Saturday, January 16, 2010

Chapter 14: Forgetting Geneva Byron

Title comes from a movie, Forgetting Sarah Marshall.

Everyone arrived at the beach sharp at 4 o’clock. They received Harold’s message and agreed to follow ‘cause they had no better thing to do. It’s not summer yet, what’s with Harold. Each of them wondered. Trying to push it aside, all of them greeted Harold who was playing with the sand, alone.

Dylan Bradshaw straight away took off his shirt—if you have muscle underneath your ugly shirt, wouldn’t you want to show it off?—and jumped next to Harold. Harold greeted him and thanked him for coming. “Lily and I are going to… I know you know,” Ryan pushed Lily away lightly, wanted to stroll around the beach, and have some sweet moment together. They both walked holding each other hands. First, hand. Second, waist. Next, figure it out yourself.

Chloe Van Blake grabbed Harold from his back. She missed the way they greeted each other. Harold would grab her so securely and kiss her at her smooth cheek. Things changed and she didn’t really like it. Harold acted normal when she did that. She moved to his side, and stared at the sea, frowning and regretted for coming. Ely saw her expression and shrugged to Dylan. “Let’s go.”

Dylan stood up slowly. He swept the sand off his jeans. “Where are you guys going?” Harold asked, looking at them oddly. Ely grinned and pulled Dylan. “Piggy back race!” Keith shouted giddily. Roxanne nodded and held his boyfriend’s arm. Dylan raised his shoulder and chuckled. He loves piggyback race. He grabbed Ely’s hand and Ely climbed his back. Roxanne jumped into Keith as well. Four of them looked so adorable in that arrangement; so immature. Natasha who didn’t have the pig to ride on ran mindlessly to nowhere. “I’m going to win if you guys decide to stay there!” She shouted. Dylan started his engine and ran towards Natasha. Ely was so happy till she shouted, “wooo!” like a mad child. Keith followed but he was slower than Dylan. He got no strength to carry Roxanne who is as big as him. No, not fat. Just as big as Keith is.

Harold stood up and grabbed Chloe’s hands. “Piggyback?” Harold smiled enthusiastically. His tone changed to a boring one to extremely happy tone. Chloe straight away jumped on Harold. She was so glad that Harold’s mood changed. Harold tried to chase Dylan and Keith but he was way too far at the back. Natasha was leading—of course—and followed by Dylan and Keith respectively.

Suddenly, Harold tripped and fell down on the sandy land. Chloe fell on his back and made him hard to breathe. They both laughed. Natasha, Dylan and Keith ignored both of them and continued running towards the happiness. Harold turned himself so he can breathe properly. He chuckled. Chloe loves the laughter so much. It had been her soundtrack for the whole winter without him. She rested her head on Harold’s chest, a cute smile carved sweetly on her face. It was like a man-made smile—like Picasso had just drawn a beautiful line to make it so perfect to bind with the lovely lips of hers. Harold stared at the blue sky. It was cloudless. The wind blew comfortable to his skin and turned him on. He was in a wild mode. He grabbed Chloe’s body, pushing it onto his hard chest. Chloe loves it. She could hear the heartbeat that had been gone for so long from her life. Her hands ran all over Harold’s shaved skin face. She rubbed it gently, like they used to do.

“Do you love me?” Harold asked in sudden. He grabbed Chloe’s hands and played them tenderly. Chloe carried herself up and felt back on his body. She was fixing the position so that she can answer him while looking at his eyes. Her finger twitched to his lips. Harold smiled and said, “So?” Chloe laughed. She got off him and sat on his lap. Harold had no choice but to sit on the sand. He let Chloe occupied his private space ‘cause he knew Chloe wouldn’t want to dirty her jeans. He held her tighter and didn’t want to let her go. She owed him an answer. Chloe leaned comfortably on Harold, resting her head. “Well, I thought you will wait for me to comeback, but you didn’t trust me and broke up the relationship,” said Chloe, sighing on his chest. “What are you talking about?” Harold didn’t remember he saying that to her. She left Harold without notifying and now, she was blaming Harold for the break-up. “You left me breathless and now, you are blaming me?” Harold said in an annoying tone but he couldn’t be mad at Chloe. She somehow got the ability to make Harold unable to hate her.

“Pardon? I left you? You said to me that the relationship is over. Do you know how hard to get over it? I couldn’t! You ended it. It hurts so badly. I couldn’t breathe and there’s you, twenty four seven, in my head!” Chloe shook her head. Harold quickly placed his finger on her lips. “Shh… why you kept saying I left you? Christine said I am just your toy for summer and you are not coming back. I went to your house, but you’d already left. I didn’t even have the chance to say goodbye. Technically, you left me, darling,” Harold told her, breathing calmly.

They were a happy couple last summer. They spend most of their time hanging out together. Sometimes, even Harold’s house can be a fun place for them. They were sweeter than Ryan and Lily, more lovely than Keith and Roxanne. They were perfect together. But distance wrecked them apart…. Or did it?

Summer love is always a summer love. It will come after the last flower blossoms and it will be gone right before the first leaf falls.

“That, eww!” Chloe pushed Harold’s chest. She stood up and ironed her blouse with her hand. She tied her hair with the hair band and walked away. “Wait a minute, what did I do?” Harold insisted to get up. He stayed down, looking so confused at her. He lost her for a second there. “It’s Christine. She came to you and told you that I want to end it, right?” Chloe turned back to Harold. Her eyebrows narrowed and she looked totally unhappy. “Uh huh,” said Harold softly, nodding to what she said. “She told me the same thing! Do you know what does that mean?” Chloe couldn’t control her temper. She shouted at the sea repeatedly. Harold got up and grabbed her from the back. “Shh..” He spoke to her ear, calming her down. He tightened his grip as she still couldn’t stop shouting. “I’ll talk to her,” He pushed Chloe around so that he can see Chloe’s eyes. Chloe put her head on his chest and cried. “How can I trust that bitch?” She grabbed Harold’s hand and pressed it hard. “Wait a minute, Chloe doesn’t cry,” She looked at Harold’s with her red eyes. “She’ll get my revenge,” She wiped her tears with the back of her hands.

Harold just nodded to what she said. He doesn’t feel angry at Christine at all. Somehow, He felt glad that she did so. If not, he wouldn’t have a sweet memory with Geneva. “Harold, can we…” Chloe grabbed his face and kissed his lips. Four lips touched but… there was no spark. Harold gently pushed her out and licked his lips. Even if there was no spark, he loves they way she taste. Yummy! Harold looked at her with his blue eyes and felt horrible. “Oh, I forgotten. You got that girl,” Chloe stepped a foot back. She turned away but Harold managed to grab her hand. She exhaled aloud and shook her head in disappointment. Harold released the hand and walked next to her guiltily. He felt bad to do so to her. He should have just accept her and forget about Geneva. But forgetting Geneva Byron is totally impossible for him. Even though, Chloe is thousands times better than her, Geneva is still unique to him. They walked on the slowly back to their car in silence.

On their way, Dylan ran and hit Harold’s shoulder. “I won!” he shouted at Harold’s ear. Harold faked a laugh. “Who’s second?” He asked reluctantly. Chloe smiled at Dylan and patted his shoulder, “Where’s Ely?” Dylan grinned and raised his eyebrows. “They left me. They are probably in the house already!” Dylan told the truth and laughed at himself. Harold and Chloe turned to each other. They didn’t realized any of their friends passing through them. “How?” Harold asked. Dylan looked at him and shook his head. “Ely cheated. She called Ryan to pick her up at the end of the shore. All of them followed. They said I’m a sportsman so I can walk back by myself. So, here I am. Talking to boring people,” Dylan laughed. He pushed Harold and continued walking. Chloe followed.

Three of them went back home by themselves. Despite the fact that Harold and Dylan live next to each other, they drove two different cars. It is so stupid of them because; #1 they are wasting the fuel, #2 they are polluting the air. How civilized people nowadays?

