Everyone arrived at the beach sharp at 4 o’clock. They received Harold’s message and agreed to follow ‘cause they had no better thing to do. It’s not summer yet, what’s with Harold. Each of them wondered. Trying to push it aside, all of them greeted Harold who was playing with the sand, alone.
Dylan Bradshaw straight away took off his shirt—if you have muscle underneath your ugly shirt, wouldn’t you want to show it off?—and jumped next to Harold. Harold greeted him and thanked him for coming. “Lily and I are going to… I know you know,” Ryan pushed Lily away lightly, wanted to stroll around the beach, and have some sweet moment together. They both walked holding each other hands. First, hand. Second, waist. Next, figure it out yourself.
Chloe Van Blake grabbed Harold from his back. She missed the way they greeted each other. Harold would grab her so securely and kiss her at her smooth cheek. Things changed and she didn’t really like it. Harold acted normal when she did that. She moved to his side, and stared at the sea, frowning and regretted for coming. Ely saw her expression and shrugged to Dylan. “Let’s go.”
Dylan stood up slowly. He swept the sand off his jeans. “Where are you guys going?” Harold asked, looking at them oddly. Ely grinned and pulled Dylan. “Piggy back race!” Keith shouted giddily. Roxanne nodded and held his boyfriend’s arm. Dylan raised his shoulder and chuckled. He loves piggyback race. He grabbed Ely’s hand and Ely climbed his back. Roxanne jumped into Keith as well. Four of them looked so adorable in that arrangement; so immature. Natasha who didn’t have the pig to ride on ran mindlessly to nowhere. “I’m going to win if you guys decide to stay there!” She shouted. Dylan started his engine and ran towards Natasha. Ely was so happy till she shouted, “wooo!” like a mad child. Keith followed but he was slower than Dylan. He got no strength to carry Roxanne who is as big as him. No, not fat. Just as big as Keith is.
Harold stood up and grabbed Chloe’s hands. “Piggyback?” Harold smiled enthusiastically. His tone changed to a boring one to extremely happy tone. Chloe straight away jumped on Harold. She was so glad that Harold’s mood changed. Harold tried to chase Dylan and Keith but he was way too far at the back. Natasha was leading—of course—and followed by Dylan and Keith respectively.
Suddenly, Harold tripped and fell down on the sandy land. Chloe fell on his back and made him hard to breathe. They both laughed. Natasha, Dylan and Keith ignored both of them and continued running towards the happiness. Harold turned himself so he can breathe properly. He chuckled. Chloe loves the laughter so much. It had been her soundtrack for the whole winter without him. She rested her head on Harold’s chest, a cute smile carved sweetly on her face. It was like a man-made smile—like Picasso had just drawn a beautiful line to make it so perfect to bind with the lovely lips of hers. Harold stared at the blue sky. It was cloudless. The wind blew comfortable to his skin and turned him on. He was in a wild mode. He grabbed Chloe’s body, pushing it onto his hard chest. Chloe loves it. She could hear the heartbeat that had been gone for so long from her life. Her hands ran all over Harold’s shaved skin face. She rubbed it gently, like they used to do.
“Do you love me?” Harold asked in sudden. He grabbed Chloe’s hands and played them tenderly. Chloe carried herself up and felt back on his body. She was fixing the position so that she can answer him while looking at his eyes. Her finger twitched to his lips. Harold smiled and said, “So?” Chloe laughed. She got off him and sat on his lap. Harold had no choice but to sit on the sand. He let Chloe occupied his private space ‘cause he knew Chloe wouldn’t want to dirty her jeans. He held her tighter and didn’t want to let her go. She owed him an answer. Chloe leaned comfortably on Harold, resting her head. “Well, I thought you will wait for me to comeback, but you didn’t trust me and broke up the relationship,” said Chloe, sighing on his chest. “What are you talking about?” Harold didn’t remember he saying that to her. She left Harold without notifying and now, she was blaming Harold for the break-up. “You left me breathless and now, you are blaming me?” Harold said in an annoying tone but he couldn’t be mad at Chloe. She somehow got the ability to make Harold unable to hate her.
“Pardon? I left you? You said to me that the relationship is over. Do you know how hard to get over it? I couldn’t! You ended it. It hurts so badly. I couldn’t breathe and there’s you, twenty four seven, in my head!” Chloe shook her head. Harold quickly placed his finger on her lips. “Shh… why you kept saying I left you? Christine said I am just your toy for summer and you are not coming back. I went to your house, but you’d already left. I didn’t even have the chance to say goodbye. Technically, you left me, darling,” Harold told her, breathing calmly.
They were a happy couple last summer. They spend most of their time hanging out together. Sometimes, even Harold’s house can be a fun place for them. They were sweeter than Ryan and Lily, more lovely than Keith and Roxanne. They were perfect together. But distance wrecked them apart…. Or did it?
Summer love is always a summer love. It will come after the last flower blossoms and it will be gone right before the first leaf falls.
