’t know that she…” Natasha was really sorry to hear that from him. She thought his wife left him as in divorce or something other than Death.
“Nah, I’m fine,”
Natasha placed her head on his chest and she could feel his hand combing her hair. It was a perfect night. The moonlight shimmered and the shooting stars lightened up the night sky. There was no one at the beach. Just two of them, embracing. He laid down on the sand and Natasha followed. Her fingers ran to his face and their body brushed one another. “I love you,” He whispered. Natasha didn’t reply him. She kissed him instead. It was so passionate. Their hands were all over the place and they breathed unevenly.
“Tell me you love me,” Louie pulled his mouth away.
“With all my heart,”
Then they sail to the love ocean.
It was Saturday morning but he was already on the beach. He sat on the pier and gazed at the sea contentedly. The breeze brushed his face and the sky was painted all hue. It wasn’t in its best state. Usually, there’s bunch of kids from the town will come to surf the feral waves. It’s like their weekly routine. The beach will be stuffed with their noise. It’s like party every Saturday in here. He thought they were here. He was all wrong. Maybe the kids were enjoying themselves somewhere in the town. Or maybe, they all decided to rest today. Or there’s a big possibility that he was super early and everyone was still on their bed, in their dream.
The sea was so calming. He could feel himself shattering even though it was warm. Suddenly, something went into his mind. Something he wished that it never happened. Something from the past.
“Why don’t you try this one?”
“Does it worth?
“It is more than your money dude!”
He took the syringe and handed the guy hard cash worth hundred. He looked at the guy and the guy did the same. They were both staring for a minute before he injected it at his wrist. The earth started to spin fast. He started to get dizzy. He fell onto the ground and… blacked out.
“Hey!” a voice called. Very familiar, and it somehow made him smile. He knew the voice and he was actually expecting for the voice. He turned to his back and propped himself up. It was Lily. She was running to him just like a child chasing the ice cream truck. In this case, it is a big breathing teddy bear.
“Thanks for being here!” she quickly wrapped herself up around his massive arms. He held her in tight and out of sudden, he felt his shoulder soaked, with her tears. She sobbed. “What’s wrong, my dear?” He whispered, trying to calm her down. He failed to do so. She freed from him and looked down on his shoes. There’s a “Lily’s” mark on it, with a cute little heart. She began to speak, too slow to be heard. Ryan kept himself closer and focused on what she was trying to say. But nothing goes into his ears. He lifted her head up and stepped forward, trying to get her.
“I’m pregnant!” she shouted. He was shocked. Electrified. Traumatized. He began to feel his legs trembling down in any minute. But he saw her eyes and then, he realized. He should be stronger to make her feel better. He needs to be that man who holds her up. He strengthened his stand and embraced her. She tried to break free a few times, but then she stopped trying. She knew she will never get away from his arms. “Ryan… let go of me!” she pleaded. She’s out of breath, out of clear-cut mind. She floored to the ground. He followed her, still holding her in.
“No matter what happens, I’ll stay with you,” He promised. He knew that it was his entire fault. If they didn’t sneak out from Keith’s party that night, this thing won’t happen. “The baby is mine. I’ll take care of her,”
She listened. She heard him. Then, she cried, and cried. His shirt was soaked. His eyes then wet. The silence took over them. The waves hit the shores and it became, one of those days they will never forget. She was still in his arms, still keeping herself close to his heart. She listened to every single one of his heartbeat. They kept her alive.
Yesterday hurts, tomorrow lies, but today is a gift.