Dylan left Harold behind and speed back home. Harold was too slow for him to follow. Harold decided to savor the time in his car; he doesn’t want to get home early. He still got an issue with his father to solve. When he’d to stop for a red light at one of the junction, he suddenly remembered what Geneva told him at the school.

You are welcome and I’m moving on if you haven’t notice. He tried to put the words together to what happened but he ended up heading to Geneva’s house. He wants the truth.

Gaga oh-la-la! Truth kills remember?

He pressed the pedal, speeding (incase you didn’t know, he left his brain at the beach) and drove his wheel to Geneva’s residence. All the way there, he set his mind to blank. He eased himself onto his cozy leather seat—to be exact, Mrs. Tedder’s cozy leather seat. The sun was setting when he arrived at her house. He looked for Mr. and Mrs. Byron’s car but there’s no sign that they are possibly inside the house. He braced himself to walk to the entrance, planning to knock the door. After few minutes standing at the door, only he realized he left his balls at the beach as well. So, he decided to climbed the three which connected him to Geneva’s balcony. As he was walking to the tree, he saw a blinking object on the grass. Curiosity made him paced to the blinking object. Harold crouched to examine it and as soon as he got it on his middle-size palm, he fell on his butt. It was a pendant with a small tiny crown with sapphire attached on it. That is what made it blink like Mr. Abraham’s baldy head under the pendaflour.

“I am so over you, Geneva,” said Harold, rising to his feet. He held the pendant tightly in his hand. He shook his head whilst walking to his car. “Mom, I’m sorry. I think I gave it to the wrong girl,” Harold murmured. He looked into the car rear view mirror and hung the pendant on it. It was the pendant his mom gave him before she left, and it was also the pendant he gave Geneva on the rooftop, promising her that he’ll be her king forever. “I’ll be careful next time,”

Looks like the king is changing his queen. That makes a new whole beginning; a new chapter of a king seeking for his never-exist-true-love.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Chapter 13: C for Catastrophe van Blake

Title from the movie, V for Vendetta

“Mom doesn’t want to talk about,” Ryan patted Harold’ shoulder. They were leaning on their cars in the lot. Harold looked up at the sky and sighed. His brown plain shirt was signifying how blank his head is. He climbed on his car and laid on it. Ryan loosed his tie and sat next to Harold, trying to strike a pose like Harold but everybody knows, when it comes to poses, Harold is much better. He is one of those boys with good posture. Even though he is tall, he still can keep his body wide and straight. “We should try again,” Harold covered his face with his hands and heaved another sigh.

On the stairs, not far from the boys, Christine kept pulling Dylan closer to her. She smiled at everyone who was looking at them. She wants everybody to talk, to gossip, to admire, to adore and to blog about her. She loves her name to appear in any blog as long as it is saying, “The cheer captain is smoking hot” or “Christine is the bitchiest blonde!” or anything that please her. Dylan had no choice but to ‘play’ along with her drama. He had to—if he didn’t promised that miss-so-not-popular, Comfort, he wouldn’t care at all. Christine’s hands run to his pants and it tickled him. He liked it at first but on the second thought, he pushed it away and shook his head. “I’m your girlfriend, hello! What’s wrong with you?” said Christine, pushing herself to Dylan. Few phones captured their ‘free show’ and thevideo is definitely will be in youtube.

“She’s back,” A girl shouted in a sudden. All eyes then turned to the pink Volkswagen Bettle Cabriolet, which had just stopped at the parking lot. All of them at the lot were stunned to see the driver. “Harold,” Ryan hit Harold’s chest. Harold took his hands off his face and stunned. His jaw dropped at once. He got off his car and straightened up like a soldier called to attention. Ryan followed. The person opened the door, stepped out and again, dazed everyone at there. “Blair Waldorf is back!” a girl whispered to her friend and her friend whispered to her friend and so on. The news spread in a blink of an eye. Christine saw the Blair Waldorf and couldn’t believe her eyes at first. She rubbed her eye repeatedly so that she knows she’s not dreaming. Dylan was quite shocked to see her as well. The Blair Waldorf pranced; swinging her smooth blond hair and showing off her pretty smile—the one you might try to imitate, posing in the bathroom like an idiot—it was the prettiest smile in universe (sort of) which supermodels spend ages perfecting. But this girl, she can smile that way without even trying. She was the girl every boy wants and every girl wants to be.

Welcome home, tragedy!

Christine cleared her throat and pushed Dylan aside. “I’ll be back,” She mouthed. She was so afraid of losing her spotlight. She stood up and headed to the girl’s direction, thoughtlessly. Does she know who that girl is? Her chin lifted up, trying to tell the foe that she is not giving up. But that girl didn’t give a damn. She pushed her hair to the back and giggled as she saw Christine reacted that way. She was still heading to the school’s main door stubbornly.

“What are you doing here, Chloe Van Blake?” Christine stopped her. She put her hand on Chloe’s shoulder. She stared at the Chloe and felt uglier instantly—there’s no way Christine’s can beat those dark emerald eyes and those two finest thin lips she’d ever seen in her whole life. “Who are you to care anyway?” Chloe answered with her proudest voice. Everyone knows that she was perfectly perfect and deserved to say like that in Christine’s face. She’s the goddess of all bitches.

Chloe Van Blake was the cheer captain before Christine. She was the best among the best. Christine took over her position after she had to settle down some family business in Hollywood. Well, she is living two worlds; a student in the morning and an actress all the time. She never gets tired acting. She ignored Christine and climbed the stairs, giggling at the same time.

“Hey, Dylan!” She greeted Dylan as she walked pass by him. Dylan smiled and raised his hands. His face was shining, as he knows Chloe could help him out of this misery. Chloe continued walking to the door. “V!” a voice called her from the back. She smiled; she knew who that is already. She turned to her back and opened her arms, expecting a warm hug from the person who called her. “Ely, my dear!” Chloe shouted in an extremely happy tone. Well, there’s only two people on earth would ever dare to call her by middle name; one of them is Elizabeth Levy. Ely grabbed Chloe like a stuffed animal even though she is quite big to be one. Chloe held Ely’s hand and jumped on her heels but managed to balance herself from falling. “I’m back!” She was so excited.

She was the head of the supreme all blonde-plus-one-brunette gang, The V-ladies. This gang consist of the mastermind; Chloe Van Blake, the dare-devil; Elizabeth Maya LeVy, the wannabe; Christine Vienna Foster and the outcast, Natasha Diana Jones—well nobody cares whether she got V (in her name) or not. All of them were best friends. However, what does friend means without its drama? Christine kicked out from the group for snatching Chloe’s boyfriend. She caught red handed on the bed with the guy in Chloe’s sweet sixteen birthday bash. Since then, Chloe treated her like she does to others in school. There’s no room for apology and Christine became a mess after that. She started stabbing people’s back and believed the world only revolves around her. That’s how Ely and Christine grew to be enemies. The group became smaller after Chloe had to go to work on a short film directed by her father, Lewis Van Blake. She left the school in fall and now, she’s back.

“I know. He must be glad to see you too!” Ely was excited as Chloe. She pulled her to parking lot and she followed anxiously. She was thrilled to see her boyfriend she left last autumn. Oh, she left before anything changes upside down. Both of them laughed as they both reached at his car. “Hey, miss me?” said Chloe. Her face turned red. She faked a cough when he didn’t give any response. He was busy talking with his friend with a history book on his hand.

“Harold! Stop pretending!” Ely pulled Harold’s arm. Harold acted like he was so shock to see Chloe next to Ely. He smiled and grabbed Chloe. “Babe, you’re back!” his voice made Chloe so at the cloud nine. “Still handsome as I left you,” She joked. She put her hands on his face. She pinched his cheek and made him laugh. Ely and Ryan laughed too. Then, she turned to Ryan and hugged him. She held Ryan’s arms and wowed, “They got bigger huh?” She joked. Ryan grabbed Chloe’s hand and kissed it gently. “And you are still the old cliché Ryan!” She made the group laughed their ass off again. She pushed a stray of her blonde hair behind her ears—she looks so gorgeous till Ryan couldn’t stop staring.