“That, eww!” Chloe pushed Harold’s chest. She stood up and ironed her blouse with her hand. She tied her hair with the hair band and walked away. “Wait a minute, what did I do?” Harold insisted to get up. He stayed down, looking so confused at her. He lost her for a second there. “It’s Christine. She came to you and told you that I want to end it, right?” Chloe turned back to Harold. Her eyebrows narrowed and she looked totally unhappy. “Uh huh,” said Harold softly, nodding to what she said. “She told me the same thing! Do you know what does that mean?” Chloe couldn’t control her temper. She shouted at the sea repeatedly. Harold got up and grabbed her from the back. “Shh..” He spoke to her ear, calming her down. He tightened his grip as she still couldn’t stop shouting. “I’ll talk to her,” He pushed Chloe around so that he can see Chloe’s eyes. Chloe put her head on his chest and cried. “How can I trust that bitch?” She grabbed Harold’s hand and pressed it hard. “Wait a minute, Chloe doesn’t cry,” She looked at Harold’s with her red eyes. “She’ll get my revenge,” She wiped her tears with the back of her hands.
Harold just nodded to what she said. He doesn’t feel angry at Christine at all. Somehow, He felt glad that she did so. If not, he wouldn’t have a sweet memory with Geneva. “Harold, can we…” Chloe grabbed his face and kissed his lips. Four lips touched but… there was no spark. Harold gently pushed her out and licked his lips. Even if there was no spark, he loves they way she taste. Yummy! Harold looked at her with his blue eyes and felt horrible. “Oh, I forgotten. You got that girl,” Chloe stepped a foot back. She turned away but Harold managed to grab her hand. She exhaled aloud and shook her head in disappointment. Harold released the hand and walked next to her guiltily. He felt bad to do so to her. He should have just accept her and forget about Geneva. But forgetting Geneva Byron is totally impossible for him. Even though, Chloe is thousands times better than her, Geneva is still unique to him. They walked on the slowly back to their car in silence.
On their way, Dylan ran and hit Harold’s shoulder. “I won!” he shouted at Harold’s ear. Harold faked a laugh. “Who’s second?” He asked reluctantly. Chloe smiled at Dylan and patted his shoulder, “Where’s Ely?” Dylan grinned and raised his eyebrows. “They left me. They are probably in the house already!” Dylan told the truth and laughed at himself. Harold and Chloe turned to each other. They didn’t realized any of their friends passing through them. “How?” Harold asked. Dylan looked at him and shook his head. “Ely cheated. She called Ryan to pick her up at the end of the shore. All of them followed. They said I’m a sportsman so I can walk back by myself. So, here I am. Talking to boring people,” Dylan laughed. He pushed Harold and continued walking. Chloe followed.
Three of them went back home by themselves. Despite the fact that Harold and Dylan live next to each other, they drove two different cars. It is so stupid of them because; #1 they are wasting the fuel, #2 they are polluting the air. How civilized people nowadays?
Dylan left Harold behind and speed back home. Harold was too slow for him to follow. Harold decided to savor the time in his car; he doesn’t want to get home early. He still got an issue with his father to solve. When he’d to stop for a red light at one of the junction, he suddenly remembered what Geneva told him at the school.
You are welcome and I’m moving on if you haven’t notice. He tried to put the words together to what happened but he ended up heading to Geneva’s house. He wants the truth.
Gaga oh-la-la! Truth kills remember?
He pressed the pedal, speeding (incase you didn’t know, he left his brain at the beach) and drove his wheel to Geneva’s residence. All the way there, he set his mind to blank. He eased himself onto his cozy leather seat—to be exact, Mrs. Tedder’s cozy leather seat. The sun was setting when he arrived at her house. He looked for Mr. and Mrs. Byron’s car but there’s no sign that they are possibly inside the house. He braced himself to walk to the entrance, planning to knock the door. After few minutes standing at the door, only he realized he left his balls at the beach as well. So, he decided to climbed the three which connected him to Geneva’s balcony. As he was walking to the tree, he saw a blinking object on the grass. Curiosity made him paced to the blinking object. Harold crouched to examine it and as soon as he got it on his middle-size palm, he fell on his butt. It was a pendant with a small tiny crown with sapphire attached on it. That is what made it blink like Mr. Abraham’s baldy head under the pendaflour.
“I am so over you, Geneva,” said Harold, rising to his feet. He held the pendant tightly in his hand. He shook his head whilst walking to his car. “Mom, I’m sorry. I think I gave it to the wrong girl,” Harold murmured. He looked into the car rear view mirror and hung the pendant on it. It was the pendant his mom gave him before she left, and it was also the pendant he gave Geneva on the rooftop, promising her that he’ll be her king forever. “I’ll be careful next time,”
Looks like the king is changing his queen. That makes a new whole beginning; a new chapter of a king seeking for his never-exist-true-love.