“So, how’s life guys?” She wondered. She saw a different look of Ryan; he’s brighter, happier, and of course, charming-er. She knew that Ryan surely had changed his girlfriend and so, she asked, “and who’s your current girlfriend?” she patted Ryan’s shoulder. Ely laughed ‘cause she found it funny somehow. “He is dating one of your cheerleader, Lily!” Ely answered for Ryan. “No way! Lily Spencer?” Chloe chuckled. Out of sudden, Ely stepped on Harold’s converse shoe. Chloe and Ryan didn’t notice that as they were focusing on the conversation. “Talk to her, dummy!” She sounded so mad. She went to, grabbed Ryan, and pushed him away from Harold and Chloe. “We got works guys, tata!” Ely made a scene so that both Chloe and Harold could get the chance to talk.

As soon as both of them got out of sight, Harold felt awkward. He looked at her and she looked at him back in silent. “Garden?” Harold asked to shift the place, as he couldn’t bare the awkwardness. “Sure, but history book?” She pointed at the book Harold was holding. The one he held to act like he didn’t realize the Chloe’s superb entrance. “I’ve been studying lately,” He started walking. Chloe chortled, trying to believe Harold. “Harold Cruz is studying history? That surprises me. What happened to Harold who loves music, and the guitar! What it’s name again? Santa Claus?” She laughed. Harold made his stupid face. He looked at Chloe oddly and it annoyed her somehow. “Ok, to be honest, I missed that face! but please, don’t do it again, I’ll get nightmare!” She tapped his shoulder, walking next to him. “Santa Cruz,” Harold murmured. She nodded and grabbed his hands. “Harold, what happened to us?” Chloe couldn’t accept it anymore. Harold was treating her like a friend, not more than that. Harold sighed and tried to look away. Then his eyes caught something, very unpleasant for those pretty eyes to see. He saw Geneva and Aaron making out behind the tree. His hands were on the wrong place but Geneva seems to be okay with it. In fact, she was kissing him with more passion compare to the kiss she gave Harold. Harold felt disgusted. He let his hand free and walked to the tree. Chloe followed him, as she doesn’t know what was going on.

“Geneva, what are you doing?” Harold asked, furious. He tightened his fist and the veins popped out straight away. His arms muscle became hard and made Chloe felt like want to hug it. Geneva got off Aaron and fixed her dress. “You’re welcome and I’m moving on if you haven’t notice!” Geneva replied, irritate. Aaron grabbed her from the back and kissed her cheeks. “Let’s leave this skunk,” Aaron whispered to her ears. “Bye skunk and welcome back Chloe!” He turned around and walked away with Geneva. Harold was so confused. Why she said ‘you’re welcome’? He wondered. He tried to calm down but he failed to stop the F-bomb coming out from his mouth. Chloe shook her head, as confuse as Harold was. “Bloody whore!” Harold shouted. Geneva turned and rolled her eyes. She walked with Aaron hand in hand.

“Chloe, are you free this evening? Let’s go to the beach!” said Harold with a frowned carved on his sour face. Chloe nodded and said under her breath, “Still the old same Harold,”

Harold grabbed his phone and typed a message to his friends.

Let’s go to the beach! Love, H.
TO: Ryan, Dylan, Ely, Roxy, Nat, Keith, Lily.


He put back his phone into his pocket and walked with Chloe. “I’m sorry, where are we, V?” Harold asked her, expecting for the answer impatiently. And he is the second person who dare to call her that. “Nothing, bring me to Roxy! I missed her!” said Chloe, frustrated somehow.

Someone from the past came to change the future. From triangle, love is now square in shape. Love is so confusing.

SOS! Play more love, gain more pain!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Chapter 12 and a half: Twist Of Fate

Co-Written By Suzanne Ong

It was a glamorous night for two young kids who had just escaped from their humdrum dinner with their families. Rheon got an invitation from his new friend, Caleb, to the most exclusive party in his neighborhood.

“Isn’t it a welcome back party?” Demetria Cruz wondered. She poked Rheon’s shoulder. By looking at those people who were entering the house, she knew she were under-dressed. She channeled Armani strapless white dress with a gold belt on her waist, but still, the others were fancier than her. She pulled Rheon back to the car but failed. He is so much stronger. He laughed at how silly Demetria was and walked straight to the entrance. She followed unwillingly.

Rheon greeted a masked person at the front door. The guy were holding a basket which full with masks. He signaled Rheon to pick one and he immediately grabbed a black mask. He wore it instantly and turned to Demetria. “How do I look?” he asked contentedly. Demetria rolled her eyes and picked a mask randomly out from the basket. “You look better with the mask on!” she laughed at her own joke. She wore the feathery white mask and marched into the gigantic house.

The house is superb, gigantic and luxurious. Rheon and Demetria were surprised at how exquisite the decorations were. It’s as if they’d just stepped in a five star hotel! The white and gold theme really suited the place and made it even more grand. The women were all looking gorgeous even their true beauty were hidden behind the masquerade. There’s fountain in the middle of the house and what’s that for? Well, rich people love to waste, don’t they? Rheon and Demetria were like small ants in the big shell till a man with a black mask approached them.

“Hey, Rheon!” he called. He was slightly higher than Rheon. He stopped next to him with a punch in his hand. “And you must be the gorgeous Demi,” he added, smiling to Demetria. Demetria nodded sheepishly. He never seen me before, how does he knows? Demetria asked herself. She wouldn’t want to embarrass the well-suited guy and just stood there vacantly next to her one and the only link to those strangers. “Oh, sorry. Demi this is Caleb, my schoolmate,” He hesitated when it came to the ‘schoolmate’ word. He’d just met him this evening and thanks to accident, they met—like finally! After three months studying there, Rheon was a total idiot for not making friends in such place. “I’m Caleb Anderson,” He took out his smooth-looking hand and Demetria reached it gracefully. He rubbed those tiny hands of Demetria and smiled at her with his sparkling eyes, credit to the chandelier for such a great lightning for the night. “Demetria Cruz. Nice to meet you,” said Demetria with poise. “Shall we move to the fountain? I bet it’s cooler!” Caleb suggested and held his collar. He was burning in a full air-conditioned house somehow. He walked both of them to the fountain and greeted like everybody in his way there.

“Nice isn’t it?” Caleb pointed at the splashing fountain next to him. Rheon nodded and totally amazed with it. It was carved perfectly. “Very,” Rheon agreed. “God. You guys must be thirsty looking at those water flowing and the punch I’m holding. I’m sorry, let me grab some water for you guys,” he took a sip and cleared his throat. Ahh. The water sounded very appetizing indeed. “Please… let me take myself,” Rheon stopped Caleb and quickly paced to the punch counter not far from where they stood. “So, where are you studying?” Caleb tried to keep the situation calm and steady. Demetria stroke her hair, as she felt so awkward without Rheon standing next to her. “Camelot!” She answered with a weird smile carved on her face. People from miles away could be blind by looking at her white shining teeth. It surely pretty. “Nice teeth,” Caleb praised. He had no better topic, for sho!

“I’m back,” Rheon came with a coke on his right and shish kebab on his left. Since they’re underage, beer or wine isn’t the drink they should be holding. Plus, George and Cassie had already set the rule. No drinking till they reach 21; unless your name is Harold Cruz ‘cause if you are, you are born to be the rule breaker. “Shish kebab?” Rheon offered. Demetria shook her head and grabbed the coke from his hand. “Hey Caleb,” a voice called. The voice belonged to a tall guy with a broad shoulder. He was approaching from the back of the fountain. “Is this Aly?” he turned to Demetria and smiled. “No. She’s not here yet,” answered Caleb. He grabbed the guy and pulled him closer to Rheon. “This is my brother, Matt,” He introduced his brother proudly. “Dr. Anderson, this is my friend, Rheon and his girl, Demi,” he added, emphasizing the doctor and clouted his brother’s chest.

All of them shook hands like the corporate people, so formal. “Hey Matt,” a lady with a gold dress called. Matt excused himself and walked to her. The party needs him. So, he left Rheon, Demi and Caleb in a silent moment. “I must be a boring guy for you guys, isn’t it?” Caleb looked so sorry. “No, you are not. We are,” Demetria defended her title. All of them laughed and continued chatting. Caleb told a gist of his brother’s life and two of them listened intensely.

Out of sudden, a girl came out of the crowd. “You must be Caleb!” She said chirpily. She was in a gold dress as well, but shorter than the lady before her. It’s the best dress of the night yet with sparkles on its design. It’s shimmering like the disco ball, really good on that girl. She was perfectly dressed from head to toe. Speaking of toes, she was on a black gladiator from Nicola Finetti. A feathery masquerade looked exactly like Demetria covering her beautiful skin, her cheeks showed how smooth it is. She let her dark black hair flow to her right strapless shoulder. Must be another rich kid in the neighborhood.

“Aly?” Caleb answered her call. He opened his arm widely and hugged her in his massive arms. Rheon and Demetria stood there watching them thoughtlessly. Caleb turned to them and said, “Aly this is Rheon and Demi and you know…” he insisted to keep it short. “Nice to meet you, Aly,” Demetria smiled at her, reaching out her hand. Rheon did the same gesture too.

“We shall leave you two alone, excuse us,” Rheon felt awkward standing there. He grabbed Demetria’s hand and walked to the couple dancing under the spotlight. It was Matt and most probably, his girlfriend. She was hot too. It was like a prom for minutes there; dancing, smooching, hugging, cuddling but in an adult version.

The song When You Tell Me That You Love Me by Diana Ross was playing. Maybe it was for Matt, who was hosting this party, to have a chance to dance with his girl. Rheon grabbed Demetria’s waist and swayed smoothly. She locked herself in his arm and followed his lead. She is one good dancer.

Like brother, like sister.

“What are we doing here? Let’s go somewhere else. Only both of us… Let’s get up!” Rheon asked sheepishly. He blushed when she nodded. “Let me get to the rest room first, see you there in five” Demetria excused herself and looked for the rest room. Rheon was so pleased to know that his proposal—to be with her, alone for the night— was accepted. He fixed his shirt and tidied his hair.

“Excuse me, are you Rheon?” a girl approached. “Yes,” answered him impatiently. He wants to get to Demetria as soon as possible. “I’m Nadine, your classmate,” she told him, taking off her mask for awhile. She put it back on when Rheon nodded. Guess, I’ll be stuck in here for a little while. He sighed.

After pleasing herself in the rest room, Demetria headed straight upstairs. Even though, it’s a crime for doing so—invading a house, technically—she didn’t mind at all. For her, it’s an open house since there’s no “YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE HERE” sign. She was quite surprise to see a lot of rooms on the floor. She wondered what the third floor is for since there’s lot of rooms for a man to live in one oversize house.

Out of sudden, she heard a cough from one of those rooms. She tiptoed and looked into each and every room. Most of them were empty—Matt had just arrived here, what is she expecting? A fish tank?—and dark. She paced quietly to the last room and sneaked a quick look in. This time, it was different. It was fully furnished with a king-size bed in it. Plus, there’s a man sitting on it, staring out the window. But still, the room was so dark.

Wow. A bed and a guy in one dark room. What a fabulous offer!

She quickly got into the room, but the guy remained still. Oh, Rheon! Demetria thought giddily. She climbed the bed and walked on her knee to Rheon. She was like the tiger hunting the food. Rawr! When they were so close, Demetria quickly grabbed him from back, without hesitating ’cause she knows men will never make the first move. They only love to add the spices. Her feathery mask touched his skin and tickled him. A sweet smile carved on his face, looking so calm beneath the black mask. He turned 180degree and they stumbled over each other—blame the smooth silky bedspread—on the bed.

“Demi?” a voice called. It was so lovely but in a harsh tone. “And is that you, David?” a girl added. Both sounded so familiar to Demetria. She pushed Rheon off him and turned to the door. She was so shock to see a guy, who looked like Rheon, and Aly glaring at them at the door. She took off her mask and turned to Rheon, her hearts beating so fast because she was afraid. “Who are you?” Rheon jumped off the bed. He was shocked to see her somehow. His voice was so different than ususal. He quickly untied his mask and stared at Demetria. “You are not Rheon?” she yelled. “I’m Rheon!” the guy at the door spoke up. He cleared his throat and left the room. “Rheon!” Demetria shouted, climbing off the bed. She was stunned to know that the guy she hugged on the bed was not Rheon but a stranger. She quickly chased after Rheon and left Aly and the stranger in the room alone.

“What are you doing?” Demetria heard Aly shouted. She stopped at the staircase, feeling guilty for the cuddling. She placed her finger on her lips. “Luckily, I didn’t kiss him,” she regretted. That guy must be Aly’s boyfriend or somebody important to her. She sounded really angry. Demetria suddenly remembered Rheon and went after him. He was too fast for her to catch.

When Rheon got into his car, Demetria was at the entrance panting. She signaled at him to wait for her. If it wasn’t because of the transportation, he would have left her already. Demetria quickly ran to the car as he willing to wait for her by now. However, she stopped at the front of the car and shouted, “What’s with you?”

Rheon opened his door, got out and shut it angrily. “What’s with me? You are kissing him for goodness sake!” he answered her. “God. First, he fell on me. Second, why do you care if I kiss him?” She stomped to him. “Because…” He stopped and leaned on the car. “Because I like you!” he continued, still with yelling tone.

Demetria stunned. She tried believing her ears but she just couldn’t. “What..?” she murmured softly. Rheon shook his head and got into the car. Demetria followed, still in shock. She looked like she came from the Cullens of twilight; minus the fang and the edgy looks ‘cause she’s totally a mess right now. She got into the car too. Rheon didn’t move a bit and his hands were on the steering. Another pale face for the night; very spooky and eerie. Demetria bit her lips, trying to get Rheon’s word out of her mind. “You should send me home now,” She uttered and turned to the window next to her. Her breath fogged the window and she carved a heart with her index finger. “Just kiss me already!” Rheon grabbed her arms and leaned on her. His heavy body made Demetria felt hard to breathe. His lips got near to hers and his hands ran to her red velvety cheek. She immediately pulled his head closer to hers. She could smell the coke he drank at the party. Demetria’s lips touched his smoking-tasty-looking lips and their noses touched. “We can’t do this; we are soon going to be siblings,”

Isn’t a double-wedding sound good to you? What happened to the quote ‘the more the merrier’?

A little twist here and there makes everything strangle up in a one super massive trap. Watch the line where it separates safe and danger ‘cause when you got across, it’s very hard to find that one threadlike line.

Chapter 12: Viva la Gorilla

Title comes from Green Day’s song, Viva la Gloria!

Both soon to be brothers slapped each other’s back, heading to the door to unveil the secret, the bad romance between their middle-aged parents. Harold and Ryan had always been like this; fight and the next day or even the next hour, they will be okay. Harold told his father about bringing Ryan home for a little talk about the wedding. George agreed to his son ‘cause he really doesn’t want to keep the relationship as a secret affair anymore.

George was in his white and black checked shorts, watching TV, resting his leg on the table, looking so messy when Harold and Ryan got into the house. It’s his day off. There’s a spilt coffee on the table and the cup was upside down. The house looked like it had just ransacked by I-don’t-want-any-clean-spot-robber. It’s all messy. If there were an award for the messiest house in the universe, Harold’s would have won it. “Dad, what’s wrong? Where’s Demi?” said Harold. He was so worried to see his father that way. He sat on the couch next to George. His eyes went all around the house. Ryan turned to Harold and raised his eyebrows. There is still no response from George. Harold shook him and asked him again. George straightened himself, exhaled out loud and turned off the TV. Then, he glared at his son.

“It’s all your faults! Thanks to you, she called it off!” His harsh voice is back in the house. The house had been so peaceful without it. Only Harold squeaking-not-harsh-at-all-voice cracked the silent sometimes. Harold was stunned. He didn’t know what was going on. He controlled his temper and managed not to shout at his father. “What I did?” Harold asked innocently. He was so confused. “You brought Ryan that night! She called it off after what happened to him!” George turned to Ryan who was on another couch. He took out a box out from his pocket and threw it onto the table. Ryan caught it before it felt down to the floor. Harold suddenly felt bad about it. He leaned back in his chair, pressing himself into the comfortable couch. He must be feeling totally guilty for this. Ryan opened the small box and sighed. He shook his head in disappointment. He had just wrecked two of most important people in his life, his mom and his uncle George. He put the box back on the table gently, trying to get George’s eyes off him. It was THE ring in the box. Cassie called it off and their small-private-wedding-on-the-beach was also canceled due to Ryan’s shitload attitude.

“Uncle George, I’ll talk to her. I’ll try my best,” Ryan changed his mind.

That quick?

He stood up and headed out from the house. His face looked so terrible; his face wasn’t as shining as before. “I’ll call you, bro,” He opened the door and yelled at Harold. He quickly ran to his car. He disappeared a minute later.

Harold and George stared up at the ceiling in silence. Both hated each other for some reason, but still need one another to live. Harold turned to his messy dad and got closer to him. “Dad…” His voice trailed off. He took a deep breath and got the closer to George –in matter of fact, this is the closest distant he ever get to his dad. “Son, you better settle down your thing before you get into mine. I can handle it by myself. You can’t. Call her, she probably waiting for your call,” George stood up, stretching his arms up. He was addressing Geneva. Harold turned himself and climbed the couch. “How do you know?” Curiosity got all over him. He was now like a little baby waiting for the mom to feed him. George paced to kitchen, ignoring his son. Harold grabbed a small pillow on the couch and threw to his dad who had reached the kitchen’s door. He really doesn’t like to wait. “Son, I can tell by just looking at your face. You are not happy, I know. It must be about that girl. You wouldn’t be sobbing over me, that’s how I know how,” George explained. He turned to his back, disappearing into the kitchen. “Thanks,” Harold murmured. He got to his favourite chair and rest his head. He rocked the chair back and forth, a smug look on his face. He hates someone that really cares about him. George changed 360degree. He’s a different man—hundreds time better than he used to be. Harold grabbed his phone and stared at the screen for a quite long time. He wasn’t sure what to say to Geneva. He put his phone down on the table and shouted for George’s name. George answered him from the kitchen—preferred to stay in the kitchen than walking to the living hall. “Where’s Demi?” Harold asked. He needed Demetria’s help on this kind of situation, the girlish stuff. “She’s with Rheon!” answered George, leaning on the kitchen’s counter.

My dad with Ryan’s mom and my sister is with Ryan’s brother. Harold thought giddily. “What a weird family,” he called. He heard George chuckled for a second. He felt relieved as heard the laughter. He took his phone and once again, stared at the screen. The wallpaper is a picture of Geneva lying on the bed with her lingerie—as if—it was actually a picture of Cameo and him when they were 13 and 21 respectively. He typed on the keypad impatiently. He wants Geneva to forgive him as soon as possible. He sent the message to her and smirked. There’s a huge relief as the word ‘sent’ popped out at the screen. He put down his phone and headed upstairs.

Oopps… Romeo’s note didn’t get to Juliet’s hand. It fell on the wrong hand.

“Geneva, you are not allowed to have your phone and your laptop till I forgive you. For now, mom is keeping it. The lane line is also not for you to use. I want you to have zero communication with that boy! How about school? It’s easy, I asked Aaron to keep his eye on you and I changed the whole schedule. That boy is no longer near you. As soon as you behave well, I’ll give back your phone, your laptop. I promised,” Mr. Byron said sternly. He left Geneva’s room heartlessly.

Geneva shut the door viciously. She jumped onto her bed and cried. Her tears soaked the pillow instantly. She shouted several times with her mouth covered with her pillow, so nobody can hear her. For about ten minutes of silent screaming, she threw the pillow off her. She sat on the bed; her posture was like a model striking a pose, and wiped her tears with her hands. “Enough!” She shouted. She walked to her door, heading to her father, wanted to speak up for herself.

When she was about to get out from her room, her mom stopped her. WHAT NOW! Her heart spoke. Her mom glared at her at the door. “Mom…” Geneva said, furious. She shook her head in disappointment. “Geneva, the boy sent you a message!” Her mom pushed her back into the room. When they both got in, she quickly shut the door. Geneva pulled a chair and sat on it. “Mom, please tell me what he said in the message,” She pleaded her mom. Her eyes looked like she was about to cry. She held on the tears and waited for her mom to answer. Mrs. Byron leaned on Geneva’s study table and sighed. She stroked her hair gently whilst looking into the mirror. She saw herself in a beautiful Chanel white dress and she smirked. “He said, thanks for the memories and goodbye,” said Mrs. Byron with a lot of sadness in her intonation. Geneva quickly grabbed her mom and cried, literally, on her shoulder. She couldn’t believe that Harold had just sent that to her. She grabbed the necklace Harold gave her on her and pulled it. Her heart just couldn’t take it anymore. She went to her balcony and threw the necklace away. Mrs. Byron got to her at the balcony and exhaled in satisfaction. She grabbed her daughter’s hand and held her cheek. “Don’t worry. He’s not the one for you. Aaron is; he’s waiting for you downstairs. Go. Have fun with him,” Geneva glad to hear Aaron’s name for the first time ever. “Thanks mom!” She wiped her tears and kissed her mom’s cheek. She quickly ran to downstairs to Aaron.

Aaron was so shocked to see Geneva who was running to him contentedly. She jumped to him and he grabbed her like the teddy bear. He was wearing a blue V-neck sweater Geneva had given him last winter. She took three hours in that shop in the la la land—they didn’t called Hollywood that for nothing—to pick that one special sweater. “What’s wrong, Baby G?” Aaron looked into her eyes. He put her hair to the back of her ears. He held her cheeks with a worry look on his face. “Don’t care about him. Let’s go,” She pulled his hands and ran to the car. She didn’t even waved at her parents. Aaron really liked the new Geneva. Viva la Gloria, Aaron! Inside, he was jumping in excitement. He didn’t want to show ‘cause it’s pretty not him to do so. He smiled at Geneva and shook his head. “I love you,” he said vividly. Geneva’s hand ran to his face and stopped right in front of the car. She looked back into her house and saw her parents still waving—spying actually—at them. Her dad was in his robe and her mom was in a pretty dress. The waving-till-you-gone shows that they want their daughter to leave faster so they can have a sex after that. What else would they do? Watch TV? They barely have private time together, so they had better treasure it while they can. Geneva ignored her parents and kissed Aaron on his lips. Her parents were shocked at first, but for a few seconds, they turned away and shut the door.

Trick or treat!

Aaron didn’t want to miss the opportunity to reply the kiss. He pressed her in, firmly onto his chest. He replied her with his wild enthusiasm. He had been waiting for that since they met and now he got it. But what about Harold?

Love is triangle in shape. Like it or not, live with it!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Chapter 11: Noah Snyder Must Die

Title comes from a movie, John Tucker Must Die.

The awkwardness occurred when Ely and Natasha left the table. Ryan and Harold got issues, remember? The truth, the lie and everything within it. Although, there’s a guilty seed inside Ryan, he wanted Harold’s apology. He’s tired of being too kind. Lily kept on pushing him to talk to Harold but he didn’t care. Harold, on the other side of the table, was staring far away. He looked like he was sleeping with his eyes wide open. He is probably thinking on how to confront Geneva or maybe how to smack his brother’s ass for everything or maybe he’s finding a reason to escape his father’s wedding with Ryan’s mom. Snap! The wedding Harold set him back to reality and turned to Ryan with his blank face, no emotion attached. “You are going to be my brother,” Harold whispered. He doesn’t want to let the whole world knows about Ryan and him being step brothers. “What are you talking about?” Ryan whispered back. He was confused by Harold’s words. “Ok, let me say sorry first. I’m sorry dude, I should have told you when I found out about it,” He said, apologizing at the same time. What a way to say sorry. “Oh, about that, I’m sorry too. Now tell me, what do you meant by I’m going to be your brother? I thought we are already brothers,” He told him, exasperated. “Our parents are getting married this Monday!” Harold added the pressure in the air. “What the heck?” Ryan blurted out his thoughts. Both of them starred for quite a long time. “Let’s talk to them tonight,” Harold told Ryan. Ryan nodded. He couldn’t believe that he is going to be a part of the Cruzs. The family he thought his family won’t be; the wrecked apart family. The irresponsible father, drunk-and-now-dead-mom, and annoying siblings sound terrible to him, but now, he owns a worse one. “And about the what ever going on between you and Geneva, as a friend, I think you should be a man and say you’re sorry. I mean it, bro,” Ryan patted Harold’s shoulder and went off with Lily. Harold nodded and mind was still blank. He could not think of anything right now. He slumped his head on the table and hid it with his hands. He ignored all the noise by humming to his favourite song, You Know Me by Robbie Williams.

O Brother, what art thou thinking? Be a man, have some balls!

Harold released his head from his own clasp. He stood up and determined to find Geneva and talk to her. I’m a terrible boyfriend! He was angry with himself for being such a jerk. He walked out of the canteen, heading to the garden. Somehow, he knew his girlfriend would be there, sitting alone, reading her favourite novel ‘Summer’s Long Lost Love” which was borrowed from Roxanne, under the green-not-so-tall-but-shady-tree. Harold was right, but there’s a little bit addition from what he thought. Aaron was there as well, reading the book for her. She was smiling excessively happier than she ever was beside him. Harold’s jaw opened at once when he saw them both. Harold turned back and blasphemed under his breathe.

La vengeance oh la vengeance. What else is more powerful than that, Harold? Grab your stick and go seek for the famous witch of yours. Wait a minute; she is busy mixing the potions for her own pot of revenge.

Ely and Natasha were heading to the gent’s shower room. Ely was up to something that smells fishy, really stinks. She wanted to pay back for what Noah Snyder had done to her—bring to the hotel, have sex and dump her the next morning. Ely is one unstoppable child; there is no word ‘impossible’ in her dictionary. “So what are we going to do?” said Natasha in confusion. She’s not really into this kind of mission. She prefer ‘forget-and-move-on-and-be-happy’ method, which is a terrible idea for Ely who thirst for blood—in this case; it’s Noah’s pride she’s hunting for. “Noah Snyder must die,’ Ely grinned.

Speaking of Noah, he was heading to the shower room with Buck, his friend. Well, after the much swimming in the pool, he really needs a real fresh water to clean up his chlorined-body. He is one of the swimmers in school’s team. He has not won anything yet, he is just a normal swimmer with a hot body. The only reason he joined the team is that he can show off his muscles and his bulge. Well, he needs to wear a short and tight speedo to swim, right? He is also known as the after-sex-dumper. Natasha is one of the victims of his. He and Buck decided to take shower before the other crowds in. So, they were the first one to arrive in the shower room.

“Buck, can I use your shampoo? I ran out of mine,” said Noah, rubbing his hair gently. He took off his clothe and took a towel out of his locker. He wore it and marched to the shower room. Buck nodded and followed him to the shower, whistling to You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift. As they were enjoying the refreshing shower, Natasha and Ely sneaked into the room, to Noah’s locker. Ely didn’t know what the code is, but she is a professional in this kind of task. She opened the locker with a hairpin. How’d she done that, only she knows. She turned to Natasha at once when the locker opened. They both giggled. “So, you really want to take his smelly clothes?” Natasha giggled. She couldn’t believe that she is actually coping with Ely in her evil assignment. “Yes, and his jeans too,” spoke Ely giddily. “And not to forget, his batman underpants as well,” She grabbed it with her well-secured-from-germs-hands. She used the rubber hand glove ‘cause she’s pretty sure that she doesn’t want to touch any of Noah’s internal clothing. It’s like touching sweaty Noah if she do so. Furthermore, it’s his underpants. Eww. That’s so gross. “Let’s do like what we’d planned!” Ely whispered, laughing at the same time. Both of them went out quietly with Noah’s clothes.

Ten minutes after that, Noah got out from the shower room with Buck. “The Beverly kids are so easy to defeat. They are just like a piece of cake,” Noah joked. He walked to his locker with a big smile. “I heard you dumped that hot chick? Come on, it’s a waste! She’s hot. Her legs are so alluring, don’t you think?” Buck opened his locker and grabbed his shirt. He wiped his wet body with the towel and put on his “PEACE NO WAR” shirt. Noah stopped right away; his hands were holding the locker. He was about to open it. “She is good on bed too,” He laughed. He leaned on the locker and turned to Buck. “She’s very tight but do you think Noah Snyder will hook up with a girl more than a week? Who am I, Buck?” He pulled his towel and hit Buck with it. “Noah Snyder!” Buck giggled, shaking his head. “I can’t hear you!” said Noah. “Noah Snyder!” Buck shouted. Both laughed at themselves. Buck put on his jeans and closed his locker.

“Where’s my clothes?” Noah found himself in a shock once he saw his locker was empty. He turned to Buck with a big question mark on his face. Buck raised his shoulder. “I thought you put them inside the locker just now,” Buck tickled. “They’re with me, Noah!” Noah and Buck turned to the door. Ely was holding Noah’s clothes with her fingertips. She grinned, looking forward for the next plan. She quickly ran off as soon as Noah shouted her name. Noah wrapped himself back with the towel and chased after Ely. Buck tagged along too.

After Buck got out from the shower room, he saw Noah was covering his private belongings with his hands. Natasha swung the towel she got from Noah, laughing with Ely at him. Buck couldn’t help himself from laughing with them too. “I need you to stay out of our way. I will never mess with you, I promise,” Ely went near Buck, promising Buck that he’ll be safe. Buck nodded. “I’m sorry dude!” He went off and acted nothing happened there. “Chicken!” Noah shouted on top of his lungs at his friend, still hiding his buns and ‘little brother’ with his hands. “Come on girls, stop this,”

“I give you two choices; option a, you are going to dance ballet without any clothes on you or option b, you going to wear the underpants to cover your little things and do the shake-shake-banana-dance,” Ely spoke, swinging his clothes and laughing at him hardly.

“Crazy humanoids!”
“Oopps, there’s no such option. Please choose again,”

“Just give me the underpants, I’ll dance whatever banana you want,” Noah called, relieved as he is not going to be fully naked anymore. “Good choice… Natasha, give him what he wants,” said Ely. Natasha grabbed something out from her bag and threw it to Noah. Noah quickly bend over and grabbed it. He laughed for a second there. He took it and tried believing his eyes. “Are you kidding me?” He stretched the thong Natasha gave him. It was pink and a black trim thong; stretchable, extra thin strap, not-for-man, and definitely too sexy for Noah. Ely and Natasha burst into laughter when they saw Noah’s expression. “Wear it or you die,” Natasha warned him.

“Please Nat, don’t do this to me. You know I always love you,”
“Excuse me, look at who you’re talking to,”

“Amour? Vous n'a pas de droite pour parler de l'amour. You have no right at all!” Ely interrupted. Her French is really good, way too good for Ely to catch up. “Je suis désolé,” Noah still covering himself with his hands, insisted not to wear the thong Natasha gave him. “Sorry? Is that all you can say?” Natasha shook her head. Well, this time, she understood what Noah said cause ‘sorry’ is a basic word. “Well, I’m too busy poking the balloons, I have no time to save you, Noah,” Natasha added. Ely turned to her and gave her a high five. Both of them laughed. “Wear it and dance!”

“GOD!” Noah sighed. He wore the thong unwillingly. It was totally not cool for him to wear that—especially in front of two hot chicks. He quickly put it on and turned to Ely. “So, you want me to dance? Fine, but give me the pants, right away!” Noah said furiously. He moved his hips slowly, reluctantly, and he really doesn’t like it. “Put your hands behind the head. It’s going to be sexier,” Ely teased. Noah followed what she said and danced. He sang along after Ely and Natasha forced him to do so. “Shake… Shake…Banana,” His voice was too hilarious; he sounded like the chipmunks. Ely and Natasha laughed their ass off.

After he’d done dancing, he raised his shoulder, asking for the pants and shirt back. Ely gave him like she’d promised. “Just wait for your turn, Ely! Sooner or later you’ll be in my shoe!” He yelled, putting his jeans on. “Oh, I’m not finished. Can you decide for me, youtube or school’s blog?” Ely showed the phone screen to Noah who was busy tucking in his shirt. “You guys are nutty bitches!” Noah really stunned to see the video of him dancing in a thong. Ely recorded it with her phone, without Noah noticing it. Noah became so mad and left both of them. Ely gave him the evil smile and chuckled non-stop but Natasha seems to felt guilty for what she’d done.

An eye for an eye, that’s what, makes all of you blind.

SOS! Somebody needs an optician!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Chapter 10: The Devils Wear Jimmy Choo

Title comes from a movie, The Devil Wears Prada

The atmosphere in the wards was getting tenser and tenser. The Levies and The Paynes were blaming one another’s daughter for the accident. It’s technically both fault. If it wasn’t The Paynes who hurt their child’s heart, Ely wouldn’t ask her to go to the party and crash into Ryan’s truck and a rusted car and ended up killing somebody innocent. Oh, that somebody is a twist of fate to be Izzy’s sweetheart, Herman. The accident happened when he was on his way back home from Izzy’s house, after soothing him. Well, faith isn’t with them. They were not meant to be together. Gay oh gay. None of them meant to be together. Enough about them. Still remember Mrs. Tedder and Ryan’s problem? It doesn’t end there. She made a visit with Rheon to check on Ryan. After accident, of course she wants to know how her son is doing.

However, she looked remorseful that morning. Ryan turned his face away from her as she got in the room. He really didn’t want to forget about it and move on. Rheon used to be his twenty-four seventh best friend. Nah, they don’t really communicate with each other. Although they are living under one roof, they barely speak to each other. Ryan preferred short text messages than talking to his brother. “I’m so sorry, I should’ve told you when I had decided to stay here,” Mrs. Tedder said, her voice is so soft, apologetic and everything in between. Her hands ran on the bed, reaching Ryan’s. “Ryan, all we got now is three of us. We have to forgive each other. You can’t treat us cold like this!” Rheon sounded annoyed with his brother’s attitude. “Why you can?” Ryan threw the pillow off him. He sat on the bed and tried to get off it. Mrs. Tedder held his hand, looking at him deeply into his eyes. She never knew that her son had such beautiful pair of eyes till she explored it in about a minute ago. What an awful mother she is. Ryan sighed. He’s way too kind to push his own mother’s hand. He kindly turned his face away from her. “Forgive sounds good… Forget, I’m not sure I could,” Ryan said under his breath. He is really too weak to fight with his own mother. He’s a good son. Mrs. Tedder smiled, way too happy that her son had forgiven her. Rheon on the other hand, isn’t really excited about it. He knew his brother would forgive them, somehow.

King or not, she’s still your mother, Lord R. Wherever she threw and pushed you to, you are still her son and you can never change that fact.

Two days later…

The 7teens are back to school. All of them plus Keith were discharged yesterday. No serious injuries occurred to them, maybe just little scratch on their arms or legs. Ely however manage to hide her flaw with her a top-notch blouse from Topshop and a skinny jeans that makes her legs looked really sexy. Luckily, it is not edible, if not; the guys from the football team would have eaten her as soon as she got out from her Porsche. Of course, she wore her red Jimmy Choo too. The one she bought –yesterday? She does shops everyday, so the heels might be the latest one in her wardrobe. She walked into the school proudly, as if nothing had happened to her. Natasha greeted her and walked with her in the hallway to the class. Natasha, in contrast with Ely the fashionista, she is a just-wear-it kind of girl. She threw anything on her as long as it is not something that exposed her body. Ely advised Natasha to catch up with the trend but Natasha didn’t really care about her looks. While walking to the class, Ely moved slower than she usual is. Maybe her handbag was heavier than before. No, it is not. Natasha stopped and turned back to her. “Ely, you don’t want to be late, do you?” She was like her reminder, always. Ely rolled her eyes and stroked her hair. “Look at this board, my dear. The Talent time postponed to….” She walked closer to the board. “The new date will be set next week, Love Santa Claus,” She continued and added some words into it. She smiled. She knew that she isn’t ready for the competition yet. Natasha was also relieved. She had been practicing without Ely since the beginning and now they had more time to make things back to the track. “Good to hear that, E!”

Ely felt sarcasm in Natasha’s words. She shook her head and continued walking. Natasha as well. When they were about three classes away, once again, Ely stopped. “What now?” Natasha whined. Ely grabbed her face powder from her handbag and fixed her make-ups. She really needs to work on her timing. Ely look into the mirror and bit her lips. She does that every time she got an evil idea popped out from her mind. “Nat, did you learn anything from the accident?” Her accent is marvelous. Sometimes, brainless people couldn’t get her because it is way too prestigious for them to understand. “Yes. How about you?” Natasha replied against her will. She didn’t like being late for class. “I do. It’s about one thing,” Ely threw her face powder into her handbag, gently. “And what is it?” Ely pulled her arms and walked to the class. “That life is too short!” Ely yelled. She pushed Natasha’s hands off her. “Good to hear that, so you going to repent, E?” Natasha raised her eyebrows and smiled at her best friend. She sounded happy to hear that her friend is about to change for good. “No. Life is too short. We might not have enough time to take our revenge on Noah Snyder,” Ely is still Ely. She hasn’t change –at all. “E, what are you thinking?” Natasha sighed.

Suddenly, a girl banged into them. She was running because she was late as well. Ely fell to the floor. Natasha managed to duck them and stood vacantly. Ely lifted herself up and fixed her blouse. She looked down to her Jimmy Choo and they were absolutely fine. But there is something wrong and Ely really didn’t like it at all. The girl a.k.a Christine is wearing the exact same high heels as her. As red as hers, as pretty as hers, as latest as hers. “What are you doing with my Choo-es?” Choo-es ‘cause it is rhymed with shoes and she’s completely nuts for creating such word. She frowned and looked at Christine furiously. She doesn’t like her peers to be as latest or more up-to-date than her. She takes it as a serious matter as if it is an economical crisis for the businessmen to overcome. “FYI. It is mine. Get off my way!” Christine pushed Ely’s shoulder. Natasha still kept herself away from the devils on The Jimmy Choo. They can be aggressive and wild sometimes, she’d rather butt off than hurt herself by pulling them apart. “Nobody pushes Elizabeth Maya Levy!” Ely pulled Christine’s blonde hair. “Ouch, stop it!” Christine shouted.

Out of nowhere, Dylan came to the rescue. He was late too. Why is everybody late for the class today? He was formally suited. For a second there, he looked like Arnold Schwarzenegger. “Hasta la vista baby!” That is not what exactly he said. Well, it’s close enough. “What are you doing baby?” He shouted on top of his lungs. He was holding the Math book on his hand. He threw it on the floor and broke Ely and Christine apart. With his muscles, he got them separated easily. “What are you guys thinking? Fighting over a lollipop?” Dylan joked. Natasha laughed at him. He’s totally right, fighting over heels is like kids battling to get the last lollipop on the shelf. Totally immature. Ely was pissed off with the words and went away. She pulled Natasha along with her. She stomped as loud as a woman could possibly stomp. Christine gave her the sinister smile as Ely turned to her right before she went into the class. “Christine, what were you thinking?” Dylan grabbed her shoulders. He’s a little bit rough. “Your babe pulled my hair first! Stop defending them! I’m your girlfriend remember?” She gave Dylan a wake up call. He had forgotten the deal with her. Dylan sighed, frowned, and turned his face away as well. “Well, today in the canteen. I want you to…” Christine sounded very sluttish. “I know what I am going to do. You don’t have to teach me!” Dylan took his book from the floor and walked to the class, ignoring that inglorious bitch.

The greatest wicked witches from all around the world are gathered. Take your spell book out and memorize it before they put the spell on you.

The canteen was packed with students. All of them couldn’t stop talking. Some were gossiping about the accident and some shocked to hear that. The 7teens table wasn’t as full as usual. Dylan, Izzy, Geneva weren’t there. Izzy was still not showing up in public, still under his shell. He dreadfully wants somebody to show him who Izzy really is. Geneva is another typical case. She rescheduled her timetable; she is no longer Harold’s classmate, tablemate, so on and so forth. She’s technically ignoring Harold for some reason. Harold didn’t like the idea of being apart, he treated her cold as well. They didn’t even wave or greet each other.

On the other corner of the canteen, Dylan sat with Comfort on a deserted table. Students isolate it for losers like Comfort. It’s for the geeks too. As usual, Dylan and his coolness broke the ice. They talked about science, animals, history, American idol, Chemistry, and all the lame stuffs that made Dylan uneasy. Those topics are really not his thing. “Can we don’t talk about Hydrogen and Abraham London, please?” He was being honest, too honest. “It’s Lincoln,” Comfort laughed. She shook her head and played with the food. The menu for today is a noodle with some greenly stuff on it. Dylan pushed his food away as he is an anti-vegetable person. He hates green. “Can we talk about us?” He spoke with a lot of coolness in it. His hands twitching around the table, wanting to grab something; well his balls is his underneath the jeans, if not, he will be holding it right here, right now. “Us?” Comfort blushed. She pretended to not know what Dylan was talking about. She was pushing it a little bit too far. Oh, for God’s sake. Get on his body; he wants it so badly. “Yes, us.” Dylan moved closer to her. “I… I like you, Comfort,” His eyes caught Comfort’s. “Dylan, it has been so long I’m keeping this from you, I like you too,” She pushed her food and turned to Dylan. She smiled beautifully like an innocent child. “I love everything about you. When I’m with you, you don’t treat me like I’m the football captain or the son of Derrick Bradshaw. You treat me like, I’m… me. Myself. I had been searching for it for so long but you, you bring him back to me,” Dylan let everything out. He’s expressing his love like he never did before. Usually, he will use, “Hey sweetie, can I give you a ride?” or “You must be from a hot place. I can feel the heat even you are miles away,” But this time, it is truly from the bottom of his stone heart. “I like you too, Dylan,” Comfort replied with full of blessing.

“But there is three things I hate about you,” Dylan stood up, pushing himself away from Comfort. “First, you stink!” He got his body a foot away from Comfort. Comfort was stunned to hear that. “Second, you are totally ugly,” Dylan shouted at her. “And third, you are not Christine Foster!” Dylan turned to Christine who was sitting a few tables away. Christine was shocked as Comfort was. She turned to Dylan with a lot of expression on her face. “Dylan, are you trying to say that you want to get back with you girlfriend?” Comfort stood up and knocked the table. “Yes, I am proposing if you haven’t notice,” Dylan answered evilly. This shows that Devils not only wear Jimmy Choo but, it wears sneakers as well. Christine strutted to Dylan. A lot of eye didn’t want to miss the chance to see the glamorous couple hooking back up. Some cheered and made Comfort’s heart melt to stone. “You are…” Comfort pulled Dylan’s shoulder. She couldn’t continued and gave Dylan a slap. It hurt greater than Christine’s. Christine got to Dylan and rubbed his cheek gently. “Go away, you idiot!” Christine pushed Comfort with her filthy hands. Comfort reflected the push and went out from the canteen, angrily. Christine laughed and turned back to Dylan. “It’s a yes, honey” She jumped into Dylan and kissed him.

“Hey you,” Ely approached Christine. She got off Dylan and put her hands on her waist. “That’s what you want isn’t it?” Dylan disgusted by Christine, he pushed her and smiled at Ely. Ely smiled back but was curious to know what he was thinking. “You owe me a story D!” She shouted. Dylan headed out and raised his hand. “And back to you,” Ely looked back at the mad Christine. “What’s with you, Dumpee? I heard Noah dumped you after that dream night of yours,” Christine giggled. She pushed her hair to the back and grinned. Ely really hates the bitchy attitude of hers. She grabbed someone’s plate on the table and threw it right to Christine’s yellow dress; she wore striking color just to seek attention, that’s for sure. Christine looked down on her dress and screamed. She sounded like Jennifer Carpenter in The Exorcism of Emily Rose or even worse than that. “One more thing…” Ely stopped and turned to the table next to her. “Are you finished with that coffee?” She said to some freshman. The freshman was so scared of her and just nodded. He gave the coffee to Ely and sat statically. Ely grabbed the coffee and walk back to Christine. She purposely spilled the coffee onto Christine’s high heels. “And now, your choo-es is bitter than mine,” She grinned. Ely quickly grabbed her phone and recorded the incident. “Smile for the paparazzi!” She yelled, laughing at the same time. It may be a bad thing to do in school, but for Ely, she rules the rule. She sets the trend; the others follow, not the other way around. She did quite the right thing to Christine. Someone needs to stand up and bring this fellow down and Ely just did it. “Urgh, wait for my revenge, Ely!” Christine covered the dirt on her dress and stomped to the rest room. She took off her heels and walked on her bare-feet. Everyone in the canteen laughed at Christine and gave a standing ovation to Ely. Ely marched back to 7teen table, sat and continued doing her things—touching up her make-ups is one of those things.

The C-witch fell from her broom. It looks like the E-witch won. But be careful witches, it won’t last long.

“What were you thinking sweetie?” Harold was in a shock. He didn’t interrupt the fight ‘cause he holds a Principe; never get in between when two girls are fighting. “Nothing much,” Ely smiled. Harold shook his head and giggled, frowning back after few minutes. He’d done something that makes him felt terrible, disgusted by himself. It was surely about Geneva changing her timetable. His egoistic mind-set pulled him back from saying sorry to Geneva. He wanted to apologize, but he has dignity to hold up high. She ignored me; I will ignore her too. As simple as that! He thought but deep inside his heart, he knew he couldn’t live without Geneva.

“E, stop grudging. It makes you old five times faster!” Natasha rolled her eyes. She couldn’t believe herself that she is still a friend of Elizabeth Levy. It is hard work to satisfy her needs; it’s tougher than the History test. “Makes me old? Really? I’ll retire as soon as I get Noah Snyder on his knees,” She bit her lower lips. It doesn’t need the lip gloss, it’s shining like the sunshine already. Natasha ignored Ely, she didn’t want to get into more troubles. “And you are going to come with me,” Ely grabbed her hands. “E,” Natasha said reluctantly. Ely placed a finger on her lips. “Shh.. I know you will help me, thanks Nat! Love you!”

Buckle up your seatbelt people, the road ain’t getting better. Prepare some spare tires; you might need them to get through this vigorous boulevard of broken hopes and dreams.